A/N: Yay! A new story! Okay it's a NaminexSora Story. There is some French words involved but I tell you what they mean. I got this idea when I remember that French was the language of love. I was going to write it sooner but I bought Kingom Hearts: RE: Chain of Memories and I was too busy playing it! Anyway, Hope you like it. Please Read and Review.

Italicized- Namine's thoughts

A loud sigh escaped his lips as fifteen year old Sora studied the paper in his hand.

"What's wrong?" Naminé, Sora's best friend, asked from her desk, next to Sora's. Naminé 's azure eyes locked onto the bright, big, red, F on Sora's test.

"Oh." Naminé said as she gave Sora a sympathetic look.

"Yeah, I know. Who knew French class would be so hard? This is like the fifth test I've failed." Sora said as he ran a hand thru his spiky locks.

"Learning something new is always hard, learning a new language is one of them." Naminé said, while patting Sora on the back.

"Whatever. But, why did it have to be so hard?"

"Well, Sora, you got this class because you thought it was going to be an easy A. So far, I haven't seen a single good grade from you. Maybe you should try listening to the teacher instead of dreaming about Kairi." Naminé said, a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Sora, being the dense kid he is, didn't hear it.

Naminé sighed and said, "Sora I got this class with you to be with you and unlike you, I actually listen."

"Well, when am I going to need this?"

"I don't know, maybe if you go to France or something. But, anyway, if you want to, I can teach you French." Namine said.

Naminé meant her offer but what she really wanted was to spend time with Sora. Truth is Naminé has had a crush on her spiky haired, best friend since as long as she could remember. It was just that Sora liked their other friend, Kairi. Naminé 's heart ached when Sora talked about Kairi and when the look of love twinkled in his eyes when he saw Kairi. As long as Naminé had a small part in Sora's heart, she was okay with that, even if she longed for more.

"Really? That would be awesome! Tell you what, after basketball practice we can meet up and you can tutor me." Sora said and Naminé agreed. The bell soon rang for lunch and the two headed for the cafeteria.

As the two headed for the lunchroom, Kairi approached them and said, "Hi Naminé. Hi Sora. Sora, I was thinking that maybe we should study together for our social studies test next week."

"Oh man. That's next week? Sure Kai, we can study together."

"Great! Hey, how about we go get lunch together?" "Okay. Nami do you want to join us?"

"Uh, no thanks." Personally, Naminé didn't want to be a third wheel or have to witness Sora trying to flirt with Kairi.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, Kairi, you and Sora go. I'll see you next period Sora." "

Okay, bye Naminé." Sora said.

"Au revoir." Naminé said, knowing Sora wouldn't know what it meant.

"Uhh.." Sora blinked, confusion written on his face. "That means goodbye.' Naminé said while giggling.

"Uh, yeah. Save that until you actually start to tutor me." "Yeah. Yeah." Naminé said, while walking in the opposite direction.

When Kairi and Sora were out of view, Naminé went to her locker and took out a pencil and her sketchbook. She found a shady spot and started sketching Sora. Naminé was an amazing artist and when she started drawing she got lost in her own world. As Naminé drew she didn't see someone sit next to her.

"Wow." Naminé jumped slightly as she struggled to close her sketchbook.

"S-sora W-what are you doing here?" Naminé blushed. Sora, of all people saw her drawing him.

"You know, you're an amazing artist. It looked just like me!"

"Thanks, But, Sora, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to spend time with my best friend, is that a bad thing?" Sora said as he slung his arm over Naminé 's shoulder, a habit he had. Naminé blushed, even if her heart ached, a best friend-nothing more...

"No. It's not a bad thing, but wouldn't you want to spend time alone with Kairi?" Naminé said, even if she was really glad Sora was there with her.

"I would but, it would be awkward being alone with her."

"Oh." So he really didn't come here just to be with me, he just didn't want to be alone with Kairi.

"So why don't you teach me some French phrases of words right now?"

"Okay. S'il vous plaít, it means 'please.'"

"S'il vous plaít."

"Okay, the 's'il' is pronounced 'seel.'"

"Um, how about another word." Naminé rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Okay." Naminé looked straight into Sora's eyes and got lost in the moment. Sora was sitting very close to her and he had his arm around her shoulder. Naminé breathed out, no knowing she was holding her breath.

Then Naminé said, "Je T'aime." Naminé 's eyes widen after she realized what she said.

"Okay, so what does that mean?" Sora asked, not knowing why Naminé was acting so weird. Naminé couldn't tell Sora what it meant, at least not yet.

"Uh, I'll tell you, but not now."

"Aw, why not? Nami..." Sora stopped mid-sentence when the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

"Okay, Sora, time for fifth period. I'll see you there. Bye!" Naminé said as she grabbed her stuff and rushed off, leaving a stunned Sora.

Ugh, I can't believe I said that! Stupid French. But, I will tell Sora what it means, only when I'm ready though. One day soon...

A/N: Okay so 'S'il vous plait' means please, 'Au revoir' means goodbye, and the most important word 'Je T'aime' means I love you. Yes, Namine said that she loved Sora. Will Namine ever tell Sora what 'Je T'aime' means? Review and find out!