It's time for a new story.

If you've played Sonic Rush Adventure, then you know the main storyline. However, I'm changing it up a bit, as you'll see as you read.

Note: Since this story's going to take place in different areas, I think it's time I start using the borders. I never bothered with them before because I wasn't swapping through different areas as often as I was.

Chapter 1: Where Are We?

One week after the Extreme Gear tournament ended, Sonic and Tails were in Central City, making sure a delivery from the mayor had arrived safely. They were about to head to Station Square for the wedding between Sonic and Amy. Sonic had proposed to Amy after reviving her once Eggman Nega was sent back to his own dimension. Now he was ready to go.

"Tails, let's go. I don't want to keep Amy waiting." Sonic called as Tails came out of the President's office.

"I'm coming, Sonic." Tails called back.

They got into Tails's airplane, the Tornado, and Tails started it up. The Tornado was a blue-and-yellow biplane that could transform into an X-formation for attack mode. It was first used in an attack against the Egg Carrier during the Chaos era. Tails had never had to use the attack mode again. Before taking off, Tails used his communicator to contact Armand, who was waiting at the reception. Armand heard his communicator beep, and he saw that it was Tails's frequency.

"What is it, Tails?" Armand asked.

"We're about to leave Central City. We should be there in about 20 minutes." Tails told him.

Armand tuned his communicator to the radar/tracker, and locked onto the Tornado.

"I've got a lock on your position. If you get here on time, you'll have 30 minutes until the wedding, and that should give you enough time to prepare. Just be careful." Armand told Tails.

"Right. We'll see you in about 20." Tails said.

Tails shut off his communicator and started up the Tornado, and soon he and Sonic were in the air.

At the wedding site, Armand shut off his communicator, then he turned to Amy, who was patiently waiting for Sonic. Amy was wearing a white wedding dress, and even Rector had to admit that Amy looked great in it.

"Where's Sonic?" Amy asked.

"He and Tails are just about to leave Central City. They should get here in about 20 minutes, provided nothing goes wrong. Then they'll have about 30 minutes to get ready, and then we can commence with the wedding." Armand explained. "Plus, I've got them on the tracker radar, so if anything happens, the tracker will send a warning beep, which will tell me that something's wrong."

"Good. So you can keep an eye on Sonic's position." Amy concluded.

"That about sums it up." Armand said.

Over near the podium, Mayor Draco was talking to Vanilla and Cream.

"I never thought I'd see the day." Draco told the other two. "And I'm surprised that Rector actually allowed it, with him being as protective as he is."

"I know. It is surprising. But at least Amy's happy." Vanilla agreed.

"I'm happy, too." Cream said.

"You should be. Your best friend is getting married, after all." Someone said from behind the three. It was Cream's dad, Mintra.

"Dad? You made it." Cream said as she hugged her father.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss this for the world." Mintra told his daughter.

Over the ocean, halfway between Station Square and Central City, Sonic and Tails were flying through the sky. Up ahead, they saw what looked like storm clouds.

"Uh, Tails, was there supposed to be a storm today?" Sonic asked.

"No. The weather report said it was supposed to be clear until later this evening, when a moderate rainfall was to occur." Tails told him. "Why?"

"That's why." Sonic said as he pointed out in the distance. Tails then noticed the clouds.

"What? Those weren't supposed to appear for another five hours." Tails said, concerned. "I have a bad feeling about this, Sonic."

"I know, Tails. I know." Sonic told him. He was also concerned.

Back at the church, Armand took a look at the weather radar and noticed the odd storm clouds.

"This isn't good." Armand said. Zeus overheard him.

"What isn't good?" Zeus asked.

"The weather radar shows some odd storm clouds over the ocean. And they're right in the Tornado's flight path." Armand told them.

"What do we do?" Amy asked.

"All we can do is wait and hope that they get through it." Armand regretfully said, wishing there was something they could do.

Over the ocean, Sonic and Tails had just flown into the storm.

"Man, this storm is rough. How are we supposed to get through this without any problems?" Sonic asked.

"We just have to try, Sonic." Tails told him.

"Well, be careful. If something hits this plane, we're both going down in a fireball."

Sonic and Tails flew through the rough storm for a few minutes without any problems. Sonic was amazed.

"We've flown through this storm without any hitches. Something's up." Sonic said.

"Don't say that or something will happen." Tails told him.

"Alright. I'm just saying that maybe we'll luck up and nothing will happen."

No sooner than he said that did a lightning bolt hit the Tornado right in the engine.

"No! The engine! Sonic, I told you not to say things like that." Tails yelled.

"Well, sorry. Just fix the engine."

"Easier said than done, and you know that."

The plane soon started spiraling, and they were headed right for a tornado.

"Sonic! Look!" Tails said as he pointed out the tornado.

"Great! Just our luck!"

"We're going down!"

The plane headed right into the tornado, and while they were in it, a bright flash of light surrounded Sonic and Tails. When the flash disappeared, they were nowhere to be found.

At the church, Armand was slowly falling asleep due to boredom when his tracker sent out the warning signal. Armand realized it immediately.

"Oh no! This can't be!" Armand said in a panic as he tried to relocate the Tornado. Everyone heard him.

"What's happened?" Amy asked.

"The tracker just sent out a warning. I can't find the Tornado's signal anywhere!" Armand explained.

"What?" Everyone said at once.

"Hang on. I'm scanning the world now!"

Armand switched to the world scanner, but found nothing.

"This isn't good. They aren't anywhere on the planet." He then switched to a dimensional scanner. "They're not even here."

"Uh, what does that mean?" Hurricane asked.

"It means…they're not in this dimension."

On a beach somewhere, a young 8-year old female raccoon was taking a jog on the beach when she saw two figures wash up on shore. One was a blue hedgehog and the other was a yellow two-tailed fox. She immediately picked up a small stick and rushed over to them. She poked the blue hedgehog in the head with the stick, but he didn't move.

"What's this? I think they're dead." The raccoon said. Her opinion changed as she saw the two figures move.

"Whoa! On second thought, I may be wrong."

The two figures finally woke up.

"What...happened? Are you all right, Tails?" The blue hedgehog asked.

"I…think so. That was some rough storm, huh, Sonic?" Tails asked.

"Oh, blimey. You're alive." The raccoon said.

"And who might you be?" Tails asked.

"Mind yourself, mate! Askin' a sheila's name and you ain't giving your own first?" The raccoon asked.

"What? Oh, I…I'm sorry! My name is Tails." Tails said as he introduced himself.

"Oh, geez." Sonic said. He couldn't believe this. "And I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog."

"Nice to meet ya. My name's Marine!" The raccoon said as she introduced herself.

End of Chapter 1.

I know, it was short. Not to the length I've been pulling chapters out at. But I didn't know where to end this, so I thought this would be a good place. But it does roll in at over 1000 words (I checked), so I suppose that would do.

Well, Sonic and Tails have been transported to…somewhere else, and they've made a new friend for the time being. But just where are they? And what's going to happen about the wedding? You'll have to keep reading as I bring out the chapters.

Well, Read and Review.