Here's the second part of the epilogue, a million years later. I know I suck at updating, so I'm just going to leave it at that. Its not as long as the first epilogue but its still pretty lengthy. I hope that you will enjoy it. I know many of you asked about the second part of Kenzie's birth but that is reserved for the sequel. I just didn't have the time for this part. So without further ado, epilogue part 2:

"Ugh, this corset is killing me," Sharpay groaned as she attempted to get comfortable in her seat.

"No one forced you to wear it," Troy smirked at his wife as he pulled to a complete stop at a red light.

"It makes my costume so much more authentic," Sharpay replied as she glanced down at her self. "And I look hot again now that I've lost all that baby weight. I just had to show off my post Mackenzie figure."

"You always look hot," Troy grinned, hoping to score some major brownie points wit his wife. He wanted nothing more than to continue their date night in the comforts of their own bedroom. "And you lost the baby weight a long time ago honey."

"Oh please Bolton, you're just trying to get in my pants," Sharpay giggled loudly, she'd had several cocktails at the Halloween party now that she was done nursing the baby. "Or my corset rather."

"Is it working?"

"Maybe," Sharpay giggled once again, "keep the compliments coming and this could be your lucky night honey."

"Wahoo!" Troy laughed as he began to drive again, once the light turned green.

"I said maybe Troy, don't get too carried away."

"Did I mention that you're the most beautiful queen that I've ever seen?"

"Eh," Sharpay shrugged and turned her head to look out the window; her big brown eyes focused on the many homes of their upscale community as they quickly flew by.

"You rocked the karaoke at the party."

"Is that the best you can come up with? God, I'm so tired," Sharpay sighed as she leaned against the window, closing her eyes.

"No," Troy mumbled under his breath.

"What honey?" Sharpay questioned, her eyes still closed, close to sleep.

"I didn't say anything," Troy replied, keeping his eyes on the road. "Did I mention that your hair looks beautiful, that cut is really working for you and your honey gold highlights frame your face perfectly?"


"Not a good one huh?" Troy questioned out loud as he turned to his wife. "Sharpay?"

"I'm trying to sleep Troy."

"Sorry," Troy muttered, there went his lucky night…yippee.

A few minutes later, Troy was driving up their long and curvy driveway and into the four car garage. "Pay," Troy shook his wife gently after putting his BMW in park. "We're home."

"Mmm," Sharpay slowly opened her eyes. "Carry me."

"Are you serious?"

"I didn't think so," Sharpay rolled her eyes and opened her door.

"You're more than capable of walking," Troy chuckled.

"You suck," Sharpay pouted as she and Troy walked in the back door of their house.

"Do you think Maddie is in the family room?" Troy questioned as they walked farther into their house.

"Troy, she's always in the family room after she puts the girls to bed. I hope she gave Caitlin a bath; she was so filthy after her Halloween party. They actually bobbed for apples and went on a hayride. She had a lot of fun though."

"I bet," Troy replied. "I didn't get to talk to her much after practice."

"I'm sure she'll tell you all about it tomorrow."

"So are you still sleepy?"

"Troy," Sharpay rolled her eyes at her horny husband as she walked into the family room. "Hi Maddie," Sharpay greeted their babysitter who was engrossed in some reality show on the flat screen.

"Oh hi Mr. and Mrs. Bolton," the college aged girl stood up quickly.

"How'd it go?" Troy asked as he reached for his wallet in his back pocket.

"Good, Caitlin was a little upset after you left but she calmed down during dinner. We played for a little bit, I gave her a bath and then put her to bed," Maddie responded as she gathered her things.

"Oh great, did Kenzie give you any problems?" Sharpay questioned, the eight month old baby had a very happy demeanor but could be extremely loud when she wanted to be.

"No, she was fine. I gave her those baby food jars of squash and chicken and a bottle before bed and I haven't heard a peep out of her since 7:45," Maddie told the two.

"Here you go," Troy handed her two fifties which the young girl gratefully took.

"Thanks so much," Maddie smiled.

"You're welcome," Sharpay replied. "Let me walk you out." Sharpay walked the babysitter to the front door while Troy turned off all the lights and the T.V. in the family room.

"Everything's all set down here," Troy came up behind Sharpay as she locked the front door.

"I want to check on the girls before we head to bed," Sharpay and Troy began their ascent up the stairs.

"How about you check on Caitlin and I'll check on Kenz?" Troy suggested as they made it up stairs.

"Sure," Sharpay replied as she walked down the hallway, straight into Caitlin's bedroom while Troy headed into Mackenzie's.

Sharpay carefully entered the dark room, the only light came from the little star nightlight in the corner. When Sharpay made her way over to her daughter's bed, she was shocked that the bed was empty. "Oh my god!" Sharpay was in full Mommy panic mode as she pulled down the covers before looking under the bed, no Caitlin. She also checked the closet and the bathroom and there was no sign of her daughter. Sharpay hurried out of the room and down the hall into her own room. Troy must have still been checking on Kenzie because he wasn't in there and there didn't seem to be any sign of Caitlin either. Sharpay raced across the hall and straight into her husband's arms. "Troy!" Sharpay exclaimed, forgetting that there was a sleeping baby in the room.

"What is it?" Troy asked, knowing that Sharpay was not alright.

"Caitlin's missing!"

"Pay," Troy began.

"She's not in her room and she's not in our room," Sharpay explained, her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest.

"Sharpay," Troy was interrupted once again.

"Where the hell could she be?"

"Sharpay," Troy gently shook her, "Calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down when my little girl is missing!"

"She's not missing," Troy smiled. "She's right here."

"What?" Sharpay questioned as Troy turned her around and there in Kenzie's crib was the most precious sight in the world. Caitlin was laying right next to her baby sister with a protective arm swung over her. "Oh my gosh, what is she doing in there?"

"It looks like she gave her a bottle," Troy replied, there was an empty bottle at the bottom of the crib and they had left Maddie strict instructions not to let Kenzie sleep with a bottle. "I didn't think she knew how to climb up into that crib."

"Why would she give her a bottle? Maddie should have done that if she woke up."

"Maybe she heard her crying," Troy suggested.

"But Maddie should have taken care of that."

"You know, it kind of looked like the baby monitor was unplugged in the family room when I was turning everything off."

"You don't think Maddie would intentionally turn it off, do you?" The thought of their trusted babysitter doing something so foolish made her sick to her stomach. What if something truly serious had happened to Kenzie, she wasn't even one years old yet.

"God, I hope not," Troy was feeling the same as Sharpay, anything could have happened.

"They look so adorable," Sharpay couldn't take her eyes off of her beautiful girls. "I almost don't want to move her."

"Then don't."

"Troy, it's not safe for Caitlin to sleep in here. There's not enough room and one of them could get hurt," Sharpay could go on forever on the dangers of crib safety. "Please bring her back to her room."

"Alright, alright," Troy walked over to the crib and carefully picked up his older daughter causing her to wake in the process.

"Daddy," Caitlin mumbled as she dug her head into his shoulder.

"I got you baby," Troy said reassuringly as he kissed her head before heading out of the room, with Sharpay quickly following.

Troy laid Caitlin down in her own bed before taking a seat on the edge while Sharpay sat behind him. By now Caitlin was a little bit more aware and Sharpay wanted to know exactly what had happened.

"Sweetie, what were you doing in Kenzie's crib?" Sharpay asked her little girl.

"She cried for a long time," Caitlin explained. "Maddie never came upstairs so I went downstairs. She didn't see me by the door because she was talking on the phone."

"But couldn't she hear Kenzie crying?" Troy questioned.

"No, the baby monitor wasn't on when I went in there," Caitlin replied as she shifted in her bed.

"What did you do after that sweetie?" Sharpay asked another question.

"I went to the kitchen and got Kenzie a bottle from the fridge and then I put it in the microwave," Caitlin continued to tell her story. "Then I came to her room and climbed in her crib and fed her all by myself."

"Butterfly how did you get into the refrigerator by yourself or the microwave?" Troy was astonished that his three and a half year old was this resourceful and responsible, as opposed to their babysitter.

"I used the chair."

"And Maddie never heard you?" Caitlin shook her head 'no.' "Honey, why did you do everything? You should have gotten Maddie," Sharpay said as she reached for her daughter's small hand.

"But I'm Kenzie's big sister, you said I should always help her Mommy," Caitlin smiled as did her parents, they were proud of the way she had stepped up.

"That's true honey, but you could have gotten hurt standing on the chair or climbing into the crib. It's a grown up's job to watch a baby all the time," Sharpay responded, "but thank you so much for feeding your baby sister."

"You're welcome Mommy; she was super duper hungry too. She drank her bottle all up and burped two times!"

"She did?" Troy laughed. "What a little piggy."

"Daddy," Caitlin laughed, "She's not a piggy, just a baby."

"Oh sorry," Troy grinned and bent down to kiss his little girl on the cheek. "Its late butterfly, you need to get back to sleep."

"Daddy's right honey, you have a big day tomorrow," Sharpay gave Caitlin a kiss too and tucked her back in as soon as Troy moved out of the way.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Caitlin asked, followed by a nice, big yawn. She couldn't remember if they had any special plans.

"Well we are doing something special for you because you're such a great big sister," Sharpay grinned; she definitely thought that Caitlin needed a little treat for everything she had done tonight.

"Really?" Caitlin yawned again.

"Really, now get some sleep," Sharpay stood up and as soon as she did, Caitlin's eyes closed, sleep already overcoming her.

"Can you believe that?" Troy questioned as he and Sharpay walked back to their own bedroom. "I mean could we have been blessed with a better kid?"

Sharpay smiled, "I know, she's so wonderful. I know all parents say that but we've got the best kids, hands down."

"Oh definitely," Troy nodded his head.

"Hopefully they'll stay so wonderful after they hit puberty."

"I'm not even going there," Troy shuddered at the thought. "I want my little girls to be young forever."

"Wishful thinking honey, but they're going to grow up and I'm sure they'll still be daddy's little girls," Sharpay giggled as she kissed him lightly. "I know I still was."

"Still am honey," Troy corrected Sharpay to which she stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm sure your dad thinks you're wonderful, I know I do."

"Are you still trying the compliments to get a little action?"

"Maybe," Troy chuckled. "Is it working?"


Sharpay woke up quite startled with drops of sweat rolling down her face. She looked around, happy to know that she was still in her bedroom but her dream had really frightened her.

"Pay?" Troy rubbed her back, he'd just come up to bed after watching a game downstairs. "You had the dream again, didn't you?"

Sharpay nodded, trying her hardest not to cry. "It's getting worse this time. We had to bury you at the end right before I woke up."

"Honey I'm sorry," Troy wrapped his arms around his wife.

"Troy it feels so real," Sharpay just couldn't help it as the tears finally began to roll down her cheeks. "I'm so afraid that I'm going to lose you."

"Pay, I'm not going anywhere," Troy kissed away her tears. "I'm right here and I'm fine."

"You don't know that Troy," Sharpay sniffled.

"Pay I feel just fine, I'm not sick or anything."

"But these things sneak up on you…," Sharpay trailed off. "I just…Troy, I'm so worried."

"Do you want me to go to the doctor?"

"Would you?" Sharpay asked hopefully.

"If it would ease your mind then yes."

"Thank you," Sharpay snuggled into Troy. "I would really feel a lot better knowing that you're perfectly healthy."

"Good," Troy kissed her cheek. "Think you can get some sleep?"

"I'll try," sleeping in Troy's arms always did wonders for Sharpay.

The next morning, Troy made an appointment with his doctor for later that afternoon. Since he was Troy Bolton, basketball star, he didn't have any problems making such a last minute appointment. He wanted to get it out of the way as soon as possible for Sharpay's sake. Plus their families and friends would be coming in the next week or so to celebrate Christmas and he didn't want his 'health' hanging over their heads. Sharpay, of course, decided to accompany him so she would have proof that her husband was alright. The past few weeks had been grueling on Sharpay, every night she had that same nightmare that Troy died. It had been years since Sharpay had even paid that old dream any thought but then suddenly it appeared one night and it was back with a vengeance. Instead of all of the great family moments, it only started with the loud beeping machines signaling the stop of Troy's heart.

"Hi Mom," Troy greeted his mother and welcomed her into his home.

"Hi honey," Lucy kissed her son's cheek and he took her coat into the closet. "Where are the girls?"

"Caitlin is coloring in the family room and Sharpay is putting Kenzie down for her afternoon nap. Thanks for coming over so last minute."

"Not a problem honey, you know how much I love my granddaughters."

"Hi Lucy," Sharpay smiled at her mother-in-law as she descended the stairs.

"Hi Sharpay, how are you feeling?" Lucy asked her very pregnant daughter in-law.

"Hanging in there," Sharpay laughed as she finally joined the two in the foyer.

"One more month to go," Troy grinned. "Which is why we've got some shopping to do," Troy lied to his mother, not wanting her to know where they were actually going. His mother would probably worry just as much as Sharpay.

"Yeah I don't think this little guy," Sharpay patted her belly, "would appreciate his sister's hand me downs."

"Not at all," Lucy chuckled. "Well you two go ahead; I've got everything under control."

"Ok thanks Lucy. Kenzie should be up by 3:30 but don't let her sleep past 4 or else she'll never go to bed," Sharpay told her mother-in-law.

After saying goodbye to Lucy, Troy and Sharpay grabbed their coats and made their way to the doctor's office. Several hours later, Sharpay sat nervously in the waiting room of the Albuquerque Center for Health. Troy was currently in the process of receiving an MRI. His physician had sent them over to the health center over an hour ago for the non-invasive procedure. It was the last in a series of tests that afternoon. At his actual doctor's appointment, Troy endured a major physical, several blood tests and of course a urine screening. Those test results and the MRI would be available in a few days although Sharpay wasn't sure that she could wait that long.

"Hey," Troy approached his wife who was reading her magazine upside down. Troy knew that she was nervous but he had no idea that she this worried.

"Hi," Sharpay immediately threw the magazine down on the empty chair next to her. "How did it go?"

"Fine Pay, it was fine," Troy replied as he offered his very pregnant wife a hand so she could stand.

"Thanks," Sharpay responded as she made it up to her feet. "Do you have anymore tests?"

"No, I'm all done and completely sore, thanks to you."

"Troy I'm sorry," Sharpay apologized, feeling incredibly guilty for making her husband endure a very hellish afternoon of being poked and prodded by doctors and nurses. "I didn't know they would run so many tests and I know how much you hate needles and…" Sharpay rambled on until Troy finally stopped her.

"Honey, I was kidding," Troy smiled. "I'm alright Pay, honestly I'm a little sore but I'll survive."

"You jerk," Sharpay punched her husband in the shoulder.

"Ow," Troy flinched, his wife had just punched him in a very sore spot; the sight of one of his many blood tests.

"Oh I'm sorry," Sharpay immediately felt remorse. "I'll make it up to you."

"I'm thinking, candles, a nice long bath, some sparkling cider, and you and me naked for the rest of the day."

Sharpay rolled her eyes, "I'm thinking I won't force you to do the dishes after dinner and maybe you can watch ESPN in bed."

"Well hot damn, I'm such a lucky guy," Troy chuckled as he led Sharpay to the exit.

A few days later….

"Mackenzie, you do not eat cereal with your fingers," Sharpay said sternly as she tidied up the kitchen, clearing away the last remnants of breakfast, aside from Mackenzie's who had gotten a late start that morning.

"Its fun Mommy!" the two and a half, almost three year old, squealed as she continued to slurp up her Lucky Charms in her small but pudgy fingers.

"Use your spoon or else breakfast if over for you, young lady," Sharpay glared at her daughter, effectively causing the little one to use her silverware. "You need to finish up; we're going to be late for school."

"Kenzie no like school!" Kenzie exclaimed, banging her Cinderella spoon on the table to add a little emphasis.

Sharpay rolled her big brown eyes, just yesterday Kenzie complained that she missed her twice a week pre-school class while Caitlin was in kindergarten all morning. "You love school and today is your big class Christmas party so you are going to have tons of fun."

"Me bring gingie man cookies to mine party?" Kenzie questioned before picking up her matching Cinderella bowl and downing the rest of her milk and what little cereal remained.

"Yeah honey, you can bring the ginger bread men that we made last night," Sharpay said as she made her way over to the table. She grabbed a napkin off the table and wiped Kenzie's little mouth, ridding the little girl of a huge milk mustache.

"Yay! Let's go right now Mommy!"

Sharpay laughed at her daughter's enthusiasm, "We still have a few more minutes Kenzie."

After Kenzie washed her hands, Sharpay let her place their homemade ginger bread cookies into a Tupperware container. Sharpay was just about to place the lid on it when the phone rang. She hurried to the mounted phone unit on the wall to answer it. Kenzie grinned, deciding that now was the perfect opportunity to sample one of their cookies. She was forced to go to bed as soon as they took the piping hot cookies out of the oven, so she and Caitlin didn't have any.

"Don't even think about it!" Sharpay glared at her daughter before speaking into the phone, "Hello, Bolton residence."

"Yes hello, may I please speak to a Mr. Troy Bolton?"

"He's not at home, can I take a message?" Sharpay asked as she walked back over to the island. She was going to cover the Tupperware so Kenzie's greedy little hands wouldn't sneak a cookie.

"Yes, I'm a nurse at Dr. Spencer's office and I have his test results."

Sharpay's heart dropped to her stomach, it seemed liked they had been waiting forever for these results. Sharpay thought that Troy would be able to pull some clout since he was a well known NBA player but he had to wait just like everyone else. "I'm his wife, is there anyway you could give me the results and I'll tell him right away." Sharpay was just dying to know, the past few days had been hell on her. She was never one to just wait around.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Bolton, but I'm afraid that patient confidentiality rules forbid me from doing so."

"I understand," Sharpay replied nicely but she was cursing that woman in her head.

"If you could have him call me as soon as possible, I would greatly appreciate it."

"Of course, he should be home soon."

"Great, thank you and have a nice day."

"You too," Sharpay ended the phone call and placed the phone down on the center of the island.

"Who dat on the phone Mommy?"

"Someone for daddy," Sharpay forced a smile, hoping Kenzie wouldn't notice her new foul mood. "I want you to sit on the potty before we leave."

"No I don't gotta go!" Kenzie pouted.

"I don't want you to have an accident today. You're wearing such a pretty dress and if you get it all wet at school, you won't be able to wear it anymore."

"Me wear pull ups then," Kenzie suggested as if it were the most logical solution.

"No you're already wearing your new big girl panties. Only babies were diapers and pull ups."

"Me not a baby! Me's a big girl!" Kenzie said proudly.

"That's right, you are Mommy's very big girl and big girls wear panties and go pee pee on the potty."

"Time to go potty Mommy, lets go!" Kenzie fearlessly jumped off of her step stool and ran out of the kitchen.

Sharpay smile to herself as she followed her daughter to the downstairs powder room. It wasn't often that she could talk Kenzie into things so quickly, so she most certainly deserved a pat on the back (or a ginger bread cookie after she dropped Kenzie off at school). Kenzie pulled down her black tights and lifted up her red dress so that Sharpay could lift her onto the toilet. Kenzie refused to use the little training portable potty that sat on the ground in the corner. So instead, Sharpay bought a little child size seat that was placed on the regular toilet. Kenzie greatly enjoyed this one because she felt like a big girl and was able to flush which of course was the best part of going potty in her eyes.

"Mommy sing a song pwease." Apparently songs helped Kenzie do her business faster; it was something Troy had started and something Sharpay hated.

"Ok, um…the itsy bitsy Kenzie crawled up the water spout," Kenzie clapped her hands excitedly; she just loved when her mommy and daddy included her name in a song. "Down came the rain and…"

"Pay!" Troy's voice filtered throughout the house.

"I'll be right back!" Sharpay exclaimed and hurried to find her husband as fast as her pregnant belly would allow.

"But you didn't finish my song," Kenzie huffed and puffed after her mother had quickly exited the bathroom.

"Troy?" Sharpay called out as she briskly walked down the long hallway.

"Kitchen baby."

Sharpay found Troy in the kitchen, already munching on one of the left over ginger bread men.

Troy looked up at the sound of his wife's footsteps, "Busted I know," he chuckled as he finished up the last of his cookie. Sharpay opened her mouth to speak but Troy cut her off, figuring that he was just about to get a lecture, one that he didn't want to hear. "In my defense, I'm absolutely heartbroken! Your very grown up daughter wouldn't let me give her a kiss when I dropped her off at school. I hugged her but when I leaned in to kiss her, she pulled anyway and said I would embarrass her. Can you believe it? She'll be six in a few months and already I'm an embarrassment to her. When I was six, I didn't even know what that word mean. I was too busy picking my nose and watching Power Rangers."

"That's nice," Sharpay replied absentmindedly, having barely listened to Troy's little story. She grabbed the phone and quickly handed it to her husband.

"What's this for and wait, you're not going to yell at me for eating Kenzie's class cookies?" This was a complete shock to Troy; he was used to getting an earful from Sharpay.

"Dr. Spencer's office called, they have all your test results."

"Oh," Troy nodded knowingly, no wonder his wife was so preoccupied.

"Call now!"

"I am," Troy looked at Sharpay's very nervous face and kissed her gently before dialing his doctor's office. "Its going to be fine Pay." Sharpay nodded as a single tear rolled down her cheek, this was it: the moment of truth. "Hi, this is Troy Bolton; I'm calling to…right of course….sure."

"What?" Sharpay asked, feeling quite panicked.

"She put me on hold," Troy explained.

"Mommy!" Kenzie screamed from the bathroom. "I pooped!"

"She pooped," Troy laughed but Sharpay was in no laughing mood. "Relax baby, I really hate seeing you like this."

Sharpay let out a sigh, "I just…"

"Mommy! I pooped! Wipe me!" Kenzie whined and was close to crying. Sharpay knew that she better tend to her child before the real waterworks started.

"Go wipe your stinky kid," Troy smiled. "I'll probably still be on hold by the time you get back anyway."


"Baby seriously, I'm fine."


"I'm coming!" Sharpay called back as she reluctantly left the kitchen to tend to her little girl.

"Yes, I'm still here…Hi, Dr. Spencer…yes, I'm ready…"

"I peed and pooped Mommy!" Kenzie announced once Sharpay made it back to the bathroom.

"That's fabulous," Sharpay put on a happy face as she took care of Kenzie. Once she was finished and they'd both washed their hands, Sharpay carried Kenzie back to the kitchen.

"Thank you Dr. Spencer….Yeah, uh huh…No, its my treat….No problem, just pick the tickets up at the box office next Thursday….Alright, you too," Troy hung up the phone after talking to his personal doctor. "Pay, you shouldn't be carrying her." Troy rushed to Sharpay's side and took their daughter from her arms. "I thought we agreed that you would be taking it easy this last month."

"Stop stalling Troy Bolton! What did Dr. Spencer say?"
Troy couldn't help but grin widely as he kissed his little girl's cheek. "Hi my ladybug."

"Hi my daddy," Kenzie giggled to herself before nuzzling Troy's nose with her own cute little button one.

"Troy!" Sharpay yelled, she just couldn't take it any longer; the suspense was absolutely killing her.

"Guess who is perfectly healthy?"

"Really?" Sharpay gushed, all of her pent up anxiety was slowly leaving her overly stressed body.

"Really! Didn't I tell you that you had nothing to worry about?"

"What about your MRI?"

"Honey, it came back negative, in fact everything came back negative. If you don't believe me, you can go to Dr. Spencer's office and pick up the documented results," he smirked. "I'm starting to think you wanted me to be sick."

"Ugh," Sharpay just didn't have the words for his smart little comeback.

"Come here," Troy moved closer to his wife and kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too Troy," Sharpay smiled. "And I'm just so thankful that you're alright."

"That makes two of us. Now as far as your nightmares, maybe you need to stop eating peanut butter and pickles sandwiches at midnight."

"Hey that was one time!" Sharpay protested and pointed a finger in Troy's face. "And hey don't knock it until you've tried it."

"Well I won't be trying it anytime soon. The thought alone is just….yuck, right ladybug?"

"Yuck!" Kenzie echoed her father, causing both of her parents to laugh.

"Alright my yucky girl, lets get you off to school," Troy kissed his daughter's cheek before winking at his wife, "So Mommy and I can have very special…celebration time sooner rather than later."

"I like the sound of that," Sharpay smiled , alone time with Troy was few and far between lately and it would be even worse with the arrival of their son in the next month or so.

"I'll take Kenz to school, you rest and save up your energy for me."

"I'm not so sure you can handle me," Sharpay smirked. "You're the one who probably needs to rest up for a bit."

"Is that a fact?"

"Indeed Mr. Bolton but I'm afraid we'll have to continue this little conversation later because our daughter needs to get to school soon."

"Oh right," Troy was so caught up in his wife that he'd almost forgotten about his precious ladybug. "Ok, we're off," Troy grabbed the container of cookies and headed out the kitchen. "When I come back, I'm going to show you just how healthy I really am!" Troy called from the mudroom.

"Fabulous! I can't wait!"

Sharpay excused herself from talking to her neighbor Annette and her husband Michael, she was becoming increasingly hotter and she had been experiencing some back pain for most of the day. She needed to get out of the room before she passed out, that would certainly put a damper on the party. She walked out of the room and narrowly escaped running into a caterer carrying glasses of eggnog.

"Sorry Mrs. Bolton," the man apologized even though it had been Sharpay's fault.

"No, I'm sorry, totally my fault," Sharpay replied.

"Would you like some eggnog Mrs. Bolton?" the young man asked.

"No but thank you," Sharpay smiled as the man nodded and headed inside the formal living room. She quickly opened the front door and headed out side. "Hi you," she said, pleasantly surprised to see Chad staring off into the stars.

"Hey Shar," Chad turned around from where he had been leaning on the railing. "What are you doing out here? You're going to freeze to death." Chad was just about to offer her his suit jacket when she stopped him.

"No you keep it, I came out here because I'm boiling inside," Sharpay explained. "What about you?"

Chad shrugged, "I just needed a little fresh air….just wanted to do some thinking," he smiled.

"Well if I'm interrupting you," Sharpay began, ready to leave and give her friend a little space.

"No, no not at all. You know I always love the company of a beautiful woman," Chad smirked.

"You better watch yourself, Taylor has great hearing," Sharpay laughed.

"Yeah," Chad chuckled. "That's my girl."

"Yeah," Sharpay smiled as she looked at Chad's own brightly smiling face. "You really love her don't you?"

Chad smiled even bigger; just the thought of Taylor made him smile like a little kid on Christmas morning. "I really do."

"She loves you too," Sharpay smiled, trying to keep her hormones in check. "And I love the both of you; I hope that you will be very happy together."

"Thanks Sharpay, that means a lot coming from you," Chad responded. "I see you and Troy and the girls and it just blows my mind to see how happy you are as a family. I just wonder if Tay and I will have that."

"Without a doubt, Chad," Sharpay smiled. "You better pop the question soon; we could use another baby around here soon."

Chad chuckled, "Troy already told me that you know that I'm asking her on Christmas."

Sharpay giggled, "That Troy sure can't keep a secret."

Chad laughed, "So true, as long as you didn't tell Taylor it's all good."

"Unlike my husband my lips are sealed," Sharpay grinned as she leaned against the railing, letting out a content sigh as she was deep in thought. She turned to look at Chad, "Did you ever think that this is how your life was going to turn out?"

"Honestly," Chad shook his head 'no.' "No, I didn't. But I've never been happier. I'm about to propose to Taylor," he chuckled. "I still thought that I'd be some wild bachelor but this is the life I want, the one with Taylor, and I've never wanted anything more. What about you?"

Sharpay smiled as she thought back on the last several years. "Well not at first, but the moment that Troy and I started dating, I knew that he was my happily ever after. I've never been happier, too, in my entire life. I can't even put it all into words but having a family of your own is just…it's so remarkable and there's just so much love to go around. It's indescribable, Chad, it really is."

Chad nodded, "You and me, we're very blessed."

Sharpay smiled, knowing that he was right. She was about to respond when the front door suddenly swung open and out came Taylor.

"I thought I saw you two head out here," Taylor smiled as she slipped an arm around Chad's waist. "What are you guys doing out here?"

"Shooting the breeze," Chad laughed as he pulled Taylor closer.

"You're an odd one," Taylor chuckled as she shivered at the cold weather.

"Do you want my jacket?" Chad offered.

"Uh huh," Taylor nodded as Chad helped her with his black blazer. "Its freezing, you two are crazy for standing out here."

"I'm practically sweating bullets..." Sharpay stopped dead in her tracks.

"What?" Taylor asked worried, she was pretty sure that she had seen that face before.

"You ok Shar?" Chad asked as he stepped forward.

"My water broke," Sharpay looked down and saw fluid dripping down her legs.

"Oh my gosh!" Taylor exclaimed.

"Whoa," Chad stumbled back afraid that he would step in her puddle.

"Go get Troy," Sharpay breathed as she felt the onset of a contraction begin to hit.

"I'll be right back," Taylor rushed into the house as Sharpay reached out for the nearest object to hold which happened to be Chad's hand.

"Breathe in, breathe out," Chad said encouragingly. "Do that hee hee hoo stuff?"

"You're not helping," Sharpay rolled her eyes at Chad, finally the contraction stopped. "That one wasn't so bad."

"Not so bad?" Chad questioned. "I think you broke my hand."

"Pay!" Troy exclaimed as he and Taylor rushed back outside.

"Troy my water broke!" Sharpay shrieked and Troy was at her side in an instant.

"Ok, ok," Troy said as he ran a hand through his hair, even though this was his third child he was still as nervous as can be.

"And I'm having hard contractions," Sharpay said as she placed a steadying hand on her back.

"How far apart are your contractions? And how long have you been having them?" Troy asked as he replaced her hand with his own to help her.

Sharpay bit her lip, knowing that he'd be angry, "Almost all day," she said in a quiet voice.

"I'm sorry, did you just say ALL DAY?" Troy asked and Sharpay nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I just wanted to get through the party and they weren't that bad. I even thought they were Braxton hicks at lunch," Sharpay explained.

Ok, ok, I'm not mad at you Sharpay," Troy said as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. "We're having a baby!"

"We're having a baby," Sharpay beamed as Troy smiled down at her. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Aww that's sweet kids, now that we've established that you love each other…can we go to the damn hospital? This kid is going to be born on your porch any minute now!" A very nervous Chad yelled, he did not want a repeat of Sharpay's last birth.

The next day…

"Hi," Troy smiled from the doorway.

"Hi you," Sharpay smiled from her bed. "Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to come in?"

"I come bearing gifts," Troy laughed as he opened the door wider to reveal Caitlin and Kenzie smiling widely just like their parents. Sharpay smile grew at the sight of her little girls; it was the first time since she had seen them since the previous night.

"Mommy!" Kenzie exclaimed, she was first in the room, torpedoing towards Sharpay.

"Careful, careful," Troy warned as Kenzie slowed her speed when she reached her mother. He looked down to his oldest who stood apprehensively by his side. "Go on butterfly, don't you want to meet your new brother?"

Caitlin nodded as Troy took her hand and led her over to Sharpay's hospital bed. "Hi, Mommy," Caitlin smiled as she leaned against the bed.

"Hi baby," Sharpay smiled as she shifted the new bundle of joy in her arms, revealing his sleepy face. "I would like you to meet your new baby brother."

"Hi," Caitlin smiled, in awe of her new brother.

"Hi baby bwother," Kenzie said as she grabbed one of his tiny hands from underneath his blanket.

"Kenz," Troy began, afraid that she would hurt him.

"She's ok," Sharpay looked up at her husband, reassuring her husband that their daughter was just fine.

"He's pink Daddy," Kenzie stated as she looked to both of her parents.

"So were you," Troy chuckled as he picked her up and sat on the edge of the bed with her.

"So what do you think Caitlin? Is he a keeper?" Sharpay asked her silent daughter.

Caitlin nodded as she smiled at her mother. "Yeah, he's a keeper Mommy. I like him a lot."

"Good because if you didn't like him, we were thinking of giving him back," Troy replied as Caitlin and Kenzie looked at him utterly shocked.

"Troy," Sharpay scolded him.

"I'm kidding girls," Troy laughed.

"What's his name?" Kenzie asked as she tugged on Troy's sleeve. "Is it Mickey Mouse?"

"No honey, his name is not Mickey Mouse," Sharpay giggled. Kenzie had tried desperately for them to name the baby Mickey since he was a boy (or Cinderella if they had a girl).

"We decided to name him Sean Patrick Bolton," Troy replied as he looked down at his perfect little boy.

"Sean?" Caitlin asked, wide eyed. "You picked the name that was my favorite!"

Sharpay nodded as she snuggled Sean closer to her. "It was our favorite too and he looks like a Sean, don't you think?"

"Mmm hmm, definitely a Sean," Troy smiled as he admired his son, who let out a little yawn.

"Time for a nap," Kenzie took note.

Sharpay laughed, "He's going to take a lot naps, babies sleep a lot."

"Can I hold him?" Caitlin asked expectedly as she looked up to Sharpay.

"Sure sweetie, but why don't you sit down on the couch first," Sharpay said, happy that Caitlin wanted to hold her new brother. She had been a little worried that the girls wouldn't be so responsive to him; she thought that their might be some major jealously but so far so good.

"Ok!" Caitlin exclaimed and rushed to the corner of Sharpay's hospital suite where the couch was.

"Me too, me too," Kenzie climbed down from Troy's lap and jumped to the floor before joining her older sister.

"Troy," Sharpay motioned for him to take the baby.

"Hi big guy," Troy carefully took his son from his mother; he placed a loving kiss on his son's forehead. "Remember what we talked about before Caitlin, you need to hold his head."

"Uh huh," Caitlin nodded as her father walked closer; she had a few butterflies in her stomach. She wanted to do it right and she wanted to make her parents proud of her.

"Ok, be careful ok," Troy leaned down and carefully placed Sean in his big sister's arms. "Support his head," Troy repeated, helping Caitlin get situated with him. "There."

"Good job sweetheart," Sharpay beamed as she looked at her children, all three of them. Sean in Caitlin's arms and Kenzie tickling his blanket clad feet. "Honey you should take a picture."

Troy nodded, "Be right back, the moms have my camera." He quickly walked out of the room.

"I thought he would be heavy," Caitlin looked down at a now sleeping Sean and then up to her mother.

"No, he's light as a feather," Sharpay replied, well that wasn't entirely true, he was definitely the biggest of their three at 8 pounds 11 ounces, but what do you expect when you have a big Bolton boy.

"Where are his teeth?" Kenzie asked.

"Babies don't have teeth when they are first born," Sharpay explained. "They have to grow in time."

"Oh," Kenzie replied skeptically, not sure if she believed her mother.

"Ok," Troy said as he entered the room, the waiting room was just next door so he didn't have to travel far. "Can you believe that they were comparing pictures of him on my camera with their own cameras?"

Sharpay giggled, "Our mothers? Yes, they're crazy Troy, you know that."

"I practically had to cut my mom's hand off to get the camera," Troy laughed as he stood in front of his children. "Ok ready guys." Both girls smiled as Troy took the picture.

"Let me see," Sharpay replied as Troy walked closer to her. "Aww, so precious," Sharpay said as a tear rolled down her cheek, she was still very hormonal. "Take some more."

Troy chuckled as he kissed Sharpay on the lips ever so softly, "I will."

Sharpay looked on as Troy took more pictures of the girls with their little brother. Her life was so wonderful; she had the most amazing husband, beautiful girls and now an adorable little boy. It had taken her a long time to get here, and now here she was a wife and mother. Everything had changed, for the better, the day she confessed her feelings to Troy. That same day she broke up with Max, he really was an idiot and she couldn't believe that she had wasted so much time on him. Sharpay and Troy immediately started dating, and they didn't take it slow either. They already knew everything about each other and they were completely and totally in love. Less than two years later they were married, their first child, Caitlin Elizabeth Welling was born a few years later. Almost three years after that, Mackenzie Ann Bolton made her debut into the world. And what a debut it was, Sharpay had gone into premature labor in the middle of a terrible storm. They were stuck in Colorado with the roads snowed in and little Kenzie was coming fast. So Taylor had helped Troy and Sharpay deliver their new little girl into this world. They named Mackenzie after Taylor. Mackenzie because it somewhat resembled McKessie and Ann because that was also Taylor's middle name. Taylor couldn't have been happier that Troy and Sharpay named their daughter after her and they had appointed her and Chad as godparents. And now little Sean Patrick was here, a Christmas Eve baby born at 2:12 a.m.

"Honey," Troy was staring at Sharpay.

"Huh what?" Sharpay looked up at him.

"Where were you? I was calling you," Troy looked a little worried.

Sharpay smiled, "Sorry must be the epidural still, good stuff."

Troy smiled although he was slightly worried about his wife, "You sure?"

"Perfect, Troy I am absolutely perfect," Sharpay replied as the girls smiled at her.

"Good. The girls want to take a picture with you and Sean," Troy stated.

"Ok, sounds good," Sharpay smiled.

"Ok, why don't you get in bed with mommy," Troy placed his camera down on the hospital tray. He bent down to pick up his son while the girls scurried off to either side of Sharpay. After they climbed up on the bed, Troy placed Sean in Sharpay's arms.

"Hi baby," Sharpay cooed as Sean stirred in her arms.

"Smile Mommy," Kenzie said as Troy grabbed his camera.

"Ok are we ready?" Troy said smiling at his family, they looked absolutely beautiful together. His life was so complete now.

"I think so," Sharpay smiled. "Go for it."

"1, 2…" Troy started but was interrupted.

"Troy!" Lucy called from the doorway.

"What Mom? I was about to take a picture," Troy turned to face his mother.

"Gee, Troy I hadn't noticed," Lucy said sarcastically while Troy rolled his eyes and Sharpay chuckled at the mother and son antics. "Get in there too, I'll take it."

"Thanks Lucy," Sharpay smiled as she watched Lucy take the camera from Troy.

Troy beamed with pride as he walked up to the hospital bed and sat on the edge of the bed right behind Caitlin. Troy gave Sharpay a gentle kiss on the head before turning to his mother to smile.

"Ok, so beautiful," Lucy smiled at her son and his family; she was swelling with grandmotherly pride. "Everyone say Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!" Troy, Sharpay, Caitlin and Kenzie exclaimed before Lucy snapped the perfect picture.

It really was a Merry Christmas, Sharpay thought as she looked at her girls cooing over the baby in her arms as Troy wrapped his arms around her. Sharpay smiled as she leaned back in his arms, she really did have such a wonderful life and she was never going to take it for granted.

Thats it folks, all over (for now). Thanks so much for coming along on this great journey, this is definitely my most popular fic on . Thank your for all the support and the many fantastic reviews, they all mean so much.

Two more things:

1-Speaking of reviews, I would love it if I could get my total reviews up to 500 on this fic. I completely hate it when authors ask for a specific number of revies and here I am doing it. I think I'm at 459 so I wouldn't need that many to get to 500. On one chapter alone I had 81, which is so crazy! 50 is the usual average anyway so if you could keep that up, that would be golden and I would be in your debt forever lol.

2-So I am planning a sequel and I have rough timeline and lots of ideas but I am always open to more ideas. So if you have any, send them my way in this review or in the form of a pm sometime soon. I hope to post it during early summer. I want to have a good head start on it so I can update more frequently. FYI- the sequel will span many years so your suggestions (if you have any) don't have to be limited to the kids at little ages.

Thanks again guys, you guys totally rock!