Prologue: First Open Day

Disclaimer: Don't own

A/N: Hey everyone this is my new story and I decided to try my hand at an ALL HUMAN fanfiction as I love reading them.


I know its short but it's only a prologue. The other chapters are longer.


The day has finally come. After three years of careful planning with my best friends, Alice Brandon and Rosalie Hale, who were my key designers, my restaurant was going to open in twenty minutes.

CRAP... twenty minutes? Oh god. Inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale.

"Bella calm down. You certainly cannot become flushed now. Your make up will stuff up. I know I shouldn't have put blush on but I couldn't help myself. It was just sitting there on the bathroom counter," Alice trailed off into her own thoughts about her cosmetics.

"I can't help it. Twenty minutes Alice. My dream boils down to waiting for twenty minutes!" I cried.

"Come and sit down. I have chocolate." Alice held up a bar of creamy milk chocolate and I caved instantly.

My restaurant; my dream; my goal. I was so proud of everyone and the support I've gotten. I was proud of myself. I couldn't have done it without the help and support that I had received.

'Smeraldo', which is Italian for 'Emerald', was the name of my restaurant and it was located in a fairly busy street in Chicago.

"Bella snap out of it. Come see if everything is to your standards," Rose snapped her fingers VERY close to my face.

"Alright. Don't put your fingers in my face." I retorted. I shouldn't let out all my pent up energy out on Rose.

We walked into the dining area and my breath quickened. My restaurant was...


Three of the four walls were a pale green with a feature wall being a sparkling green in an emerald colour. (To match the name of course.)

The table clothes were silver and everything was in its place. The glasses were polished as was the entire cutlery. The salt and pepper shakers were brand new out of their containers.

"Bella no! Stop right now!" Alice yelled at me.


"You're crying! Stop or the mascara will run and there's only three minutes until opening. There's only so much crying waterproof mascara can be resistant to."

That snapped me right back into reality. Hyperventilation started to kick in. I closed my eyes and breathed.

"Hey you three. We're here and ready for the big show. I'll just sharpen my knife!"

That would be my head chef Emmett. How I hired him is beyond me. Maybe it was because he is dating Rose?

"Sharpen your knife? Is that meant to sound intimidating? Do not scare my customers Emmett McCarty!" I said.

"Or what Bella?" he replied smugly.

"I'll eat you!"

"I could go for some chocolate," said another familiar voice who just indeed stole the block of chocolate I was letting my emotions out with.

"JASPER! GIVE ME THE CHOCOLATE NOW!" Alice yelled. Another couple to surround me.

Let me give you the lowdown on my friends. Alice, Rose and I have been best friends since I moved to Chicago in my junior years at high school. They have followed and helped me achieve my dream despite Alice owning a fashion shop and Rose owning a car shop.

Alice was the shorter of the two, often described as a pixie because of her spiky black hair and height. But man she was one vicious pixie. Never ever steal HER skittles. Rosalie was more the model of us three with long blonde hair cascading down her model figure. You will never see Rose without wearing something red.

Jasper Whitlock was more the quiet one of the group but he can have his random outbursts. He makes up for Alice's height disadvantage (which she calls being 'fun size') as he is over six feet tall with dirt blonde hair and great fashion sense. I guess that's what you get being the boyfriend of Alice Brandon.

Emmett McCarty was different. He was the 'Muscle Man' as he refers himself to quite often. He looks like he could squish you in a heartbeat but he can be a real teddy bear. But he CAN squish you. Especially when guys hit on Rose.

Then there's me. Bella Swan. I'm not exactly a plain Jane but nowhere near as gorgeous as Alice or Rose despite them saying otherwise, or I become Bella Barbie. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I love reading and now about to open my own restaurant... in... OH GOD!

"Bella unlock the door! Unlock the door!" Alice said excitedly jumping up and down.

"Jasper control your girlfriend," Emmett laughed earning a hit from Rose. She was just as excited.

I turned the lock and changed the sign to 'OPEN'.

I almost died and went to heaven when I caught sight of my first customer.

A/N: Had to end it there. About to go to bed soon and I really wanted to do a little cliffie. Tell me your thoughts. Any ideas for little plot bits to add? I'm open to suggestions. As of August 2010 this chapter has been edited.