Death is Only a Ruse

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto(I leave this to Kishimoto Masashi), or any other character/idea except my OC.

"Blah"-Human talk.

"Blah"-Human think/Mindscape link.

"Blah"-Inner Sakura/Hinata.

"Blah"-Demon talk.

"Blah"-Demon think.

"Blah"-Deity talk.

"Blah"-Deity think.

/Blah/ - Silent Communication

I am starting this new story, Death is Just a Ruse. It will be starting when Naruto is just the wee age of 4. You will find out what happens later. Please read and review on my other two stories. They all help, unless it is a completely rude and unhelpful comment. Then, keep your thoughts to yourself. Also, don't be too chicken-shit to actually log in. It pisses me off when people leave anonymous comments, because they were too scared to sign in.

"Why do they only hurt me?" A young boy with blond hair questioned himself. He was currently being chased down an alley. "Crap. Dead end."

"Haha! Found you, demon spawn!" A man yelled out jubiliantly. The crowd stalked forward slowly, like a pretador closing in on its prey. They bared their teeth, and pulled out whatever they could use as a weapon. There were several chuunin in the crowd, spitting at the child. Obviously drunk. They pulled out kunai, and staggered over to the boy. "Demon scum. We will finish what the Yondaime started. We will kill you off like he tryed to four years ago. You don't deserve to live, for the pain you have caused others. Even better, we will torture you and let you live. More pain, more suffering, less sight. Itazuki(Pain), you carve his left eye, I got the right." One of the chuunin said.

"Alright, Koumuru(Suffer), as long as the demon scum feels pain, and lots of it." Itazuki conceded.

They advanced on the boy, Naruto, determined to cause him the pain he supposedly put others through. When he was in striking distance, they pinned him to the wall, a kunai through each hand and one through both ankles. They pulled out more kunai, and extremely slowly punctured the cornea. Naruto started to scream in pain, and the men just kicked him in the ribs. The kunai dug even further into his hands, making him scream louder.

His torturers just smirked even wider at the screams of pain. They were having an exstacy on his pain. They advanced the kunai, breaking the iris. Naruto would be permanantly blind after his pupil dialating muscle was destroyed, but the men didn't stop. The rest of the crowd did not either. They were throwing sticks and broken bottles and whatever else they could get their hands on. Once the kunai got to the jelly like part of the eye, the vitreous, the chuunin started spinning the kunai and twisting them. To destroy all of the evidence that he even saw in the first place, that was their goal.

Naruto was giving off yelps, and sobs; all he wanted now was to either wake up with this as a nightmare or die. Neither one would happen, as this was very much real, and his 'tenant' would not let him die. When his throat was finally hoarse, he started trying to kick. All this did was to increase the depth of the kunai in his ankles.

After what seemed like hours to Naruto, the Hokage finally arrived. The chuunin looked purposefully to him, wanting their reward for 'repaying' Naruto. Sarutobi was livid, no he was beyond livid. He was about to go on a rampage. All his successor, and predeccesor wanted was for Naruto to be treated as a hero. This was how the village repayed the Yondaime's final wish? How dare they? He outstretched his arm, and the chuunin fell dead. He walked over to the mob that had gathered. They didn't notice the two dead chuunin. How could they? They were drunk on alcohol and the drug of torture. Their thoughts were clouded, and they wanted some sort of reward for finally getting the demon scum back. Sarutobi simply snapped his fingers three times, and an entire devision of ANBU appeared.

"Take them to Ibiki. Tell him they have broken the Yondaime's wish, and the Will of Fire itself. Tell him not to hold back." Hiruzen Sarutobi ordered them.

"H-hai!" Bird responded, never seeing the Hokage this serious about anything. He placed the entire horde of villagers under an extremely strong genjutsu, and rounded them up. As the squad of ANBU was about to leave, Sarutobi said one more thing.

"And Bird, tell Ibiki to keep any and all Shinobi in the ranks of the mob alive; I want to deal with them personally."

The entire battilion of ANBU just shuddered. They would not want to be part of that crowd.

Sarutobi finally walked to Naruto, and gingerly removed the kunai from his limbs. Naruto whimpered softly, causing Sarutobi to almost break down. When he was finished, he examined Naruto's body. The slits in his ankles and hands would heal, but the eyes couldn't be replaced, even by Tsunade. There was nothing left of them to heal; creation would need to take place, not healing. Naruto was completely limp, and fell into Sarutobi's outstretched arms. He had lost a large amount of blood, and would need to be taken care of. Sarutobi knew the hospital would do nothing for him, so when he got back to the Hokage Tower, he called for his personal physician.

"You called, sir. You said it was an emergency?" Karada(Health) asked.

"Yes. You see, young Naruto was attacked by a mob around three hours ago, and is in need of emergency medical attention. Would you be willing to help?" Hizuren asked.

"Of course. I would also wish for the village to actually honor a dying Hokage's wishes, but it seems that won't be happening anytime soon." Karada replied, gravely.

"Ah, yes. I can tell you one thing, though. He has had irrepairable damage to his eyes. They have been completely gouged out, and the optic nerve severed." Hizuren forewarned him.

Karada inspected the aformentioned area of the body, and was shocked at the amount of blood lost. He quickly reached into his medical kit, and pulled out a blood pill. He popped it into Naruto's mouth, and somehow made him swollow it. He pulled out a needle and stitching thread, and got to work on pulling the skin of Naruto's hands and ankles together to reduce blood flow and encourage clotting. Gauze was removed from the kit, and wrapped around Naruto's head, covering his now empty eye sockets.

"Sir, that is as much as I can do for him. His body will have to do the rest. He needs rest, and more than likely some mental therapy. I am truly sorry about the bigots that did this to him." Karada solemnly gave his report.

"Of course. There is only a limited amount that someone can do. You are dismissed." Sarutobi waved him off.

The Next Morning

"Citizens of Konoha. I hope you are proud of yourselves. Last night, our greatest hero was killed. Naruto Uzumaki was crucified on the side of a building and had his eyes gouged out. I an disgusted with you and your attitude towards the Yondaime's wishes. Goodbye." Sarutobi announced. "I hope I am doing the right thing lying to them like this..." He relented.
So, what now. Please R&R. It is helpful.