A/N: This is the end of the first of a trilogy…



C'mon guys, I bark back at the bickering Alpha and Beta. Glancing back I sigh. Then turn around and quickly pad back. Guys.

Leah. You're overstepping a fine line, Jake's words quite guarded as he snarls with reddish brown hackles raised. I don't wanna have to order you to shut the hell up Leah, but I will.

Well he is a life sucking monster that should go curl up and-

My body slams into Jacob's as he springs with a deadly growl. We wrestle on the forest floor with teeth ripping at each other. A flash of grey and Leah has thrown Jake off me while I feel icy hands grab my scruff and pull me back.

"What has gotten into you?" Comes the wise voice of Carlise and then gentel hands run through my fur. Our other family has come to stop the brethren from fighting… Again.

"Her," Edward translates for the Alpha. He bearly jerks his head at my sister who huffs and comes to sit next to me.

Fricken leeches…

How come you guys came to us? I ask my mind reader brother.

"You guys were late," He answers simply.

Alice laughs a rather pretty laugh, "And someone was getting jumpy." She wink glances at the earlier mentioned brother. And Jake whines.


We all stand in silence for a moment then…

"Let's play ball!" Emmet suggests and Rose nods.

"Sounds good," Says Jasper as he heads back towards the field. Alice fallows after him along with the oldest couple. Then goes Rose who drags Emmet with her. Leah huffs and pounds silently after them.

I glance at the Alpha and his mate. The look in their eyes say that they aren't really even here anymore. With a sigh I jog after the others because the bigger problem is ahead. The job of an Omega never really ends…

But I do hear Jacob whisper, "I love you."