Was inspired to write this after watching the movie Twilight and then Hancock the very next day. If you have seen Hancock you will probably notice similarities, and differences. I'm not sure if I'll continue the story though it depends on the reviews I get from this entry. If I do continue the story the chapters will be longer than this. This is more of a preview for the story to see if it's liked or not.

Disclaimer: Do not own Twilight or Hancock.

Angels. That's what mom considered us to be. However, I wasn't so convinced as my siblings. If we were angels then wouldn't we know what are supposed purpose was? Why we were put on Earth, for? Or even how to get away from the wretched world back to where we originally came from. If we were angels then we should know a lot more than we do.

So no, I do not believe we are angels, but still it's the best way to describe us, our kind. I didn't know any other word that fit, except maybe…superhero. That was our dad's opinion of us. Still, what kind of superhero's weakness was somebody they cared about…or once cared about? Even their own kind, at times.

No I didn't believe we were angels, or superheroes, or even gods and goddesses. My opinion differed greatly from my families. I wasn't satisfied with any names; any beings cultures over the years had considered us to be. None of them fit right, anyway. For now I only was going to consider us unknown, and it would probably always stay that way. Until the end of time, and then maybe the truth of what we really were would show.

"Bells, we have to leave now let's go!" Serenity shouted for me.

Sighing, I looked back down at the picture I held in my hands rubbing my thumb gently over the glass. The last time I would ever allow myself to look at the photo. No longer could I bare to take it with me from place to place, it had to stay behind this time. It was a photo, a simple photo that brought so many memories, shot in the good old days in March of 1870, exactly one hundred and thirty eight years ago. We still had looked so happy, smiling with not much care about the world. Deceiving ourselves into believing nothing could hurt us. We had been pretty naïve, even then.

Setting the picture down on my, now, old night side I laughed thinking about what people would think when finding the picture. Maybe, that the two couple in the photo had been grandparents or great grandparents to the previous owners of the house, instead of being one of the previous owners, the eldest daughter to be exact. In the picture, I looked a year maybe two years younger than I did right at this exact moment, though if I hadn't stopped aging there would be a slight age difference. A year, two possibly.

"Isabella, hurry up!" Noah shouted. His feet pounding loudly up the stairs, signaling his short arrival. He never was patient, even after all these years.

"I'm coming, okay," I shouted back as I took one final look around the room before leaving.

We were all headed to Forks, Washington a small town. Close to Port Angeles a place we resided at in 1899, a little over a hundred years ago. Around half a century after Robert, my youngest brother, was born. Back when John was still around.

Please review if you want the story to be continued, otherwise don't expect it to find another chapter.