Dabbling in Drabbles of the FMA Variety … 100 of them to be exact

by Suzi a.k.a. KatsyKat

1. Introduction

Ed hated introductions. He wore such distinguishing clothes; it was only a matter of time before someone pegged him and his brother, anyway.

It was just his luck, the military seemed obsessed with greetings. When and how to salute or shake hands – was all predicated on rank.

Thank goodness, as a major, he was able to shirk handshakes with a half-assed salute.

They may call him rude, or impertinent (in consideration of his youth); but he didn't have to hold back the grip of his hand hoping they didn't notice the cool metal clasped in place of warm fleshy digits.


A/N:A little cliché theme perhaps 'Ed hiding his automail' but, overall, I liked how this one turned out. Feel free to let me know what you think. THANKS FOR READING!

To the limitation of my MS word "word counter" (meaning: I am NOT going to actually count each word) each drabble hereafter will be contained in our centennial restrictions of a 'true drabble.' I'm doing this to directly contrast my typical rambling writing style.

There MAY be some spoilers in future chapters. I will try my best to warn in the beginning of any potential spoilers within a drabble – but it's probably a good idea to keep in mind I read the current manga and have seen the entire anime series and movie, so I will try not to, but I may let something slip by accident.

I welcome any other drabble themes/ideas and will credit the contributors if I use them.