Disclaimer: Not my characters


They were sitting together in the field near the Hogwarts boundary. She had her legs to the side, bent at the knee, whereas he was sitting cross-legged to the left of her. Her head was currently occupying his shoulder. He rested his hand on hers, barely able to resist the urge to entwine their fingers. She smiled at him and slowly interlocked them.


"Angelina." She smiled softly.

"What happens if one of us is picked for the tournament?"

"We take part." She moved away, and he felt the cool air hit his shoulder.

"I'm being serious Diggory." He frowned. "What if I lost you? I just couldn't live with myself if that happened." Cedric shifted slightly towards her, and gave a heavy sigh.

"Well then I'd hope that it's me who gets picked, because then you wouldn't get hurt."

"You'd be so scared though! We both know that you're not exactly the bravest person I know." He poked her.

"Which means that I would activate my instinct for survival. Whereas you, my little lioness, would be too brave and would rush headlong into every situation." It was her turn to poke him.

"Ouch! Jeez Angelina! Your fingers are really pointy! That hurt!" He pouted and she laughed before poking him again. She leant back against him.

"Anyway. Honestly now Cedric, that took guts to put your name into the goblet." He grinned. "Maybe a bit of my Gryffindor bravery has rubbed off on you."

"Well my friends have notice a difference." She laughed. He kissed her on the ntop of the head and savoured the sound.

Not realising what was on the path ahead.

