a/n-- it's the end! and there's no chance of a sequel, just so you know, lmao. i'm happy that so many of you enjoyed it, and i hope you have a wonderous day.


A group of seventh years from all houses sat together in a big cluster under a small copse of trees on the grounds of Hogwarts. They had finished their N.E.W.T.s the day before, and were now taking to time to relax in the warm air after the months of heavy studying.

"When are quidditch try-outs?" Hermione asked her two life-long friends from her spot on the grass, playing with the soft curls of Blaise's hair while his head rested on her lap.

"June thirteenth," Ron answered at the same time as Harry's, "July first." Both young men were going to try out for a few different teams, but each had a specific one in mind that they were hoping for an offer from.

"Mine will be just two days after Daphne and I get home from our honeymoon."

"Honeymoon?" Lavender asked, sensing she was about to hear some gossip.

"Yes," answered Daphne. "Harry and I are going to be married in two weeks."

Hermione wasn't surprised by this news- it was only four days previous that Harry and Daphne had confided in her that Daphne was pregnant. They had been frightened of what Daphne's parents would say, and both had assumed that a quickie marriage was likely. Neither had seemed too put out by the prospect, though.

It looked as if most of their friends hadn't had any idea that this was coming, and they all sat there, jaws hanging wide open.

"Are you sure you want to do that, mate?" Ron asked, despite knowing the circumstances. "No offence to Daphne, but do you even know how many birds you'll be missing out on?" After his short tryst with Astoria the previous summer, and owing to his prowess on the pitch, Ron had become something of a ladies' man, never dating any girl for more than two weeks. On the rare occasion they had dated longer, the girls were known to go on ego trips, thinking to have snagged Ron Weasley. In fact, Ron had become even more desirable that Malfoy, once he had gained his self-confidence, proving that more girls in Hogwarts went for men based more on personality than money.

"It's not like I was going to date anyone else," Harry said with a laugh, giving Daphne a squeeze around the shoulders. "I've been planning on marrying Daph for quite some time now, and I can't think of any reason to wait."

"You do realise you've gone nutters- actually wanting to be with one witch for the rest of your life."

"Ron, I'm sure one day you'll meet the perfect woman and change your mind," Savannah said, taking the words right out of Hermione's mouth.

"Not bloody likely," the redhead scoffed.

"She never said it would be anytime soon," Hermione said, laughing at the disgusted look on Ron's face.

"What, are you planning on running off and getting married, too?"

"No, Ron. I love Blaise, Blaise loves me, but I, for one, am not ready to get married yet. Besides, Theo and I have two years of strict training ahead of us."

"I hear it's really time-consuming, too," Theo interjected.

"But, Theo, what am I supposed to do while you're spending all your time training?" the witch who Theo's arm was wrapped around said with a pout.

"How about you get a job, or train for a career," Hermione said in an annoyed voice.

"I can't get a job!" she responded, horrified. "My mother says that working is beneath us- I have to find a proper wizard to marry," Pansy Parkinson said, sending a sly glance to Theo.

"I'm not going to marry you, Pansy," he told her in a bored voice, giving off the impression that this wasn't even the tenth time he had had to tell her so. She had been hinting about marriage for almost a month now, and it was getting on his last nerve.

Lilah had broken up with him a month into the school year, and about the same time Draco had dumped Pansy. Knowing that Pansy was trying to become a better person, at least where his sister was concerned, Theo decided to give her a chance. They had been together ever since, much to Hermione's chagrin, but she didn't foresee the relationship lasting much longer. One of the many times she had complained to Blaise about how often she had to see the girl, he had admitted to her that Theo was tired of her, but staying with her mostly because she was a good lay. Hermione had had to stop herself from retching at the mental image afforded her.

Pansy huffed, crossing her arms across her chest and looking away.

"Not to mention that Dad will make our lives hell if training to be an Unspeakable isn't the highest priority for either of us. Sometimes I think I should have chosen a different career just so I wouldn't have to worry about disappointing him," Hermione said.

"You have nothing to worry about, love," Blaise reassured. "You'll be an excellent Unspeakable."

"You don't even know what an Unspeakable does," Theo commented, still ignoring his sulking girlfriend.

"Doesn't matter. Hermione would be excellent at whatever she chooses to do."

"And you'll be great in your Arithmancy apprenticeship," Hermione told her boyfriend, leaning forward to drop a kiss on his forehead.

"Yes!" came a sudden scream from the outskirts of the group. Susan Bones was wrapping her arms around her boyfriend of nearly two years, Neville Longbottom, who looked to be getting to his feet.

As soon as she let him out of the fierce hug, Susan rushed off to the other girls to show off the ring he had just placed on her finger.

"See!" Pansy said, looking at Theo. "Harry and Daphne aren't the only ones getting married." In response, Theo sighed and rested his head in his hands.

Before anyone could say anything else, though, they heard Dean Thomas calling to them from five or six meters away, asking if anyone wanted to play a pick-up game of quidditch that was being organized. Half of the group immediately responded in the affirmative, and the whole group stood to leave their nice, shaded patch of grass.

As Hermione watched her friends walk to the quidditch pitch, lagging slightly behind, she couldn't help but think of all the changes her life had seen over the past year, starting with the death of Lord Voldemort. She felt immensely blessed, having the love of not one, but two great families, and a large group of close-knit friends that she knew she could turn to with anything life could throw at her.

"You coming, love?" she heard Blaise call, and realised how far behind the others she had fallen back. When she nodded her head, he waited for her to catch up. "I love you," he murmured, gazing into her eyes.

"Always and forever?" she asked, a playful smile finding its way to her lips.

"Always and forever," he verified, closing the space between their lips.