For Cannibalistic Skittles challenge

1. Dream

Hot chocolate and strange dreams

"You shouldn't drink all of that hot chocolate, Puck. You'll have really weird dreams," Sabrina warned me. She'd changed slightly after her visit into the future. Every time she saw me, her eyes would grow wide. She wouldn't tell me why, even if I threatened her.

"Whatever, Grimm. Are you sure you don't want to just have it all to yourself?" I asked.

Sabrina did her signature eye roll. Her lips twitched, fighting a smile. "Fine, but I'm warning you." With that she opened her journal and began writing in it. The old lady even made me keep a journal.

"You're practically part of the family," she'd said, "which means that you have to record all of you experiences in a journal." Although I was slightly touched-though I would never admit it- I complained, nonetheless. But since stubbornness runs in the family, the old lady wouldn't let me back out.

Anyway, after my fifth cup of hot chocolate, I began to feel drowsy. I must have fallen asleep or something because I began to have the strangest dream. I was running in the forest behind the house. I was chasing someone who was just barely out of my reach, a shadow dancing under the full moon. The person jumped behind a tree and giggled. I realized that the person I was chasing was a girl. I cornered her, thinking that it was Sabrina, but to my horror, I came face to face with Moth.

Moth grinned and wore a simple green dress. She took a step forward to hug me. "Oh, Pucky, I missed you!"

I backed away. "Stay back, you maniac," I warned.

Then, to my utter relief and confusion, she was swallowed up by the ground. Thank you, Ground. Now if only that happened in real life...

Before I knew it, I found myself standing in a crowd of people, and I was wearing a tux. Why the heck am I wearing a tux? Daphne hurried up to me.

"Puck, you're going to be late! You should be there already!" she scolded.

"What? Where? Why am I wearing this?" I asked.

Daphne frowned. "Haha," she said sarcastically, " like you could forget this!" Daphne pulled me over to a platform, where Sabrina was waiting. My mouth fell open when I saw her. She was wearing a wedding gown and looked beautiful. Daphne pushed me next to her, then scurried away.

"You're getting married?" I asked incredulously, with a hint of jealousy. "To whom?"

Sabrina glared at me. "Who else is standing next to me wearing a tux?" she inquired.

"M-me?" I asked, baffled. She gave me her "duh" face. Before I could move, Elvis came up to the alter wearing a tux as well.

He rose onto his two back legs and said, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, and in the presence of these witnesses, both the living and those who have passed on to join together Puck and Sabrina in the bond of matrimony. This bond is eternal, never ending, for all the days of your lives."

I just gaped at him. "You talk!" I exclaimed.

Elvis gave me a pointed look. "Yes, Puck, I talk."

Sabrina gave me a weird stare. "Are you feeling alright, Puck?" It began to seem like her voice was coming from the end to a tunnel. "Puck. Puck...Puck!"

I awoke with a start. Sabrina leaned over me with a concerned expression. " Puck, are you okay?" she asked. Her beautiful blue eyes filled with concern. Wait. Did I just think that?

"Yeah, I just had the weirdest dream," I replied.

Sabrina grinned. "I told you not to drink so much hot chocolate," she said.

"Did you know that I Told You So has a brother. He's called Shut the Hell up," I grumbled.

Sabrina surprised me by laughing. "That was a good one. I'm going to remember that."

"Got it off the Simpsons," I replied.

What was your dream about? You had the strangest facial expression. Like you were completely stunned or something," she explained.

I couldn't believe I blushed, but I did. "Um..." I was thinking of a way to hide part of the truth, "Elvis was talking."

Sabrina raised an eyebrow. "That's all?" I remained silent. "Fine don't tell me!" she grumbled.

I smirked. "I'll tell you another time..." Maybe.

I got the told you so thing from Breaking Dawn. And I don't own the Sisters Grimm.

How was it?