How Yumi and Ami became AmiYumi

Ninth grade just started. A new day, a new semester, I guess. I wonder if I'll make any friends this year. In middle school, it was the same. They used me, and then threw me away. This one girl, she rides the bus with me. She was nice at first. A real friend I thought, but I guess she didn't like me. I wonder if it's something I did? Am I not a good friend? Everyday a blur huh, what seems like a day just an hour long bus ride to and from school. I'm the last one to get picked up and the last one to get dropped off.

Today was a new day. I know it was. Today seemed different somehow. I don't know what to think. Today was different. I got up, got dress, and went to wait at the bus stop. It's not the first day of school anymore. Were towards the end of the first semester, but something still feels different? Today is different. Somehow, someway, it's different.

The bus pulls up. The doors open. The line starts. I'm last to get on. Sad isn't it. I walk up the stairs and there in my seat in the back is my friend that's not my friend. I hate when people take my seat. It feels like to me when someone takes my seat their taking my place, my place in life. But she's not alone. She's sitting with someone. She looks different, new. She looks up and I can see her face. She's kind of Goth-y with pretty blue eyes and hair and she's looking right into my pink semi - preppie ones. I really like pink, but apparently that color is taken by all the preps in my school.

That when it happens. My friend that's not my friend that is. She grabbed her attention and from what I could hear said a really nasty comment. Great, that's girl. The blue eyed girl looks back at her as if believing her. I can't believe it. Do people really hate me that much? I walk to a seat way in the back this time. I can see her out of the corner of my eye looking at me as I walk by. Maybe she's different, maybe that's the different-ness I felt this morning. Maybe not.

She didn't talk to me after that, even when she had no one to talk to. I felt the same lonely feeling I felt off of her. So slowly and slowly I started to get closer to her. One day I would be three seats behind her the next I would be two. Hey I said I was going slowly. I didn't what to get hurt again, like last time. I hate when I think back to what happened before. In middle school and elementary. It seems faith would eventually put us together too. One day all the seats on the bus were full except for hers. I had no choice. I had caught her in the hall a couple of times before and had bumped into her in the cafeteria but that was all.

My heart was pounding when I came up to her seat. Slowly I gathered as much courage as I had. "Um, do you mind? Everywhere else is full." She looked at me. She looked at, me. I was so terrified. She moved her backpack. I smiled. She smiled back. The bus jerked forward as I was turning to sit. I fell into the seat unceramoinaly. My backpack was on the floor and my hands on the seat and my back pushed up against her side. "Oh gosh! Sorry." I quickly said to her. She smiled down at me, saying it was ok. I think I sighed the biggest sign of relief then. "Um Ami, my names Ami." She smiled again and said, "Yumi, call me Yumi."

"What happened to your uh friend?" I asked nervously. "She said she'd be gone for the week." "Oh," So she was not gone forever. Oh well. I finally got to talk to her. "So Ami?" "Yes?" "You like music?" That was a stupid question. Of course I loved music. My room is littered with music sheets and lyrics that I can never seem to get right. My mom bought me an electric keyboard for Christmas so I try to use it but nothing ever seems right. The only thing is she didn't know that, so how does she come up with a topic like that. What was she reading my mind? "Uh, yeah a little." "Oh that's cool."

Why do I feel like I just said the wrong thing? Oh no, what do I do? I really don't want this to end. To bad I didn't have a choice in the matter. "Hey!" Someone grabbed my arm. Who ever it was pulled me up with such force I was standing before I even knew what was what. I looked up the see my friend that wasn't my friend. I guess I really should give her a name. Julie. That was is. I had forgotten. I wanted it to stay that way. She picked me up by my arm and threw me down pretty hard. The bus floor never looked so close. "You're in my seat." She said, "That's ok this is my stop anyways." I quietly stated back and tried to gather my things and left.

Well the truth is this was never my stop; it was one of the first ones. I was last. I had a lot of walking ahead of me. Why am I such a push over? Tears were streaming down my eyes. I hate how emotional I get when people are mean. Drop. Oh no. Was that rain? How predictable, and me with out my umbrella. Just great. I started to run with my head down so I didn't get water in my face. I could feel the water in my shoes and hair. Slowly my clothes started to soak. My face started to feel hot too. Why did I feel so weak suddenly?

I just hit something. I know because it felt like a wall and now my butt is firmly planted right in the middle of a puddle. I look up and there she is. Yumi. What was she doing here? This wasn't her stop either. She reached out with her hand for mine. I tried to grab onto her but everything seem to get fuzzy. Oh no it's getting dark. "Yumi." I tried to say just as I was slipping into the darkness. No.