My first ever fanfic on this site and I do not own Wolf's Rain thanks for asking.

Chapter Eight: Night at Tsume's pt.2

Ten short minutes later, Blue found herself marching back into Tsume's room. She had changed out of the pretty baby blue dress and into, well, just about everything she could get her hands onto. She had layers upon layers of various camis, t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, basically everything that she could get out of the closet and fit onto her body. She waddled back into the room and found Tsume sitting outside on the balcony, looking at the stars. She tiptoed up to him, her socks silencing her walk. Hey, even socks counted for strip rock-paper-scissors!

"Hi," she said timidly, not looking into his eyes at first.

"Hi," he replied, looking at her. "You look good. You should wear sweats and hoodies all the time. Covers up all your body fat."

Blue looked up astonished. She was about to thank him for the compliment but now she was thinking otherwise.

"Excuse me?! Can't you go on sentence without making some stupid, snide comment about how ugly or fat I am?" snapped Blue, irritated.

"Of course. I just did," smirked Tsume. Blue got up in a huff. "Oh, leaving so soon?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied coldly. Cold hands locked around her wrists like iron fetters.

"I'm afraid we still have a game to finish," said Tsume, looking deep into her eyes. "I thought you said you weren't chicken. Well, prove it."

Blue narrowed her eyes and plopped onto the balcony, facing the many beer bottles that were lined up neatly on the floor. She felt a sudden rush of concern as she remembered her low tolerance for alcohol. What did she just get herself into?

"I'm ready when you are," she said, staring steadily at Tsume. He laughed and settled on the opposite side of her.

"On the count of three," she said.

"Don't you mean rock, paper, scissors?" said Tsume, rolling his eyes at her. Blue blushed.

"Um…yeah, ok fine. Rock, paper SCISSORS!" she cried, forming her hand into the shape of "scissors." She looked at Tsume's hand. It was a fist. She lost. Go figure.

"Go on, what are you waiting for? Or are you chickening out?" prompted Tsume. Blue grabbed one of the beer bottles and popped the top open. She threw a challenging look at Tsume and took a swig from the bottle. She grimaced involuntary as the beer washed down her throat. Blue wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and looked triumphantly back at Tsume.

"There. We play again," she challenged. "Rock, paper, scissors!" she said, making paper. She yelled out happily as she saw that she had beat Tsume. "Drink up, pretty boy," she crowed proudly. He rolled his eyes and grabbed her beer, taking a long drink.

"Hey! That was my beer!" yelled Blue angrily. She blushed hard as Tsume's fingers once again, found her chin and she stared deep into his eyes.

"Suck it up, Princess."

"Rock, paper, scissors." She had lost again. Blue swore under her breath as she reached for the opened beer bottle. She cried out in shock as Tsume ripped the bottle from her fingers. "What did you do that for?" she yelled at him. "Give it back to me!"

"Did you really forget about the deal or are you just as stupid as I thought you were?" asked Tsume, setting the beer bottle far away from her. "You're welcome to drink as much as you like, but you still have to strip off an item of clothing." There was a long silence between them in which Blue sat there, wondering what she should take off. Finally she settled on pulling off one of her socks.

Several rounds later, Blue found herself losing much more than she would've liked and each new swig of beer brought about a new round of vertigo. Her head was buzzing pleasantly and her clothing was reduced to some camis and her sweat pants. There was a pile of hoodies and sweaters and other various sorts of clothing lying next to her, proof of just how many times she had lost to Tsume. All Tsume had taken off were his shoes.

"Dish game ish toooo shlow for me," drawled Blue drunkenly. Empty beer bottles were scattered around her as she laughed out loud to the clear night sky above her. "Speed it up, please!"

"What are you talking about?" asked Tsume warily. Clearly she was not used to drinking.

"Hows about we drink AND shtrip everytime we lost!" she cried out happily.

"You're losing your mind. I think you've had enough to drink now," said Tsume, settling down with another bottle of beer. Clearly his tolerance for alcohol was much higher than Blue's. Blue flopped onto the ground, disappointed. She grabbed another bottle of beer and popped it open. She had just taken two mouthfuls when Tsume yanked it away from her.

"Give it BACK!" she cried, grabbing fistfuls of air while she was trying to "take it back" from him.

"No," he replied simply.

"Fine then," she replied sweetly, lunging forward and grabbing Tsume's own bottle away from him. She put it to her mouth and continued to gulp down beer. She had forgotten just how much she hated beer. All she cared about was continuing the pleasant buzzing in her head and alcohol seemed to do the trick. Now it was Tsume's turn to get his beer back. "Just drink da one you shtole from moi!"

"No," growled Tsume, leaping after her as she ran around the balcony, knocking over empty beer bottles. He managed to knock her down, pinning her wrists to the floor. The beer trickled out of the bottle and onto the balcony as she lay on the ground. "Now look what you did."

"W-what are you shaying? YOU knocked me down and I fell, oops," she giggled.

"What's wrong with you?" said Tsume in a disgusted tone. He released her wrists and rolled over so that he sat on the ground next to where she lay. Blue sat up suddenly and grabbed another bottle of beer. She shook it vigorously and popped open the cap. Beer fizzed everywhere. Tsume got a good face full of beer as Blue directed a steady stream of beer at him.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" yelled Tsume furiously as he leapt away from her. Blue was laughing her head off, rolling around on the soaked balcony. Tsume was about to slap some sense into her as she sat up and looked at him, laughing. Her eyes sparkled in a way that he has never seen before and again, he felt drawn to her. Suddenly, all the beer in his hair and on his clothes seemed to mean little to him as he grabbed another bottle and sprayed it all over her. She gave a little shriek and tried to shield her face from the beer.

"Get away from me!" Blue laughed and pounced onto Tsume, knocking them both over. Suddenly, it was a battle for dominance and beer as they both sprayed one another constantly. Blue was slipping all over the drenched balcony, trying to escape the unrelenting stream of beer that Tsume was sending her way.

"Stop wasting all the beer!" she shrieked. "I still want some more!" The air wooshed out of her lungs as Tsume pinned her down for what felt like the fiftieth time that day. His lips pressed against hers and he forced open her mouth. Warm beer rushed into her mouth as he emptied the beer that was once in his mouth into hers. Blue spluttered and coughed as the unsuspecting beer rushed down the wrong pipe. She sat up and laughed, too drunk to care about what he just did. "My clothes feel so gwross," complained Blue, tugging on the wet, sticky fabric of her sweats and camis.

"I can help you out of that," teased Tsume.

"Not if I get it off first!" screamed Blue, squirming away from him, trying to take off her camis.

"Come back here," growled Tsume, crawling after her, slipping a bit on the wet floor of the balcony. He felt giddy as he wrapped an arm around her waist and took her down. Blue scrabbled with the fabric of her cami as Tsume hooked a finger at the bottom of it and yanked it up over her head. This continued until Blue was only clad in her bra and sweats.

"Ish not fair," she murmured, fingering Tsume's hair.

"What's not fair?" asked Tsume, feeling the alcohol getting to him slightly.

"Why do you shtill have all your clothes?" grumbled Blue, frowning slightly. Tsume bent over and pulled off his shirt so that he was naked waist up.

"Happy?" he asked. Blue surveyed him up and down drunkenly.

"Maybeee…" she teased. "But I'm still very sticky."

The couple moved their party back indoors and fell onto the bed. Tsume didn't care that they were making his bed sticky and dirty. All her cared was the fact that Blue was in his room and that they were alone on his bed. Off came his pants. Off came her pants. Blue shivered as cool air struck her bare legs. She was lying on the bed of a stranger only in her skivvies. She has never done this before. Blue was a good girl. Still a virgin, in fact. She wasn't sure if she wanted to lose her virginity quite so quickly. Blue leapt up and ran around the room.

"No, no, no!" she said, dizziness overtaking her as her laps around the room took a toll on her along with the alcohol.

"What?" said a frustrated Tsume. "What is wrong with you!?"

"No!" cried Blue before passing out.


Light filtered in and Blue cracked open her eyes. She sat up groggily and groaned loudly as vertigo rushed to her head. Her skull was throbbing and felt like it was about to split open. She fell back onto her pillow and shielded her eyes from the light. What happened and why did she feel like crap? She rolled over slowly, hoping that more sleep would help her feel better and felt warm breath on her bare back? Wait. Why was there someone with her in the room and why was her back naked? Did Marcus sneak back into her room?

Blue sat up suddenly as an arm snaked around her wrist. She whipped around, not caring how that action just made her head spin sickeningly. She was just about naked. She was in bed. With Tsume.

"TSUME!" shrieked Blue, shoving him off the bed and yanking the blankets up to her chin, attempting to cover up her body. His body thudded to the ground and he yelled out in surprise and pain.

Author's note:

Sorry for the long pause in which I didn't update. SORRY SORRY SORRY!

School has just been so hard for me and I'm so busy now that I'm getting older and stuff. I'll try to update as much as I can!

Reviews would help give me motivation too! ;)

*hint hint*