O. MY. GOD. I did NOT realize how long it's been since I've written…. And now that I look back on my MR story I'm ashamed of myself. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Any who… here's THE LAST CHAPPIE!!!

"We're sorry Max, honest." said Gazzy backing away from the furious girl. "I really didn't know that you would take it so hard."

"Yeah," chimed in Iggy. "Serious. I mean, we had no clue that you'd over react like this." He stopped and froze.

Max also stopped descending and blinked, "'over reacting'?" She growled, "you think I'm over reacting?! I've been hand cuffed to Fang for almost two freaking weeks while you guys were out enjoying the country. Do you know how long two weeks is?"

Iggy gulped, "Um, is that like rhetorical 'cause-"

"'Rhetorical'? No that wasn't rhetorical you little-" she saw Gazzy smother a giggle and demanded, "What?"

The poor Gasman couldn't hold his thoughts back, "Why do you keep repeating what we're saying? You are broken?"

Max's face became the picture of pure outrage, "That's it." she shot daggers at them, "get back here." and started to advance once again.

"Run?" Iggy asked.

Gazzy nodded even though he knew Iggy could see confirming it, "Run."

Max thrust her arm out and grabbed Gazzy's sleeve just as he turned to run. "Not so fast."


"Please." Gazzy begged with Max but she shook her head and smiled. "Have a heart."

"Nope." She reached over to grab a chocolate covered strawberry and waved it in his face. "Want one?"
"No fair," he complained snapping at the dangling food.

"Hey!" Iggy complained, "Stop it. The cuffs are scratching."

"Sorry." apologized the Gasman and glared at Max.

She grinned, "Thanks for telling me where the other cuff was."


Max cocked her head to admire her and Fang's handy work. They had cuffed the Gasman and Iggy together on both sides back to back even though they had insisted that it wasn't a fair punishment.

"Fair?" Max scoffed click the cuff shut and bent down to hiss, "Two weeks."


^_^ Hope you liked it!! Review!!! Flames welcome!!!