Title: Reprieve
Author: Mad Server
Rating: T
Characters: Dean, Sam
Word Count: 100, on the button
Summary: A bad trip to the mall.
A/N: Written for the Enkidu07/Onyx Moonbeam drabble challenge. Prompt phrase: "All of a sudden." See Enkidu07's profile page for a current list of players, and PM her or Onyx Moonbeam if you want to play. Which you definitely should. Especially if you like doing mean things to Dean.
Disclaimer: Still not mine.

"Like you've never fainted."

"I've never fainted."

"Yeah, right."

Dean shifts the ice-bag down to his cheek. Sweat and condensation mat his bangs; his knees are drawn up, guarding his abdomen.

"When you were six."

"What? Bullshit."

"All of a sudden he forgets."

The mall manager returns Dean's pasty grin uncertainly.

"It was when you had worms."

"You feeling better, Dean? 'Cause I'm thinking this nice man might want his office back."

"No sense of humour."

The manager blushes, chuckles nervously.

"Okie-doke," Dean sighs, raising himself on wobbly legs. "We're outie."

He frowns.

Sam lunges; catches him just in time.
