It's been a while since I last updated this...haha

Lets just say working on Fatal Attractions made me look at my other stuff and I caught a bit of the writing bug when I reread this story.

Why did I stop writing this, I had such great ideas...oh man I am glad I didn't give up on this one!

Well no worries, here is an update and prepare to expect more.

Let me know what you think, its been too long since this baby was able to receive a few lovely readers.



"Woah I'm going to be going here?" Sakura looked out the car window in astonishment.

"Your father said that this was the place" The women looked at the map that had been hastily scribbled on a napkin, "he did draw me somewhat accurate directions" she laughed. Sakura almost fell over in embarrassment

"mooom what if he meant for you to take me to another school" she whined slinking into the seat "I knew this was too good to be true" Sakura grumbled.

"Well you are wearing the same uniform as everyone else so I'm going to safely say this is the right place" Mrs. Haruno said pointing out all the other students walking through the gates to the massive school grounds. Sakura shimmied herself foreword peeking out the car window and saw that there were indeed other students wearing the same crest labeled vest she currently donned which calmed her nerves a bit.

"If you want I can go with you to make sure you're in the right place baby" her mother cooed gently. Mekubi Haruno placed her hand ontop of her daughters in reassurance.

'Is whittle Sakura scared to go to her big girl school now?' her inner conscious teased.

Hah scared of big girl school? Her conscious almost caused her to snort, Sakura Haruno didn't fear going to her new school, but fearing her fancy new school and its snobby student population that was another thing.

'frady cat'

A fire burned in Sakura's eyes, oh she was gonna prove that conscious of her wrong, "I'll be okay on my own." Sakura said hugging her mom before opening the car door. Mekubi Haruno eyed her daughter skeptically, "Are you sure?"

"Yea I'll be fine" Sakura waved her off and snapped her fingers, "This life thing…I got this" she tapped her foot and snapped her fingers to add a bit off coolness effect but only managed to trip over her own feet.

"Uh huh sure you do dear" the older woman blew her daughter a kiss, " I'll see you later!" she said turning the key. Sakura waved as her mother drove off and turned to walk into the school grounds. A small thought popped into her head still bugged her, " If mom didn't set my clothes out then who did" she murmured but shook her head of the frivolous thoughts.

'stop worrying about it Sakura' she told herself , 'its not like it was anything major anyway.'

"but still it was odd" she mumbled as she sided with her conscious and pushed the event to the thought to the back of her mind. What good would it do her if she worried about it all day anyway? She walked up to an upcoming campus map and looked for the building she needed to be in.

"Can someone tell me why the fudge does this place have to be so big?" she grumbled after taking a look at the campus map. The more she was able to study the map the more she was able to see just why her new school was so massive. It seemed that her school was just part of two other schools on the ground. There was a primary school, a middle school and a high school that all rested on the same grounds. The pink haired girl whistled, "Fancy. Talk about a story of the girl that went from rags to riches" she said giving herself a once over.

The more the pink haired girl walked the grounds the more she found herself in awe of everything. From the architecture to the landscaping she could tell that everything was painstakingly cared for so that the school could keep up its obvious elite reputation. It was so elegant and pristine that she feared that anything she touched would break and that she would have to pay for it.

'Even the students here practically screamed prestige.' Her conscious thought as she watched two students, a boy and a girl, pass her, not bothering to spare Sakura the slightest glance. It was definitely not something that she was used to, at her old school students would at least give a small wave or if they felt really brave mumble a brief 'hello'. It was common courtesy and manners, but the rules for the rich and privilege were obviously different and Sakura felt almost ashamed for stepping onto these grounds with such an ordinary background. She wondered what her father was thinking when he enrolled her into this school, hell she wondered how could he have even afforded something as nice as this.

Her many thoughts and sudden questions made it difficult to find the school administrative building without having her attention caught elsewhere. Luckily after a student noticed Sakura's dilemma, pointed the pink haired girl in the right direction where she found herself in front of large white oak doors and sighed, "fucking rich bastards and their ornate educational masterpieces" she grumbled obviously annoyed with her own hundred foot journey. As she walked to the enrollment office she heard a large argument underway.

"yea, yea, I get it and I won't do it again"

Sakura shifted her attention to the loud voice in the room. A boy who seemed not much older than herself stood in front of her waving off the women at the front desk. She bit her lip and fought back the blush trying to make its way to her cheeks. Man was he cute. His tall frame and defined physic complimented his tanned skin. Sakura imagined the sun kissed every single piece of him until he was glowing. His blond hair stood out in all places and the pink haired girl was sure that was probably how the boy woke up, flawless.

'I love this school!' her conscious squealed. For once she had to agree with her annoying conscious,

"if this is what the first day is like, sign me up for the whole year!"she whispered to herself shaking her arm in cheer.

"I'm warming you Uzumaki sit down or else your father will know about everything you've done at this school, then maybe he will ship your ass to boot camp" the old woman growled at the boy from her desk. Sakura looked on at the scene and suspected the two knew each other well enough based on how informal they were speaking with each other and by assuming the old woman's tone the blond haired boy was most likely a frequent visitor to her office.

"Cool your beans you old hag, there's no need to get the rents involved" the blond boy threw up his hands in defeat took a seat. He looked to Sakura and smiled in a way that Sakura could have swore her heart stopped. Sakura sheepishly smiled back.

'great job Haruno' her conscious deadpanned.

"Sakura Haruno"

The pink haired girl fought to not continue staring into the boys gorgeous ocean blue eyes, "T-that's me" she said walking over the old woman who was holding out a folder for her.

"Welcome to Konoha Private High Ms. Haruno, we are all glad that you chose to attend this city's finest institution." She said. Sakura took her folder and peered through its contents,

"That folder has your schedule, important student documentation that you will need to fill out and return to me tomorrow, a map of campus as well as your id card. " Chiyo also handed another document to the girl, "I've also prepared a campus directory for you. This piece of paper consider it as your bible, holy book, etc…This has all the numbers for the staff and campus departments, should you have any questions or need to call for security please refer to this paper."

Sakura took the paper and nodded trying to digest all the information she received.

"You're first period English class with Kakashi Hatake has already started so I suggest you be on your way. I do you hope you enjoy your stay here at KPH." The old women smiled cheerfully; almost robotic in manner that Sakura had to fight back a twitch, she hated robots.

Just as she was about to walk out the office to search for her class, the blond haired boy spoke up,

"Chio-baa sama, how about I escort her to class since I have to be in that same one anyway?" The blond haired boy exclaimed jumping in front of Sakura, "and in exchange you don't tell me dad about any of this?" the blond haired boy smiled widening his eyes like a puppy dog. Sakura sweat dropped it seemed that boy definitely knew how to work the ladies, 'well I guess when you got it flaunt it' she thought.

Sakura noticed how the office lady who she now knew as Chiyo, eyes narrow, "are you REALLY going to guide her all day Naruto, or are you going to desert her like the last one you promised me?"

"gah!" The boy who Sakura learned was named Naruto, narrowed his eyes and waved his hands in the air in a dramatic fashion, "don't tarnish my name you hag, this one is really cute!" He said in an attempted whisper. Sakura almost fangirled when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "I'll be your guide all day!" he whispered softly and Sakura could have swore that she was dying based on how hot her face felt,

"aww see she likes me already!" she heard Naruto say to Chiyo.

Chiyo turned to Sakura, "If he gives you any trouble" Chiyo narrowed her eyes at Naruto who glared right back , "Any trouble at all Sakura, feel free to report him to me and I will not hesitate to inform his father" she glared at Naruto, "If I were the head of this school your butt would have been expelled ages ago, but seeing as your father is Hokage and Tsunade is principle I don't think that would happen anytime soon." She grumbled walking off toward the back offices. Naruto tugged Sakura out of the office and into the hallway.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki by the way" he laughed scratching the back of his head, "Sorry about all of that back there. If my dad got another call from that old bag I might have been ramenless for the rest of the week." He sweat dropped as he extended his hand to her which she took and gave a firm shake.

"You're welcome" she said, "I should actually be thanking you, if you hadn't offered to show me around I would have considered myself lost today" she laughed, "I'm Sakura. Sakura Haruno"

Naruto became puzzled by her name, "Are you okay?" she asked after noticing him looking at her oddly. It almost seemed as though he was racking his brain for something.

He shook his head ridding himself of any extra thoughts, "yea I'm fine. "He said and looked at her again, "We should probably get to class, I don't want you to get a bad impression on the first day" he smiled at her.

"o-okay" she blushed back still curious by his avoidance of her question. They walked upstairs and into a classroom on the second floor. Naruto watched as she entered first and contemplated her name. There must have been a hundred people named Sakura in the city but why did her name bug him.

She seemed kind of familiar but he was sure that they had never encountered each other before.

'pink hair' he thoughts and rubbed his chin, 'pink hair almost like a Sakura Tree' Naruto smiled coming to the realization, that's why she seemed familiar, she reminded him of the pink petal tree.

"Well are you going to stand out there all day Naruto or are you going to join the class this time?" a sarcastic voice shook him from his thoughts.

"Give me a break Kakashi" he groaned a bit annoyed at his teachers comments. Kakashi sensei really knew how to get at him sometimes.

The older man looked at Naruto and then to the pink haired girl, "Hm you must be new, well welcome to English, how about you introduce yourself?" he asked with a smile.

Sakura rocked back and forth a bit nervous from the class attention being redirected from the masked man to her, "Well what do I say?" Sakura asked

"I don't know" he waved his little orange book in the air, "give us your dreams, goals, recipes…eh whatever you feel is important that we should know Ms. Haruno"

Sakura shuffled thinking over what she would say to her class, "well my name is Sakura Haruno and I moved here from Suna. I like to read and make friends. My dream is to become a great doctor." She bowed, "I hope that I can become acquainted with you all" she said .

"Very good Ms. Haruno, you seem like a overall good kid, take a seat next to Naruto" Kakashi waved his book in the air motioning her to her seat, "hopefully you will rub off onto the knucklehead,"

"I'M RIGHT HERE KAKASHI-SENSEI!" Naruto yelled to which Kakashi shrugged. Sakura laughed along with the rest of her classmates at the little exchange. Maybe moving to Konoha wasn't such a bad idea after, in fact she could see herself liking it a little more.

Naruto enjoyed the sound of Sakura's laughter, he liked the fact that she seemed to be enjoying herself. It didn't seem like it would be hard for her to adjust and based on how well she did in the beginning of class, it seemed like she was a natural with people. However he couldn't brush the feeling of how familiar Sakura was to him. He wanted to stick to the idea that her name was reminiscent of the Cherry Blossom tree but his stomach turned uncomfortable with that judgment.

Naruto looked at her once more and laughed albeit a bit morbidly, 'man that seat hasn't been filled over a year' he thought before turning his attention from the pink haired girl and back to the lesson hopefully forgetting the uncomfortable feeling building up in his stomach.

Before Sakura knew it her class period had flown by and now she was being led by her blond headed guide through the hallways of her beautiful school to the cafeteria or 'great hall' as Naruto had proclaimed in order to grab a bite to eat. She tried not to panic at how he had his arm wrapped around her in a casual way. She could see the look of envy on girls as they walked down the halls, "Sakura you're going to love everyone" the blond haired boy said, "They may seem a bit weird but I'm sure they are going to love you!" He laughed as he tugged her to the table in the school courtyard.

"hey guys I want you guys to mee someone" he yelled to the group of students lounging around a huge wisteria tree.

"Naruto do you always have to be so loud?" said a pearl eyed boy who stared at the blond threateningly.

"So troublesome"

"Shikamaru-teme, Neji-bastard" Naruto growled which caused Sakura to laugh and thus making her presence known. A long haired blond haired girl looked at Sakura giving her the once over.

"Who is the girl with the huge forehead?" the blond haired girl glared. With the way she crossed her arms and raised her brow It was clear to Sakura that the blond girl was making it clear that this was her territory.

An irk mark appeared on Sakura's head, "what was that you pig?!" Sakura said while equally glaring back.

"Hehehe okay okay let's not get this out of hand" he laughed nervously before straightening up, "everyone this is Sakura Haruno" he said motioning to the pink haired girl who was still caught up in a territorial stare off with the other girl.

There was a wave of murmured hellos and waves to which the pink haired girl snapped out her glare in order to smile and wave back

"Well I still think she has a big forehead" the blond girl huffed and her boyfriend or what Sakura assumed was her boyfriend said, "Ino…behave"

Sakura almost laughed at the girls name"Yea Ino-piggy leave me alone" Sakura retorted.

Ino pursed her lips, "Ino-piggy? That's pretty good" she smirked, "I like this girl already." She exclaimed which made Sakura laugh as she took a seat next to Naruto. Neji looked at her and extended his hand, "I'm Neji, its nice to meet you Sakura" he said with a smile.

Sakura's cheeks reddened at how handsome Neji was and she shyly took his hand and shook it, "I'm Sakura" she said dreamily, but wanted to die in embarrassment for repeating her greeting. It seemed Neji didn't pay any mind because he merely gave her another breathtaking smile and said, "I know" before turning away and reintegrating with the rest of the group.

Ino who witnessed the moment with eyes as wide as saucers looped her arm through Sakura's and giddly whispered, "Forehead we have to talk!" but before Sakura could even question Ino three more people made their way to the group.

"Who do we have here you guys?" a female with brown hair styled into two buns said.

"Hey Tenten!" Naruto shouted

"N-Naruto-kun who is this?" asked a shy voice that came from a girl with long navy hair and pearl eyes.

"Yea she's pretty cute" said a male voice that belonged to a cute scruffy haired teen. His comment made Sakura blush. Naruto pulled away from the pretty pearl eyed girl after giving her a brief hug

"This is Sakura-chan, she's new here"

All three smiled, "I'm Tenten!" said the girl with two buns in her hair and warm brown eyes

"My Name is Hinata, it's nice to meet you Sakura-chan" the girl with bluish-black hair and pearl eyes said.

"My Name is Kiba, but I bet you already knew that didn't you good looking?" the boy with wild brown hair and painted triangles on his face said winking at Sakura.

The girl with buns in her hair cleared her throat, "hey boyfriend remember me?" Tenten growled smacking the brown haired boy on the back of the head.

"Yah ouch babe!" Kiba yelled shielding himself

"O-oh I'm sorry I didn't know!" Sakura exclaimed to which Tenten brushed off

"Don't worry about it he's harmless" she pinched his cheeks, "aren't you?" she laughed.

Ino clapped turning the attention back to her, "well now that everyone has met each other and said their hellos, girls lets go to the spot we have important matters to discuss" she exclaimed quickly ushering Sakura and the rest of the girls to the wisteria tree nearby.

"Omg forehead, what was that little exchange between Neji and you just a while ago?" Ino said excitedly flopping down next to Sakura in an ungraceful and unladylike manner.

"What are you talking about Ino, we just said hi" the pink haired girl laughed

"He totally likes you" Tenten said giving her a thumbs up, "that's the first time that's he's ever made the first move in introducing himself" Tenten gasped, "and that smile though, did anyone else see that smile?" she gushed

"Woah Neji did that?" Hinata said without stuttering , "Sakura-chan are you sure that was Neji that you were talking to?' she questioned looking back briefly at the group of boys nearby.

The pink haired girl nodded hesitantly, "You guys" she laughed, "you all are making me think it is the end of the world"

"CAUSE IT IS!" all three girls said which caused Sakura to flinch at their loud tone.

Ino smugly looked at Tenten and Hinata, "I think Neji Hyuuga has a crush on you" both girls nodded furiously in agreement.

"I agree, I mean I had to do all the work before we even started dating" Tenten said to which Hinata nodded in afirment.

"Y-you two d-dated?" Sakura said shaking her head, "I won't talk to him if you don't want me to Tenten" Sakura looked at the ground sort of crestfallen at the news. Even if they weren't officially declared friends the rules of girl code still applied.

"Oh no no don't worry about it Sakura, to be honest our relationship was better off as friends, you know it didn't have the same spark as it does now, go for it" Tenten said giving her the thumbs up.

Hinata smiled, "My cousin doesn't really make conversation much, so the fact that he came to you and nonetheless smiled at you means a lot. I too think he likes you Sakura"

Sakura almost fell over, "you guys are cousins?!" she exclaimed

Ino rolled her eyes and wrapped an arm around her neck, "Sweetheart you have a lot to catch up on"

The school day went faster than Sakura expected, despite her previous thoughts, and she was proud that her first day was a success.

"Wait up Sakura!"

The pink haired girl smiled at Naruto running toward her with his things messily draped around him.

"Would you like help Naruto?" she giggled at how dramatic he was, if you didn't know him then you would have thought of him as a grade a student and with the way he was huffing and puffing possibly a track athlete.

"Me, No way!" he puffed out his chest which caused his papers to flutter out of the folder, "hehe uh maybe a little" he smiled sheepishly. Sakura picked up the fallen papers and extened her hand for the tube shaped case.

"So what did you think of your first day?" he asked

"It was great; I actually didn't think I would fit in this quickly"

"I told you, you were a natural" he gave her the thumbs up, "everyone really seemed to like you Sakura-chan, and you were a much needed breath of fresh air."

Sakura looked at him puzzled and upon noticing her look Naruto shook his head ,"Nevermind that" he said.

Sakura had wanted question more but decided against it. That last thing she wanted to do was seem pushy especially after he was so kind to her.

"So do you have any plans later on? I was thinking maybe you could show me what it's like in Konoha?" she asked putting herself out there. Naruto bit his lip,

"I would…I really would but.."

Sakura shook her head in understanding, "It's okay I understand, I didn't mean to bother you" she said moving out of the way for the black car that she assumed was his ride. Naruto put his stuff in the awaiting car and turned back to Sakura.

"No no it's not that, it's just today is kind of an important day" he said. Sakura noticed how Naruto trailed off toward the end as if he didn't want to remember or rather as if he was hurt to meet with whoever he was referring to. Sakura not wanting to lose her friend placed her hand on his shoulder, "I understand, we can plan for another day" she said with a smile.

"Really?" his face lit up with that beautiful 100 watt grin and Sakura blushed when he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug, "You are the best Sakura, I promise I will give you the best tour of Konoha you will ever have!" he said stepping into the car , "I'll call you later!" he yelled before the window rolled up and the car drove off.

Sakura smiled liking the idea of the future to come. She twirled around a bit giddy and proceeded to walk to the library and wait on her mom to pick her up, "this day though" she whispered still smiling like a giddy schoolgirl.

Naruto stood by a grave as droplets of rain fell on his blond head. He smiled a sad smile as he began to speak , "we got a new girl today in class teme, and she's super pretty" he laughed ,"her name is Sakura Haruno" he spoke to the black marble grave, "You wouldn't believe it but she has pink hair!" he paused almost as if he could see the expression on his best friends face, "pink hair!" he exclaimed. Naruto took out a cloth from his orange messenger bag and wiped a along the memorials inscription. He still kept his conversation going even though he was the only one there,

" It's a bit odd but it matches her green eyes." He rolled his eyes as if he had tasted the best thing in the world, "My god you have to see these things it's like looking into emeralds. They are so beautiful."

He nodded and then his eyes widened in realization of his next thought, "OH!" he exclaimed, "you wouldn't guess where Kakashi-sensei told her to sit…I'll let you guess" he waited in silence humoring the thought that his deceased best friend would answer.

"give up yet?" he asked , "he put her next to me in your old seat!" he laughed, "man its been more than a year" his mood saddened, "its crazy how long you've been gone Sasuke-teme" he lifted his spirits. It wouldn't do him good if he was sullen all the time, he had to move on, "I bet you did that on purpose you sly dog. I think you wanted her to sit in your old seat" he laughed but his mood dampened once more,

"I wish you could meet her. I think you guys could have made a great couple" he said trying to refrain from crying, "I think I'm going to head out teme, you know how my mom gets when come home late" he said as he started walking home not before turning back to his best friend, "try not to get into trouble okay?' he laughed knowing what his best friends response would be.

Unbeknownst to Naruto, Sasuke smirked as he watched his best friend walk out of the cemetery and toward his home, "a couple hn?" he said, "Heh I can promise you Dobe soon Sakura and I will be more than that...much more" he said darkly before jumping off his own tombstone and proceeding back to his own 'home' or rather Sakura's new one.

Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke what are you up to now?

You know what they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and I think this little Uchiha is definitely feeling it.

Next update will be here soon, I'm milking this writing buzz while it last.

Read and Review.

peace xoxo,
