Yuuki: hi nya!

Amu: so I'm guessing that Yoru, Ran, Miki, Suu don't exist in this story…

Yuuki: I might make them like different nya

Amu: just start the story and get it over with

Yuuki: this starts when she wakes up the morning after she wishes for honesty and courage and stuff nya and some of it isn't really my idea…it's more of just a remix of what happened but only for the beginning nya!

Chapter 1: Shugo Neko! Begins!

Amu's POV

It's time to wake up! I am so tired! I guess that there really are no Guardian angels… I opened my eyes and sat up.

"Gah! I know I'm female but they never mentioned this in class!" On my bed was a little black egg with cat paw print designs on it. I touched it. It's warm…so it's alive, I guess.

"Amu-chan! You're going to be late!" Oh no!

"Coming, mom!" I got dressed and was about to leave when I remembered the egg. I'll just take it to school. I grabbed the egg and put it in my bag then headed to school.

-At school-

"Here come the guardians!" I turned around to see some girls giggling and the school guardians coming down the path. Tadase Hotori the king chair

Fujisaki Nadeshiko the queen chair

Souma Kukai the jack chair

And finally Yuuiki Yaya the ace chair.

My prince is so cute! But I could never act like those giggling girls… I felt something wiggling in my bag. The egg! I grabbed it before it fell out. I wonder how it could have moved. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around. Tadase-kun!

"Excuse me. But might you b-…" This wouldn't be my character if I talk to him! I slapped his hand away,

"Leave me alone, squirt." I walked away and as soon as I was out of sight I started hitting my forehead. My first meeting with the prince and I ruined it!

-Later at that school meeting thing-

I should apologize. But that wouldn't be my character. I wish that I could do that but not ruin my image…I heard a little voice in my head,

Then find a way. From a girl who can't find words in her character to a girl who can. Character change.

What was that!? I stood up and started speaking against my will after my hair clip turned into a little black cat, "Yes, um, about earlier forget about it! I like you, prince-sama!" I put my hand down. Huh? What did I just say!? Tadase-kun looked over at me,

"Please refrain from making any off topic announcements. And…I already have someone I like." What?! I was just rejected in front of everyone! I ran out of the room. That was not my character! I wish…I wish I could just fall in a hole! I felt the ground give way under me. I looked down. A HOLE!?! I fell in. ouch.

"Is someone there!?" No answer. Oh man! This is their day off! I looked around. How am I going to get out of here? I can't fly, climb, or jump… I felt the egg move again. This time I wasn't able to catch it. The egg cracked open and out came a little…cat? It had midnight blue hair and eyes to match. Then it had the same colored cat ears and cat tail. He, I think it's a he, was wearing a miniature high school uniform. But the rest of him looked like a mini human. It looked at me, "From a girl who can't jump very high to a girl who can. Character change."

That's the voice from my head! I didn't have much time to think about it because I grew a cat tail and cat ears like the little cat thing. Then I jumped really high! And I mean REALLY high! I landed on a wire and grabbed the nearest pole, "I-it's so high!" I looked up to see the little cat again,

"W-who are you!? No wait! What are you?!" The little cat thing waved its tail,

"I'm a Shugo Neko. I'm the 'self' that you want to be or be with. With a twist." What is this 'Shugo Neko' or whatever talking about?! "W-what!?" He sighed,

"Amu, y-"

"How do you know my name!?"

"I'm technically you so I have to know your name."

This weirdo creeps me out!

"Amu, I was trying to tell you that you're about to fall off that wire."

I looked down. Bad idea! I started to fall off. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" okay I didn't start to fall off. I DID fall off!

"Holy crown!" huh? I was expecting it to hurt more when I fell. I opened my eyes.

"T-Tadase-kun!" He looked at me,

"Are you hurt?" I shook my head. The Shugo neko thing floated over to us,

"Hey, kiddy king. Long time no see." Prince set me down and ignored the neko thing,

"You should head home now…I have to get back to the meeting.

"Oh! Wait!! Why did you save me? Is he your Shugo neko? He doesn't look like a cat. What is a Shugo Neko?"

"I'll tell you about them next time." With that he left. Prince-sama!

-Later when she gets back home-

"Whoa! Can you believe what just happened!? Prince-sama carried me like I was his princess!" I was lying on my bed remembering what had happened today. That annoying little voice came beside me,

"You are no princess." Grrr!

"Who asked you!? I didn't even give you permission to be in here!"

He put his paws on his ears, "Don't yell, my ears are my weakness! And I have to be here. I'm your Shugo Neko."

"What is a Shugo Neko?"

"I told you. It's the 'self' you want to be or be with. Only with a twist. You wished to be a more outspoken girl with your character but more honest and courageous. I came here from that feeling."

"So that was your fault!!!"

He pressed his paws against his ears again, "Again with the yelling! What did I do!?"

I had forgotten…that I was rejected in front of everyone… and it's all his fault! "Leave me alone!" I covered my head with my pillow. I saw him go to his egg on the counter.

-Next day at school-

I really didn't want to come today…Everybody's probably disgusted that I'm not at all like those rumors! I sat down at my desk and was suddenly surrounded by some girls in my class, "You were amazing yesterday!"

"I'm blown away that you had the courage to confess like that!"

"You're in love with the prince too!? I feel like your best friend now!"

"Can I call you Amu-chan?"

"I want to be your friend!

Huh? Uh…"Sure?" What? Why aren't they mad at me? I saw that little Shugo whatever smirk at me from the bag. The door to the class room opened and the Queen chair walked over to me,

"You're Hinamori Amu-chan, right? After school today, come meet us at the royal gardens." She handed me an envelope and left.

-At P.E.-

"Okay stop talking! I want someone to show us the mount bar!" Oh no…I'm terrible at the bar… I then heard that voice in my head again. Oh he wouldn't!

Go for it kid. This could be a laugh. Character change.

He would! I dashed to the bar and started to do flips around it. I'm going to be sick! When I got off I landed on my feet and everyone was clapping.

-Girl's bathroom-

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO MESS WITH ME!" I was in the bathroom stall yelling at the Neko. What's his name anyways…

"But the look on your face was priceless!"

"But I dropped my hair clip!"

"You could look for it after school."

"No! I have that meeting! Besides! I am through with you! After I find out what you are it's Sayonara! I want you out of my life!" I headed out of the bathroom.



"Amu! Your hair clip is alive!" I looked at where the Neko was pointing. Oh my god! The clip was bouncing around! I think a grasshopper has it or something! "Catch it!" We chased after it. I finally caught it!"Okay! Now we can go, Amu!" What is he talking about? "You're not coming with me again! I don't want you in my life!" The Neko frowned, "But…"

"No buts! You are leaving me alone! I don't believe in you!"

He winced, "If you don't believe then…I'll disappear."

What…? "You gotta be kidding me…" He shook his head, "If you don't believe in yourself or in me then I don't exist. So please, trust me…" Is he crazy?

"You're crazy! I don't get this whole Shugo Neko thing at all! But…if it helps…I guess I can believe in you…a little. But just a little!" He smirked and hugged my cheek, "You do care!"

-After school-

"Now that I'm close enough…this place is beautiful! I'm nervous!" We were standing in front of the royal gardens. The Neko smirked, "I could Character change you…" I wacked him on the head, "Don't even think about it!" I opened the door, "E-excuse me…" The guardians were sitting at a table,

"Hello, Hinamori Amu-chan. Welcome to the royal gardens!" Wow! It's even more gorgeous on the inside! But wait! All the guardians have a Shugo neko!? They look different than mine though…



"Hi, Amu-chi!"

"Hi, Amu-chan!"

I was already surprised by being invited to the royal gardens but this is better than I thought! I sat at the table. I'm so nervous!

"Don't be so nervous, Amu-chan. We won't bite!" I tried a small smile. Tadase-kun started to speak, "Okay, first, let's introduce our selves first. I am the guardian's king chair, Tadase Hotori and this…" He gestured to the little king figure beside him, "…Is my Shugo Chara, Kiseki." Shugo Chara?

"I'm the queen chair Nadeshiko Fujisaki. This is Temari."

"Yaya Yuiki is the ace chair. I love sweets! This is Pepe-chan!"

"And I'm the jack chair, Kukai Souma. This is my buddy, Daichi."


"You don't have to introduce yourself. We know who you are."

"And this is you Shugo Chara. Right?" Nadeshiko pointed at the egg. He must've gone back inside. "Um…what's a Shugo Chara?" They handed me a book. The heart's egg… I read through some of the pages…"But I don't have a Shugo Chara…" They all stared at me. "That's a good one! You pass!" Huh?

"No I'm serious! He said that he was a Shugo N-" I was cut off by Yaya, "He? But you're a girl!" Ya I was wondering the same thing… Then the little Neko came out,

"Can't a guy take a cat nap around here!? You're so loud!" They stared at him…okay… Prince-sama pointed at him,

"Y-you're a Shugo Neko!?" I am so confused it's not funny. The neko waved,

"Hi it's nice to see you too! I'm fine! Thanks for asking!" Hm…? Maybe I could ask now…

"What is a Shugo Neko? And why are you staring at us like we're a freak show?" They regained their composure,

"A-a Shugo Neko is only a bit different than a Shugo Chara. First of all they are a Neko and are usually stronger. Plus they are rarer and aren't always the 'self' you want to be. They could be the person you want to be with. But sometimes they have their own secrets…" The Neko smirked,

"Do you know which Neko I am, Kiddy king? You should remember your Niisan. Right?" The blond boy blushed for some reason,

"Tsukiyomi Ikuto! How did you get back here!?" So his name is Ikuto? Ikuto smirked again,

"It's been a while. You got yourself some other little servants I see…" Tadase-kun's eyes widened,

"Y-you wouldn't dare!" Ikuto's smirk grew larger,

"Oh but I would, Prince." Huh? A little crown popped onto Prince-sama's head and he began to laugh, "You should know better than to call me a measly prince, for I am a king! Kneel before me, Tsukiyomi Ikuto!" Ikuto flew over to the blonde boy, "But I can't oh great king. I am but a Shugo Neko in this form!" Tadase-kun pointed at him, "Then return to your human guise!" Ikuto smirked wider and flew back over to me. Then he kissed my cheek. Why'd he do that for?! I was about to hit the little Neko when he disappeared. Where'd he go? Then in the same place where Ikuto had been floating before stood a boy. He looked exactly like the neko only bigger and I noticed a little choker with cross on it around his neck and his cat features had vanished.

"Gah! Who are you!?" He smirked, "Don't you recognize me, Amu?" That voice. That annoying little voice! It's only a little different,

"Ikuto! How'd you do that!?" He laughed,

"Ask the kiddy king." I looked at Tadase-kun..He's back to normal… and was blushing slightly but was normal…ish…

"Pri-…I mean Tadase-kun?" He looked up at me,

"Shugo Neko's are different than Shugo Charas. One thing that only they can do, as you can see, is they can have a human guise. Or they themselves can become an actual human if their owner allows them. They can also return to human guise if somebody with a Shugo Chara or Shugo Neko says that they have permission to…"

So…"Why did you call me here again?" The rest of the group snapped out of it and Yaya started speaking,

"We would like Amu-chi to join the guardians. It would be loads of fun!" So that's the only reason… if I joined then I could be with Tadase-kun more…but…"N-…" They looked at me,

"N?" I don't have to hesitate!

"No." They looked shocked,

"NO?!" That's what I said! "I'm sorry!!!" I ran out of the royal gardens. "Amu, wait up!" I didn't stop. Soon Ikuto was a Shugo Neko again and floating next to me, "Nobody waits for Ikuto! Nope they just run off! Thanks for waiting, Amu!"


"Wow, kid. You turned down the guardians. I thought you had a crush on the kiddy king." Now that I know Ikuto can be a human boy…I don't feel comfortable with him… And I turned down the guardians so…

"Nah, I don't regret it. I finally made some friends in the class. If I was a guardian then I won't be like them anymore. I want to be normal." The Neko smirked,

"There's your stubborn character again. You missed your chance to get closer to your prince. Do you still like him even though you know what happened earlier?" Why does he enjoy making me mad?

"Whatever! I don't care!" I shooed him away.

"Oh no! Amu's mad! Hide, hide!" He went inside of the little egg. I wonder what this all means. Ikuto said that he was either the me that I want to be…but he could also be the person I want to be with but has a little twist to it…and Tadase-kun said that Ikuto has secrets of his own… my head hurts!

-Next day-

I was just walking to my class when Nadeshiko-san appeared, "I got you! Let's walk to class together, Amu-chan!"


"Because I want to be your friend!" I heard whispers,

"Look it's Nadeshiko-sama and Amu-sama! They look like they get along pretty well!" I want to be normal! I ran off. At least I was able to trap Ikuto in my bag so he can't come out and character change!

-After school-

"I wonder if I'll make any new friends in my new class…" I was walking home and Ikuto had somehow managed to free himself from my bag,

"You could just character change and make a big entrance at the opening ceremony."

"Do that and you die, Ikuto!" I sighed, "I should have at least made plans for break…"

"Did ya call me?" Gah! "Oh cute reaction. You're really a scaredy cat aren't you, Amu-chan. Maybe that's why you got a Shugo Neko. You can hang with me! We can be best friends!" Nadeshiko-san never gives up…

"You're just saying that to make me join the guardians!" She pointed at herself,

"You saw through me?" I thought so! Temari appeared out of nowhere, "Nadeshiko, you should bring out the…" Huh?

"Okay, it's time to use the secret weapon on Amu-chan!" What are they going to do!?

"Here's a photo of Hotori-kun dozing off!"

"How is that a secret weapon!?"

"You like Hotori-kun. Right, Amu-chan!"

"How do you know that!?"

"You confessed in front of everyone! Look, look! I have a bunch!" Whoa! It's beautiful! Ikuto poked my head,

"Don't let her talk you into it!" Wha?! Oh right!!!

"Stop making fun! You can't bribe me!" Ikuto pated my head,

"You almost fell for it." I'm going to get him later! Temari giggled and whispered to Nadeshiko, "She's more honest now!" What does she mean by that?

"Then I'll support your love, Amu-chan! Tomorrow is his birthday! Why don't you give him a present?" Oh…

"But I don't know what he likes…"

"Amu, you're falling for it…"

"How 'bout you make him some sweets!"

"But I can't cook…"

"I'll help! And I know the place too! Meet me here in 30 minutes go home and put your stuff away!" Nadeshiko-san ran off after saying good bye. I feel exited… A present for the prince…and something to do with a friend…this might not be so bad after all!

"You fell for it, Amu. I bet you're looking forward to it."

"N-no! It's only a boring way to pass the time!"


"This is the home Ec room at school… we can't come in here without permission…" I had met up with Nadeshiko-san and she had taken me back to school…

"I'm a guardian so it's all right. We'll make a fruit tart! First we need to cream the butter…"

"She sure is bossy, Amu…" Stupid Ikuto…

-After making the tart-

"It's done!" The tart had come out better than it thought!

"We'll make the filling while it cools off! Can you whip this, Amu-chan? I'm going to get fruit for decoration!" She left…I wonder if I can do this by myself…I wish I had more confidence…I looked at Ikuto who was dozing on the window sill. I want to be able to do it by myself though. I don't want to ask something from Ikuto again…the little Neko must be tired… I remember them telling me that I could sometimes use the little powers without Ikuto…but how? I want to be able to do this by myself!!! The cream began to lift and whip its self! It's going to splatter! I started panicking and the cream was about to fall in the floor when I heard Ikuto,

"Stop. Okay it's over." He was holding the bowl with all the cream in it. Phew! I thought I was going to ruin it! Wait!

"How did you go back to human form, Ikuto!?" He smirked,

"I have my own secrets, Amu. Hey, what's this?" Gah!

"Give that back!" He was holding a little booklet. He cannot, I repeat, cannot read that!

"Could this be Amu's diary?" Grrr! He started to open it. I ran over to him, "Give it, Ikuto!" I tried to trip him but ended up tripping both of us! His face is so close to mine… What did he say a Shugo Neko could be? He said that it could be the person I wanted to be with also…but with a twist…

"What did you mean by with a twist? What's a Shugo Neko? Why did the guardians say it was so special?" He just stared at me. The door swung open,

"That's enough! Just because you are Amu-chan's Shugo does not mean you can take advantage of her! Temari!"

"The little character flew beside Nadeshiko-san,

"Right! It's time to tame the cat! Chin…Ton…Shan!" On the word shan, Nadeshiko-san got a blade thing and swung it at Ikuto once I was out of the way.

"HAYAAA!!! Ga Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! I'll slice you into such tiny pieces! You'll never swallow again!" No way! She has this kind of character!? Remind me never to get her mad! She kept on swinging her blade at Ikuto. He was trying to keep away by jumping and flip kind of things. Oh! The tart! He broke it! What am I going to do!? I could try the same thing as earlier! How? Temari said some words what if I tried…

"Whip! Syrup! Cream!" A big bowl of whip cream came out of nowhere and I started to stir it without thinking with a big mixy thing! (A.n.- I forget what those are called nya…) Nadeshiko-san yelled,

"Wow!" She must have come out of her character change…AH! We're going to drown in whip cream! The room is flooded with cream! I gotta stop! I let go of the mixy thing and was dragged away in the current of whip cream. Where's Ikuto? I was outside of the class room. I-I'm alive! I looked around. Nadeshiko-san and Temari are back inside and Ikuto…"Ikuto!" He was back in Shugo Neko form. Oh he's fine…that was a close one! He's just knocked out… Nadeshiko-san called me back inside,

"This is awful…the tart you worked so hard on is smashed to bits!" I had forgotten…Ikuto had accidently stepped on it then the cream must have finished the job… At least Ikuto will never read my diary…it's ruined to in the whip cream flood…

-School starts again-

"Let's see…my class is…" I was looking at the board where the classes were listed. Ikuto came out of my bag,

"You're in fifth grade now! The opening ceremony is already here."

"Ikuto, hide! People will see you!" He smirked,

"Thanks for worrying Amu! But normal people can't see Shugo Charas or Shugo Nekos!" He couldn't have told me earlier!? People will think I'm a weirdo for talking to myself!

"Kya! We did it!"

"Oh! Nadeshiko!"

"Look, look at that! We're in the same class!" I looked up at the board! We're both in the star class!

-Opening ceremony-

"I will now announce this year's guardians!" I don't know why I feel so nervous! Ikuto was in my bag again.

"The king chair is Tadase Hotori! Queen is Nadeshiko Fujisaki! Jack is Kukai Souma! Ace is Yaya Yuiki!" I guess it's the same again this year. I feel relieved but disappointed…

"And there is one more guardian this year! The guardian 'Joker' chair shall be filled by…Amu Hinamori!" What!?!!!!

-Guardian meeting-

"You guys made me a guardian without asking! And I have to be the Joker!" They are so gonna get it! Ikuto was floating next to me. Kukai spoke,

"Don't you know what the joker means?"

"It means a lot of things! Trump, trickster-"

"Because you have a Shugo Neko! That's great! So you are the joker!"

"I don't get it!"

"Not many people have Shugo Charas, let alone a Shugo Neko! Sometimes not even all the chairs get filled. But this year is different because you appeared, Amu-chan." Huh? Kukai didn't explain well and Nadeshiko explained a little better…She continued,

"The fifth guardian is supposed to take the special post of Joker." Special? Yaya started talking,

"Being a guardian alone is amazing! But our duties can be pretty boring! Liking filling paper work and signing documents…" Kukai finished for her,

"And the Joker only takes care of its own duty." Huh…? Yaya spoke again,

"So here's your cape!"

"NO-!!" Tadase-kun put his hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry, Hinamori-san, you only have to wear it to certain events."

"That should be okay…"

Ikuto poked my head, "You fell for it…" Grrr…

"So Hinamori-san, we'll try our best together." He is so cute! "Prince…" He twitched. Huh? Everyone stood back a little. Huh?

"Did you just…call me prince? You called me that… Don't call me…" He flipped over the table, "…PRINCE!!!" Huh?! Yaya started jumping up and down, "I'm getting excited!" Tadase-kun pointed at Kukai,

"Listen up subjects!" Kukai pointed at himself, "Who, me?" Tadase-kun continued his rampage,

"I am not a trivial being like a prince! I am the king! And the king is the only one good enough to own the Neko Embryo!"

(A.n.- as you already know I am not the most creative person nya…the 'neko embryo' is almost the same as the embryo I just needed it to be a little different nya)

"Neko embryo? Is that the thing you told me about, Ikuto?" He nodded. Does that mean…

"Don't tell me Tadase-kun's dream is…" He laughed evilly again,

"I shall conquer the world! Bwahahahahahahahahahah!" He's a villain! He destroyed me image of him! Wait…

"Why are you guys helping him?" They all said at the same time,

"Cause it's fun!" You're kidding me!?


I just finished taking my bath and was drinking milk. I wonder where Ikuto went off to…"Ikuto…"


"Gah! You scared me! Where were you?!" He smirked, "Drinking that won't make your boobs any bigger." Grrr! "That's none of your business, I mean where have you been!?" He held out a bag, "Here" I opened it. Whoa! Look at all the snacks! "Why are you giving me this?"


"For what?"

"You were making something like that…"

"…Oh! You mean the tart! That's completely different!"

"Huh…it's just like the snacks I just gave you. Right?"


"…………They don't seem very different to me."

"They are very different!!" I-I'm confused…how is he back in human form and…why did he give me this…is he trying to apologize…? He sighed, "I'll just go back…" huh? "No, wait!" He turned back around.

"Uh…what is Ikuto's wish? You said that the Neko embryo can do two things. One is that it can grant wishes. What would your wish be?" He walked back towards me, "Okay, but it's my secret." I felt a blush come onto my face as he put his hands on my face.

"My wish is…" Hurry up! He licked the corner of my lip. "Gah! Pervert!" He smirked, "…My secret." He went inside and changed back to a Shugo Neko. Grrr! I'm going to kill him!

-Next day-

"Well the joker's duties begin today. I'm the one in charge of training you." Kukai was going to help me with joker stuff. Ikuto was again locked in my bag. Nadeshiko had given me this lock. It's called the humpty lock.

"Hinamori, stop daydreaming! Let's get going!" We started running.

"Wh-why do I have to run? What are we going to do?"

"It's the Joker's duty to hunt X-eggs! Everyone has a heart's egg! But sometimes if the owner is unsure the egg could hatch and affect the owner in a bad way! Shugo charas and Shugo Nekos hatch from Guardian eggs. But x-characters and x-Nekos hatch from x-eggs. The Joker's duties are to find them and seal them. If they are hatched already you have to catch them. In a worst case scenario you must destroy them!" I don't like that last part. Who can decide whether they are bad or good?

"When a x-egg appears you have to be ready! But there aren't many!"

"What's that?" I pointed at a little black egg with an x-on it and a black paw print under it. He gasped,

"That's a X-Neko! Daichi, character change!" Ikuto escaped from the bag, "Us too, Amu." I feel strange.

"Character…" What is this feeling?

"Chang-" He was cut off when a light flashed from the humpty lock.

"Whoa! Hinamori, no way!" What's this?

"Character transformation: Amulet Black Neko!" Wh-what's with this outfit!?


Yuuki: okay nya! I know most of this happens in either the manga or anime but it's only this first chapter nya! The rest will mostly be my ideas! So I don't own the ones that aren't mine!

Ikuto: This is the longest chapter you have ever written…

Amu: it's twelve pages on word…

Yuuki: yay nya!

Ikuto: I have secrets…?

Yuuki: that's what I said nya!

Amu: you just had to add the milk thing…

Yuuki: yep nya! It would have killed me if I didn't nya!

Ikuto: then you shouldn't have put it!

Yuuki: but I didn't want to die and my friend said to or she'd kill me…

Ikuto: but I want you to die!

Yuuki: anyways the next chapter is going to have more amuto and more of my own ideas!

Everyone: Arigatou and please review!