Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. Just Lily.

A/N: This is one of my favorites. Yeah, I know, another new character. Anyway, Lily's awesome. Will you tell me if you think she's awesome? Leave a review and she'll write more, faster!

Dear Journal/Sweets,

Well, you got me this journal; so I figure I might as well use it. You say it will help us in our therapy sessions, but not to write it to you… oops. Anyway, you said to just write in it like a journal. That shouldn't be a problem. According to Angela, I am a born writer, which is what brought me here, to the Jeffersonian, in the first place.

You know my story, but whatever. If I weren't writing this to you, Sweets, then I'd include my story. So I'm going to.

My name is Lily Catherine Rivers and I'm thirteen years old. I've been in the foster system since birth, you know, passed from home to home, like Brennan was. I came to the Jeffersonian to work on a school project, and I guess I just stuck around. My foster mom didn't care.

And when that foster mom didn't want to take care of me anymore, the lovely, spontaneous and slightly strange Dr. Temperance Brennan busts out the fact that she's a licensed foster parent and takes custody of me.

Technically, she's my legal guardian, but I spend a lot of time with her FBI partner, Booth, because his son, Parker, and I get along very well. He's like my little brother.

So, now I'm writing this for our lovely therapy sessions.

Anyway, I got my report card today. All A's, which is awesome, because normally there are a few B's as well. But, I did work extra hard this time, so no one would be disappointed.

I didn't expect my grades to be a big deal. None of my other foster parents cared. Booth must've been paying attention to the school calendar, though, because when I got to Booth's to spend the weekend with him and Parker, he asked to see it. He got all excited when he saw my grades and called Brennan. We went out to dinner at my favorite little Italian restaurant, like a family.

Probably the best thing that could ever happen to me- to all of us, actually- is if Booth and Brennan got married and the four of us became a real family. But, Sweets, you can't say anything about that. Nothing.

Well, now my report card is decorating the refrigerator, which contains to go boxes of spaghetti. Yummy.

As I write this, I'm laying in the top bunk above Parker. He's out like a light, and quite adorable. Brennan and Booth are watching a movie and talking. I'm assuming I'm their discussion topic, because I keep hearing "Lils" and "Mini"(Which is what Booth calls me. Mimi Squint, Mini Writer, Mini Bones…). They're always talking about me, though.

I guess I'm afraid this is too good to be true. Like, one day, I'll wake up and this has all just been a dream, or they'll become like my other foster parents and bail on me. And I know I won't be able to walk away from this one easily. For the first time, it's like having a real family. It's like being loved.

Well, Sweets, I hope you're happy with my first journal entry, and I hope this helps. Basically, I'm happy, but I'm scared of losing that happiness.

Why am I even telling you all this? No one else bothers to tell you how they really feel. Maybe I just trust you. Or maybe I just need to spill my guts to someone who I'm not afraid will abandon me.


A/N: I plan to update every episode… While it's on holiday hiatus, I'll catch up. I think after every journal entry, I'll have the therapy session. What do you think? Leave me a review and tell me… please?