Lelouch vi Britannia was killed by Zero…

But secretly Lelouch and C.C were both immortal and they were traveling the world together…

This is their story 20 years later…

"Lelouch?" C.C was calling for her husband. They were living in Italy for 20 years, in a little cottage, in the middle of the greenest forest in the whole world.

"I'm right here," Lelouch came into the back door. He was wearing a gardening hat with a shovel in his right hand.

C.C sighed. "I'm hungry,"

Lelouch chuckled. "what do you want to eat?"

"pizza," C.C looked around for her apron.

Lelouch groaned, "again? Let's eat something else now. I'm getting sick of this."

"no," C.C finally found her favorite apron and put it on. "one of the reason I agreed to be married to you was because you make the best pizza."

Lelouch rolled his eyes. " and I agreed to marry you because there is no other person in the world who is immortal like me," he mumbled.C.C laughed. "we are forever partners, Lelouch." then, she frowned. "now, make me some pizza."

Lelouch walked over to the kitchen and put on his apron. "hand me some flour, water, and some eggs."

"here," C.C immediately handed him the ingredients.

"preheat the oven for me C.C,"

"already done,"

Lelouch smiled He threw the dough into the air and caught it safely. "it'll be ready in one hour. Go watch T.V or something,"

"but, I want to help. I can be helpful."

Lelouch openly laughed. "you are not a good cook C.C. Just watch T.V please."

"fine. But as soon as I smell the pizza, I'm coming over," C.C walked to the living room.

Lelouch chuckled again.

These few years with C.C had been… wonderful. He wasn't lonely anymore. But he always wondered how Nunelly and Suzaku were getting along. There had been some scandal that they were married… Nunelly looked happy on T.V… (he never saw Suzaku's face…)

Lelouch spread his tomato sauce on the dough and sprinkled cheese, mushrooms, sausage, and onions.

Then, he opened the oven and safely put it in.

Without any warning, C.C tapped his back. Lelouch turned.


"Ohgi's son… he's on the news,"

Lelouch smiled sweetly. "C.C… we are not part of the government anymore. People think Lelouch vi Britannia is dead. We shouldn't care about what they do… it's not our problem anymore,"

"I think he's going to be the next Zero, Lelouch. I think Suzaku is retiring,"

Lelouch calmly walked over to the T.V and made the volume louder.

Milly was still the anchor. "we are in the capitol of the country Britannia, the Pentagon. Japan's prime minister, Kaname Ohgi's son is getting a promotion… he is chosen to be the next Zero by the High councilors. Sadly, no one has seen his face in the public yet… people say that he was born to be the next Zero…" the T.V clicked, then turned off.

"I was watching that," C.C sighed.

"I don't care." he sat on the armchair and looked up at her. "please. Let's just enjoy the life we have here. You said Italy was one of your favorite country. Because of the culture and the food…" he held his forehead in frustration. "let's forget what happened 20 years ago."

C.C walked over to her husband and sat on his laps. "so you are really willing to forget about everything… everyone?"

"yes," he wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned his head onto her shoulder.

"you know, you are missing everything with Nunelly. You could have just let a double die for you at that time. You could've played the Zero part and stay by Nunelly's side forever,"

"Nunelly doesn't need me to protect her. She has Suzaku. He promised me with his life that he will protect her."


Lelouch quickly covered her mouth. "please… C.C just shut up," he groaned.

C.C removed his hand. "ok, I will."

"thank you." he kissed her cheek.

C.C blushed in a shade of pink.

Lelouch walked to the kitchen.

C.C just stayed in the living room, curled up on the armchair with her favorite stuffed animal.

"C.C! the pizza's ready!" Lelouch called for her from the kitchen. The whole house smelled wonderful now.

Weirdly, C.C didn't move. She closed her eyes and leaned against her plush.

"C.C?" he walked back to the living room to find his wife sleeping. He sighed; he crotched down and shook her gently. "wake up. Pizza's ready,"

C.C shook her head. "I don't want it anymore. I'm not hungry,"Lelouch frowned deeply. C.C never refused pizza before. " what's wrong?"

C.C didn't answer.

"C.C, tell me what's wrong," he commanded.

C.C signed sadly again. "Lelouch,"he raised his eyebrows in response.

"do you… do you love me?" she slowly opened her eyes to say it.

Lelouch laughed, "are you serious? Come on, the pizza is getting cold. Get up!" he stood up and offered his hand for her. She took it.

"I told you I'm not hungry…"Lelouch pulled her toward the kitchen. C.C was on top of the dining table while he was getting the pizza out of the oven. "here," he pushed his pan of pizza toward her. "I made it just for you. Now, eat,"

C.C reached for the pizza and took a bite. After chewing, she warmly smiled. "it's delicious,"

Lelouch chuckled. "thank you,"

C.C quickly finished her piece and moved on to the next one. " you don't want one?"

Lelouch shook his head. "you eat first. I don't like pizza as much as you do,"

C.C shrugged and went back to eat. Lelouch just watched as she finished the whole pan in minutes.

"wow," he whispered.

C.C laughed. " you know I love pizza. Especially yours,"

Lelouch bit his lips and turned to meet her eyes. "C.C, why did you suddenly ask me if I loved you or not?"

C.C rubbed her belly as she talked. " you never said that you loved me as we lived together for 20 years now. I was wondering if my husband really did love me,"

"what about you? You never said that to me either," he argued.

"Lelouch," C.C jumped of the table and walked to their bedroom. He followed her. "the last thing I know in this world is love. I lived for hundreds of years now. I forgot what love means,"

Lelouch laid on their king-sized bed comfortably. "if you don't love me, why do you think I love you?"

C.C frowned. "you really know how to hurt a woman's feelings, Lelouch."

He laughed. " I don't know what love means either. So don't ask me, Immortal Witch,"

"so… you never fell in love before?"

Lelouch didn't answer.

"not even Kallen… or Euphy… or…. Shirley?"

Lelouch kept a cool face, but his body became tense. "just…. Shut it, C.C."

C.C laid down beside him. " I have to tell you something,"

Lelouch turned his head, they were dangerously close now.

"when Shirley died…"

Lelouch inhaled deeply and loudly.

"I told you that I could give you the time to say good-bye,"

Lelouch frowned. "how? You mean that you can make people be alive again?"

C.C rolled her eyes. She had to explain everything all over again.

"no, it's their spirit, not their actual body. Also, they only have one hour to be 'alive' again."

"and I chose Shirley to say good-bye?"


"I don't remember this…" Lelouch covered his face. "why can't I remember it? Knowing Shirley, she would have promised me never to forget the meeting…"

"nature… it forbids you to speak to the dead."

"why the hell are you telling me this??"

"because I wanted to prove to you that you love… that you love her."

"that I loved her. I can't be with her anymore, C.C. I'm immortal remember? I can't easily kill myself like I could have before. She's dead. She's in Heaven, where she belongs,"

"but you promised her to be with her in Heaven. You guys promised each other to be together again."

Lelouch shook his head. "some promises… they are hard to keep. Shirley would understand. Even though how much I want to be with her right now, I can't,"

"why?!" C.C suddenly exploded. "why can't you die and go to Heaven?!"

Lelouch was taken back by surprise. C.C never yelled this loud before.

"answer me Lelouch! Why can't you just die and be with Shirley? You love her! You love her… and the last thing… the last thing you want is to be with me for all eternity…" C.C's eyes were filled with tears.

Lelouch sadly smiled. She loved him… she thinks she's keeping Lelouch and Shirley apart. She can't bring herself to hold onto him and tell him never to leave her side.

"C.C…" he tucked his hand under her chin and whispered. " I can't leave the world right now because… you are here with me now. I can't leave you like other people."

C.C looked up at him. "I… leave me. I want to be alone again. I don't need you… I-"

Lelouch ducked down to meet her lips. He kissed her gently." I won't leave you. I'll be by your side for all eternity. We are forever partners, C.C,"

C.C sighed. "call me by my real name. Call me like my husband would." C.C closed her eyes and waited.

Lelouch placed his mouth by her ear and whispered her name.