Definitely Maybe

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS, Definitely Maybe, or any of the characters. Thought I'd clear that up at the start. Please enjoy and leave a comment saying what I can improve on. Thanks!

Thank you to that Ziny-DiNozzo for betaing!


He clicked the pen impatiently, ignoring his work and glancing nervously at the file in front of him. He finally decides to open it and thought back to his wedding day and how back then he couldn't ever imagine this happening; that he of all people, would be part of the 46% that didn't live happily ever after…

A passing agent congratulated him on the great work and effort he had put into the previous case he and his fellow team mates had done extremely well. For a moment he contemplated how he got to be a NCIS agent, and sighed at how much he had changed over the last ten years, how much Maya had changed him. He grinned as he shoved the folder into his bag and packed up the rest of his stuff and said goodnight to his workmates. Tuesdays and Fridays were his favourite days because he got out of work early and went to pick up his daughter from school.

As he walked into the elevator he pulled his i-pod out and found the perfect song to go with his mood; Everyday people by Sly and the Family Stone.

Sometimes I'm right then I can be wrong
My own beliefs are in my songs
A butcher, a banker, a drummer and then
Makes no difference what group I'm in
I am everyday people

There is a blue one who can't accept
The green one for living with
a black ones tryin' to be a skinny one
Different strokes for different folks
And so on and so on and scooby dooby dooby

Ooh sha sha
We gotta live together

I am no better and neither are you
We're all the same whatever we do
You love me you hate me
You know me and then
Still can't figure out the bag I'm in
I am everyday people

There is a new man
That doesn't like the short man
For being such a rich one
That will not help the poor one
Different strokes for different folks
And so on and so on scooby dooby dooby

Ooh sha sha
We got to live together

There is a yellow one that won't
Accept the black one
That won't accept the red one
That won't accept the white one

Different strokes for different folks
And so on and so on and
Scooby dooby dooby
Ooh sha sha
I am everyday people

He walked through the streets of the city listening to the song and barely paying attention to what was going on around him until he felt someone pull his arm to stop him walking into the oncoming traffic. He mouthed a thank you to the man who also had his headphones on.

He checked his watch as the school came into view and sighed, he was just in time to meet her. He removed his i-pod and walked through the double doors and into the school.

His eyes widened when he noticed the amount of parents and children there were crowded in the hallway. Three pm was normally a busy time for schools but it wasn't normally this crowded. Children were crying, screaming, and kicking while their parents argued or yelled at each other or teachers. He managed to stop one of Maya's friends and her mom and ask them what was going on.

"Tony, did you know there was gonna be a sex education class today?" She replied.

"Aren't they kinda young?" He asked. Maya was only ten.

"Yeah! It was a total disaster." She replied.

"At least it got them reading." One of the teachers commented joining them.

"There's a book!" Tony exclaimed as he noticed a few of the children reading out loud from a book, "the 250 sperm are ejaculated and begin their treacherous journey towards the fallopian tubes! One hundred million are wiped out instantly…"

Tony had heard enough, "I'm gonna go find Maya."

"Do you still have sex with Daddy?" He heard one girl ask her mother frantically as he passed them looking for his daughter. He watched as the mother denied it the girl became more frantic, "You do, don't you? I hate you! I hate you!" Tony sighed as he saw Maya walk up to him not looking forward to all the new questions he'd have to answer.

"We need to talk." She said to him as they headed for the door.


"…which is when the man removes his penis from his pyjamas and thrusts it into the woman's vagina…" Maya said.

"Mrs Philips didn't actually say 'thrusts'." Tony asked her nervously.

Maya nodded before continuing, "But what I don't understand, Danny Beckcombs sister says he was an accident. I mean how do you accidentally thrusta penis into –"

"Stop saying 'penis' and 'thrust'. Say something cute like 'tinkle part' or 'wee wee'. Something cute." Tony told her as they reached his apartment and he unlocked the door.

She followed him inside and sat down on the couch. "Explain how Danny was an accident." She demanded.

"It's complicated." He replied slumping down beside her.

She leant over to him and whispered the two words he didn't want to hear from his daughter in his ear.

He sat up abruptly and pushed her away gently. "That's enough."

He sighed not really wanting to have this conversation with her. "It's not like his dad slipped on a banana peel. The accident was that Danny's mom got pregnant."

"If they didn't want a baby then why'd they have sex?"

He bit his lip trying to come up with a believable answer "That's a very good question. I guess you could say that they were rehearsing."

She considered this for a moment before turning to him "was I an accident?"

"No." He replied pulling her close.

"I was, wasn't I?"

"No. You were completely and totally on purpose. I knew exactly what I was getting into."

She sighed and hugged him back.


"I think you should tell me the story of you and my mom." Maya said as she helped him cut up vegetables for their dinner.

"Why do you keep on calling her 'my mom' like I've never met her?" He asked her as he grabbed bowls out of the cupboard.

"Well, because now that you're getting divorced, she's mine not yours."

He raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

She sighed. "Just tell me how it happened. And the real story not the, 'Oh we met and we fell in love, and we decided to take all that love and make a family and that's how we made you."

He leant over the bench rolling his eyes. "You know what? I'm gonna tell you the real, true story of how me and your mother met."

"When I'm old enough." She said catching on.

"Yep." He nodded taking the bowls over to the table.

"Look, I know love isn't a fairytale."

"Really?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Really." She nodded as she handed him the cut vegetables. "Did you have another girlfriend before you met her?"

He chuckled in answer.

She rolled her eyes at him in disbelief. "Come on, tell me the truth."

He sighed, she might've inherited his brown hair and blue eyes but she definitely got her mother's stubbornness. "I had two serious girlfriends and then some other, a smattering of other woman that I dated."

"You know."


"What's the boy word for slut?" She asked him innocently cocking her head to the side.

"They still haven't come up with one yet, but I'm sure they're working on it." He said putting the vegetables in bowls. "You a vegetarian this week or not?"

"Yeah I am." She nodded.

"Great." He sighed.


"I'm guessing you weren't her first boyfriend." Maya said to him as she brushed her teeth. "Maybe it was some nerdy guy or maybe he was mean. Or maybe," she paused as she rinsed her mouth, "you were friends for the longest time and then just as you were about to put your penis into somebody else's vagina…"

He grabbed her firmly by the shoulder and started to march her down the hall to her room. "Okay. Goodnight, Maya."

"…you realised Mom was the only one for you!" She finished.

"Bedtime!" He said as they reached her room.

"You still have to tell me the story of why you fell in love with her." She demanded as she climbed into her princess themed bed.

"I fell in love with her because she was smart, beautiful and fun." He said as he tucked her in.

"So now she's stupid, ugly, and boring?" She asked turning on her lamp.

"Of course not." He told her as he turned the lamp back off.

"Then what's the problem?" She asked sitting up and turning the lamp back on.

He gave up trying to turn the lamp off and picked her clothes up off the floor instead. "It's complicated, Maya."

She sighed. "Everything with you is so complicated. I bet that if you just told me the story, you'd realise that it's not complicated at all. That you just love her."

He sighed struggling to understand where she was coming from. "I know this is tough for you but what are you thinking? That I'm gonna tell you the story and it'll make everything better? It doesn't work that way."

"Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. Tell me and we'll find out."

He gave her a small smile, shaking his head and turning the bedroom light off. "No. Game over. It's time for bed."

"No, it's not time for bed! It's time for you to tell me the story!" She demanded folding her arms.


"I need to know!" She demanded again making him turn the light back on and turn around to face her, leaning on the door.

"I need to know." She repeated again with those puppy dog eyes that he couldn't resist.

"Fine! Fine!" He said finally giving in and walking over to the bed.

She flashed that DiNozzo grin at him.

"I'm gonna tell you the story." He said leaning on the bed in front of her, "but I'm not telling you who your mom is."

"Fine." She agreed.

"You're just gonna have to figure it out for yourself."

"Good." She nodded.

"And I'm changing all the names and some of the facts, but I just decided that right now." He told her smugly. "And then we'll see how smart you are."

"I like it. It's like a love story/mystery." She replied grinning.

"Great. Sounds good. You ready?"


"No?" He sighed as she finally got under the blankets and organised her pillows comfortably behind her. As soon as she was comfortable she sighed, "I'm ready."

"Once upon a time," He began.


So what do you think I know at the moment it sounds a lot like the movie but I promise next chapter when Tony starts the story it takes its own twists and turns and we meet the first possible Mom but how many of you will be able to work out who it is? Lol please review it makes my day.