Disclaimer: Don't own.

AN: 25 days of Christmas Challenge! I apologize in advance I don't finish, or fall behind. After the 12th of December, I'll have plenty of time though :) Anyway.

These are going to be rather short, about 500 - 1,000 words each, and will be taking place in the "Ours" universe, so expect a lot of Minoru! I wanted to write a Christmas story for him, so this is the perfect opportunity!

Also, Currently rated K (G), but I don't know what might happen later on, so it might change.

December 1st: Snowflakes.

Iruka startled awake when he felt the bed jump, but couldn't help but smile when Kakashi pulled the giggling boy down.

"Kakashi-dad! Iru-dad! Guess what!" Minoru said excitedly as he sat up.

Iruka smiled and gave their son a curious look, "What?"

Minoru beamed, "Guess!"

Kakashi hummed, "It's too early to be guessing…"


Iruka chuckled as Kakashi hummed as he thought, "You made us breakfast."

Minoru chuckled, "Nope."

"You make us French toast…"

Iruka laughed, "That's still breakfast, love."

Minoru laughed, "I'll give you a hint. Look outside."

Kakashi frowned, "Don't tell me it's raining."

Iruka sat up and looked out the window that was above their bed. His eyes grew wide and his smile grew wider, "It's not raining."

"It's better than rain!"

Kakashi sat up and looked out the window. It was white, pure white snow. Snowflakes were softly hitting their window, skidding away with the gentle breezes, "It's snowing."

"It's snowing!" Minoru repeated.

"No wonder it's so cold."

Minoru frowned. Iruka laughed.

"Let's go outside!" Minoru said, bouncing on the bed, "Come on!" He climbed off the bed and Iruka couldn't help but laugh at their son's excitement.

"I don't believe this is the first time he's seen snow, but still…"

Kakashi smiled as he thought back to their first Christmas as a family. The happy tears in Minoru's eyes when realization seemed to hit him: he had a family. He wasn't an orphan anymore. It's been nearly three years since they had been together, and while it may sound like a short time, during that time this boy – their son – had effortlessly made a home in their hearts. Soft lips on his forehead brought him back to the present as Iruka smiled and climbed out of bed.

"Come on, 'Kashi, I'm pretty sure that Minoru is already changing into his winter clothing."

Kakashi chuckled and climbed out of bed, closing the distance between him and his husband before the younger man made it into the bathroom.

Iruka shivered when cool hands snaked into his shirt, "Kakashi! You're hands are cold!"

Kakashi chuckled and pressed his cheek against a tan one, "Then warm them."

Iruka sighed, "That's one of the reasons I don't like winter, you're hands get cold and they find their way into my shirt."

Kakashi laughed, "Well, that's because you're always warm."

Iruka smiled, "And one of the reasons I like winter," he continued and leaned his head back, "Is because I get to warm those cold hands of yours."

Kakashi grinned and before he could respond Minoru walked into the bedroom, dressed and ready, to give them a disbelieving look, "It's snowing."

Iruka chuckled and pulled away from Kakashi, "You haven't even had breakfast yet. Get that jacket off and help me make French toast?"

Minoru smiled and nodded, "Then we go out?"

Iruka nodded, "Then we go out."

Once they had eaten breakfast and dressed in their proper attire, Kakashi remembered that Minoru and snow made deadly combination, because that boy couldn't throw a snowball like no other. And as a snowball met his rear he remembered that Minoru, snow and Iruka made an even deadlier combination.