Last Time:

"Well done Seras Victoria. You truely are free of my influence aren't you? So what are your rules?"


A figure cloaked in shadows stood beside a dimly lit door chuckled. "So that family has returned has it? I thank you for your information Father Maxwell."

The second figure standing in the room smile and replied, "That family has already betrayed us twice now it is time to repay them for their lack of generosity."

The shadowed figure's chuckle rang threw the building it stood in causing all that heard it to shiver with dread at the promise in it.

This Time:

Seras couldn't help the sigh that escaped her lips. The past few days had been the worse then she had anticipated. Why in the world had she told them about her heritage again? Oh yeah; it was because she had to explain how she had come to own a mideval castle.


Alucard stood behind his former fledgling simply watching her. Where had his timid fledgling gone, and where had this one come from. She constantly defied him and his master at every turn. He knew that his masters demands the day before last had been far out of line but still; she had no right to speak to her that way.


Integra stared out of the window she sat in front of and simply contemplated the events that had occured over the past month or more. She had realized that she had been out of line when demanding that Seras hand over everything her family had gined over the years. She wished that she knew of Seras's heritage before she had offered to let Hellsing opperate out of this castle despite its defenses.


So the Milans had risen to power once more. A figure facing the window mused wilst turnig a glass flute glass round and round watching the rainbows dancing across the floor as the mornig light began to fill the room. The figure had been most surprised to recieve the letter from the last of the Milans the day before and had been pondering on how to reply to her enquiries.


Seras paced in the courtyard waiting and hoping for a positive reply, any reply at all would do actually. She had known these people since she was little. What if they didn't think it was her? What if they thought it was someone playing a joke on them and they didn't reply.

Not too long after she had begun to pace back and forth a shadow seemed to stretch away from the wall before detatching from the wall altogether. "Seras. . . Victoria. . ." a high pitched raspy voice seemed to call from the very air around her causing the soldiers miling about the courtyard to stop what they were doing and glance around looking for the source of the voice and finding nothing.

"Leibert! You came!" Seras exclaimed softly as she moved toward the shadows of the massive wall. Only to be met by some odd sort of creature.

"Of course I came Mistress." The creature somewhat resembled Alucards hellhounds in that it was a massive dog except for it had three heads that supported only one set of eyes. "You should know by now that those decended from the great Cerberus will always answer the call of th Milans."