Author's Note: Although this is my first time writing an Eyeshield 21 fanfiction, it is by no means my first time writing fanfiction. I do not expect anyone to be going easy on me. Though, I'd rather not have flames (unless you are telling my why it sucks, then by all means go right ahead). I hope you enjoy this story.

Disclaimer (this is the only time I will post this, so don't go suing me because its not there in later chapters): I am a poor, under-funded, college student. Do I seem like someone who had the money associated with owning Eyeshield 21? Good, because I don't own it and probably never will.

Summary: Alternate Universe. Hiruma Youichi isn't entirely human. Few are aware of this, and Hiruma himself is not among that number….

Rating: T- for foul language, crude humor, and violence.


By: Bar-Ohki

Chapter 1: Hidden Within the Shrine

Kurita Ryoukan was a large boy, rounded from several large meals, powered by several long hours of practice. His family owned a large shrine dedicated to Buddha. Though Kurita himself was not religious, he was always very respectful to the almighty. It was a special day for Kurita, he was bringing his new friend and teammate, Hiruma Youichi, to his home.

"Fucking traditional." Hiruma grunted at the shrine, he was not known for his kind words. Hiruma was a thin boy, with pointed ears, bleach blond hair, and fanged teeth. He had a devilish personality that often made many wonder how he and Kurita could possibly become friends.

"My dad says this is the way it looked when they originally built it." Kurita commented in good humor, knowing that Hiruma would probably say something mean in return, but that's what he always did.

"…Whatever." Hiruma shrugged, bored with the topic of conversation.

"Here, I'll show you my room!" Kurita quickly popped his shoes off and began to dash forward in glee.

"Yah, yah." Hiruma muttered absently as he took his own shoes off slowly. In his mind, there was no reason to be hurrying about anything. After relieving himself of his shoes, Hiruma quietly followed his massive friend around the maze-like shrine. The wood did seem ancient and powerful, it made Hiruma shiver unconsciously.

Kurita's father coughed politely as the two boys walked by. Both stopped and turned to face the tall, powerful monk.

"Oh! Dad, this is Hiruma Youichi, my friend from school." Kurita explained quickly. "Hiruma, this is my dad."

"Hello." Hiruma said flatly, nodding his head politely to the man. Though Hiruma was known for being rude, he saw no reason to be pissing off the father of a teammate.

"…Hello Youichi-kun." Kurita's father greeted the boy carefully. He studied the young, devilish child. "Are you planning to stay for dinner?"

"No sir, today is a short visit." Hiruma answered quickly.

"Very well then." Kurita's father nodded to both boys and walked off in another direction.

"Huh, he's usually not that serious…." Kurita muttered, puzzled.

"Feh! Adults are always like that." Hiruma rolled his eyes. "Now where's this football book you've been babbling about?"

"Oh! Right!" And Kurita and Hiruma wandered further into the shrine.


After Hiruma had left with a 'see you later, fatty', Kurita found himself sitting in one of the shrine's innermost rooms across from his father. The monk was deadly serious.

"Ryoukan, are you aware of the danger you just brought within these walls earlier today?" His father frowned in deadly seriousness.

"Eh? Hiruma-san can be a little scary, but-" Kurita moved to defend his friend.

"He's a half-Succubus." Kurita's father interrupted. "His very presence eats at the wards in these walls."

"But there aren't-" Kurita protested.

"He's the only one of his kind." The monk explained softly. "Buddha only knows why his mother choose to leave him with his human father."

"…So I can't play football with Hiruma now?" Kurita was deeply upset by the notion.

"I don't mind it if you play with him. Just don't invite him here again." Kurtia's father laughed. "His presence eats magic, it will do more harm than good within these walls."

"Oh! I see." Kurita nodded, then paused. "Is there anything else?"

"No, he's a just normal human otherwise." The monk assured his son.


"My son was here." Hiruma Yuuchi stated, looking the shrine up and down.

"Yes, a play visit." Kurita the monk nodded, looking tired.

Hiruma sighed. "I know he's not aware he's doing it, but cleaning up after him is getting very tiring." With that the man raised his hands up to the wall of the shrine and began quietly chanting. After a long while his hands and the walls lit up with a light blue glow. It vanished after a moment.

"I'd rather be dealing with a son that sucks magic out of the world around him than one that sucks out life essence." Kurita the monk remarked casually.

"I suppose it is the lesser of the two evils." Hiruma commented off-handedly. "I just wish I had paid more attention when I met his mother." The last word was spat with enough venom to kill a man in seconds.

"Succubus are notorious for being temptresses." Kurita muttered sympathetically.

"I just wish they'd have let me get rid of him." Hiruma glared at some past memory.

"We often wish for things we do not want." The monk remarked wisely.


I will now apologize for not having a beta. Please review, it would make my day.