An: last chapter. Still can't believe I managed to write this many chapters. Kind of proud of myself. But that's enough of self praising, to the very last chapter of this story.

There he stood, slightly taller, hair even messier…if that was at all possible and more like a grown up. But still, entering that door, walking through that hall, that was the most difficult thing anyone could do. He took a deep breath and opened the door. He walked through the hall and looked around him.

Never before had the hall been so quite. It wasn't terrorized by his oversized cousin and his stupid friends. And his aunt with her shrill voice was nowhere to be heard. And his uncle, who never spoke much to him, except for the usual scolding every now and then. The weird thing about it was that for so many years he had hoped that the house could be like this. That no one would bother him, and that all that surrounded him was silence.

He walked through the hall into the living room. And there he saw his uncle sitting on the couch. The couch almost crumbling under the sheer weight of his uncle.

"School over already boy?" Uncle Vernon looked at him with his usual sneering face.

"Yes, I was disappointed too." Harry replied.

His aunt walked into the living room and did nothing but stare at him. Harry replied.

His aunt walked into the living room and did nothing but stare at him. "Nice to see you too." Harry said to her. She gave him an icy glare and walked into the kitchen.

Harry grabbed his small suitcase of the floor and walked back into the hall, ready to go up to his room. He was almost run over by his cousin coming down the stairs.

"Mind watching where you're going?" Harry said more as asking.

"No." Dudley simply said. Running into the hall, and undoubtedly going to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Harry dragged his suitcase up the stairs. Not because the suitcase was particular heavy, but because he just didn't have any strength to move on in this horrid house. He finally reached his bedroom, taking way longer then it would usually take. He planted his suitcase somewhere on the floor and jumped on his bed, only to lie face down on it.

He wondered if his life was ever going to be different, ever was going to be all he wanted to. But somehow it always seemed out of reach. After lying on his bed for a while he realized that wondering over what could be made no sense and he'd be better off doing things that made him happy. Unfortunately he couldn't think of such a thing, so he did the next best thing he could think of: write a letter to Hermione.

Not that he was so fond of writing a letter to his best friend, but she convinced him that it would be better to write her a letter instead of feeling sorry for himself for being in that house again. He would have argued with her, but after so many years of arguing, he finally realized that it was impossible to win from Hermione. So this year when she said he needed to write her a letter as soon as he arrived, he just nodded. And after Hermione asking him if that was a yes, he simply said yes. This seemed to shut Hermione up, and Harry wondered why he hadn't done this years ago.

Therefore he opened his suitcase and pulled out a piece of parchment and a feather. For a second he just sat there, unsure what to write. But as always his inspiration source was very close. Dudley was walking in the hall outside of his room.

"Hey, you mind getting in here?" Harry shouted.

Dudley's head appeared from behind the door of Harry's small room.

"You just asked me if I wanted to get in here?" He asked, having the always existing dumb look on his face.

"Yeah, I just want to show interest. So how's your year been?" Harry asked, hoping to get information out of Dudley that would make a good topic in his letter.

"Why do you want to know?" Dudley asked, looking more and more confused by the minute.

"Can't I show a little interest in my family?" Harry asked, feeling a burst of laughter coming up if Dudley actually believed him. Which the poor boy did, and Harry had a lot of trouble keeping the laughter to himself.

"Okay…" Dudley said hesitatingly. "I mostly hang out with my friends, pulled some pranks on the students there. There was this one boy and he was soooo gay. So we did what we needed to do and stripped him down and placed him in the teachers' lounge. He got in so many trouble, he dropped out a week after it because he couldn't take it anymore." Dudley looked at the weird look on Harry's face. "What?"

"Well, as 'funny' as that may sound. It's not really as funny to me."

"Why not, I mean that's just hilarious." Dudley asked.

"Well, because I too sort of like guys." Harry said, he didn't realize it when he had asked Dudley to come in, but he lived for these moments. Moments where he could shock Dudley to his core. Just the look on his face when he did it was priceless, much like the look on his face right now.

"You…? Like…??" Dudley stumbled.

"Boys and girls." Harry finished.

"Oh my god, and I have been living with you for years…iek!" He shouted, the last part of the sentence going way up in the tone of his voice.

"What, are you really afraid I'll make a move on you?" Harry asked, now really loving every moment of this conversation.

Dudley didn't even answer the last question of Harry, he just ran out of his room, like he did every year, and ran either to his room or to the living room. From what Harry could here this time he was dragging his short legs towards the living room. Apparently being on the same floor as Harry was a bit too much for the poor boy right now.

Harry chuckled and pulled out his feather, he was ready to write a letter.

Dear Hermione,

Got here in one piece, still wondering if I'll leave the same way.

But things haven't changed so much around here. And that's an understatement, everything is actually completely the same. Dudley is still as stupid as ever, which says a lot, because I didn't say he got even more stupid this year. Ah well, maybe it get's less over the years. I don't know what I'm writing, but you know what their saying, the mind's the first thing to go. Anyway…

The rest of my family is the same as well, which is a complement in a way. But onto happier things, how are things with you? A lot better I hope?

Anyway, I did what you asked of me, I wrote you a letter in the first few hours I were here. I don't believe I actually ever managed to do that.

I hope to hear from you soon, but really hope to see you even sooner, I will die here!

With love,

He smiled as he looked over what he had just written, it looked really good. Hermione would be proud of him that he finally did what she wanted, and in less than a couple of hours. Although she would probably scold at him for this being the first time he actually did what he promised.

He walked downstairs feeling really peckish he hadn't eaten anything since the train from Hogwarts. He walked into the living room, seeing his entire family all sitting on the one couch. It was the perfect spot to see the TV clearly, not that he would know, he was never allowed to watch it, and would never admit that it was the perfect spot to see the TV clearly. For a second he pitied the couch who was really having a hard time now, but just shook his head and walked to the kitchen.

"Harry, could you get me something to eat as well?" his aunt asked. Typical Harry thought.

"What do you want?" Harry asked, determent not to start the vacation of on the wrong foot.

"Anything is just fine." She said.

"That sounds good, get me some of that as well." His uncle shouting at him.

How anything could sound good, Harry would never know, but he got something out of the refrigerator and handed it to them.

"Dudley, sweetie, don't you want anything?" Aunt Petunia asked her son. Dudley looked from his mother to Harry and just shook his head. Harry smiling, realizing that it was from the conversation that they had before. This was going to be a good vacation, not having to wait on his cousin hand and foot.

Finally he grabbed something out of the refrigerator for himself and then walked back upstairs, he ate the food he had gotten and looked over his letter one more time. He really liked what he had written, and figured that Hermione would be happy to receive the letter. He turned around to face the spot where Hedwig's cage was supposed to be. But he only found that the cage wasn't where it was supposed to be.

When he thought about it, he hadn't carried Hedwig into the house, and as a matter of fact he hadn't even taken her on the on the train. His mind was racing, he never forgot her, and how could this be that all of the sudden he had forgotten her.

He walked downstairs, in the hope he had taken her into the house and forgotten to pick her up when he left the living room to go to his room. He stormed down the stairs and walked into the living room. Only to find nobody was there, the TV was out and the couch looked like nobody had sit on it for a long time. He wondered how this could be, and reopened the refrigerator only to find it completely empty.

He stormed back up the stairs and walked into aunt Petunia's and uncle Vernon's bedroom. When he walked in, he saw the bed was carefully made and dust had gathered all around. When he entered Dudley's room he found the same thing.

He finally walked back downstairs and stood in the hall. His mind was racing, what could have happened?

Then he heard footsteps behind him, quickly he turned around and saw Draco standing there.

"You don't have to sell it if you don't want to." He said.

"I don't what?" Harry asked.

"The buyer, he was going to sign the thing in your hand." Draco said, stepping closer towards Harry.

Harry looked in his hand and saw a piece of parchment in it, but instead of it being the letter to Hermione it was the deed to the house. Suddenly Harry realized the events that had happened the last few months.

The Dudley's were gone, his best friend was gone, all of the people who had betrayed him were gone, and a lot of people he had loved were gone. He had won from the most feared wizard ever. He had fallen in love with his former enemy, and he loved him back. He was forced to go to a lot of trials after the war, seeing a lot of people go to Azkaban, and seeing some surprises, some people on his side.

He and Draco had bought a house together, because it had been too hard for Draco to live in the Malfoy Manor with both of his parents gone, they too had died in the war. Strangely fighting for good, fighting for him. And this morning Harry had come to his old house, to finally sell it, and get rid of all the unpleasant memories that were still there.

"If you don't want to sell it…" Draco started again.

"No, I'm selling it." Harry said.

"Then what's wrong Harry? Do you hear that voice again?" Draco asked, Harry had finally told him after the war.

"No I haven't since the war." Harry said.

"Then what is it?" Draco asked.

Harry smiled and took a step forwards, standing dangerously close to the boy he loved. He placed his hand on the boy's waist and pulled him closer. Placing his lips softly on the other's. Draco passionately kissed him back.

"Let's go home, we'll sell this house some other time." Draco softly whispered in Harry's did nothing but walk towards the door, his hand still resting on the other's waist.

They walked out the door and down the small path that lead up to the house Harry had lived in for so long. As soon as they stood well outside, Harry looked back one more time. 'Maybe it hadn't been so bad living here' he thought. Quickly after it thinking 'but it sucks comparing to where I live now, or rather with who I live now'. He turned his head again and faced Draco, he smiled at the boy he loved.

For anyone who never heard of magic, it would have seemed as if they were daydreaming. One moment there stood two boys who were very much in love, and the next moment they disappeared. But to who knew magic, they knew that the only form of real magic had just happened, the two had finally found each other, and disappeard to live out a long foreseen prophecy, the one in which the-boy-who-lived finally became the-boy-who-lived-happily (with some up and downs, because to be honest he was a screw-up and he was living with Draco Malfoy…bound to hit some troubles along the way)-ever(well, not ever, but a long time) –after.

The end

An: THANK EVERYBODY SOOOO MUCH FOR READING AND REVIEWING :) if it wasn't for you guys, I would have never gotten more than 6 chapters! No kidding!:)
I'm sort of sad that the story is finished…but so glad that I actually finished the 15-chapter-challenge and that I will receive 2 cups of tea…!! :P Because out of the three who participated in this challenge, I am the only one who made it, and my price is 2 cups of tea.
AGAIN, thank you soooo much for reading the story and reviewing. You guys rule! And you all deserve a Draco! I wish there were more of him!