A/N: Another, very late, addition.


"This isn't right..." Meryl muttered to herself as the taxi went barreling through traffic. "This can't be right."

"What's wrong, Meryl?" Milly asked as she turned her attention away from the interesting sights to her partner.

"None of this makes sense!" the short girl exclaimed as she slammed the report down on the seat between them. "The company's account of the incident makes no mention of the girl I saw, nor does it positively explain why the reactor suddenly blew up."

"What does it say?" Millie asked her frustrated companion.

"They claim there was a malfunction in their reactor's control systems shortly before the explosion" Meryl explained as she crossed her arms over her chest and bit her lower lip.

"But Meryl, that's not what those screens were flashing at all" her partner argued as she shook her head. "They were saying something about an Omega thingy not responding."

"And that doesn't sound like a reactor" Meryl inferred.

"So what really happened?" Millie asked.

"That's the problem, Millie" Meryl replied as she sighed. "You know and I know something else went wrong, but most of the proof was destroyed in the blast." She laid her head back and turned to look out the window at the passing streets. "There's gotta be some place we can find the proof we need..."

"Where are we going, Meryl?" her companion stressed.

"To the power company's archives" she informed. "Maybe we can find something about this Omega they're hiding, though I doubt it will be that easy."

"Why is that, Meryl?" Millie inquired.

Meryl rolled her eyes and looked to her naive partner.

"If they've falsified their reports on a Plant explosion which could have wiped out the entire city, then it must be something they really don't want anyone to know" she explained.

"You got that right!" the big girl agreed with a grin on her face.

"Sometimes I wish I could be in your world, Millie" Meryl replied as she shook her head in amusement. "It must be something else."

"It sure is!"

The partners soon arrived at the archives for the power plants, a massive columned building hewn from stone found in the distant hills. Long, large stone steps led up to the grand entrance which was flanked on either side by two guards who each held rifles in their hands. They wore the same uniforms of the officers who had been stationed at the exploded plant.

The entire place denoted more of a fortress than an archive, but the letters above the portico stated the unlikely occupation of the building.

"Meryl, are you sure?" Millie asked as she stepped behind her mentor.

"Positive" Meryl affirmed as she put on a stern face and marched up the stairs.

The officers watched the newcomers with their eyes but did not leave their posts. The short girl didn't give them so much as a glance as she walked by, and Millie merely nodded politely but received only a cold stare for her greeting.

Once inside Meryl looked about for a reference desk, as the building itself was covered from floor to the second floor in shelves. Curved stairs on either side led to the upper level, which appeared to be occupied by offices as there were several doors with names printed on the window panes.

Within the center of the lower level was a large, circular desk in which sat a middle aged woman with glasses. She was humming to herself and stamping books as they walked up, but she looked up kindly when Meryl addressed her.

"Um, excuse us" the short insurance girl inquired. "But could you help us find some books we're looking for?"

"Well, I can certainly try" was the polite response from the librarian as she stood and nodded her head. "What can I help you with?" she asked as she got out a pen and paper.

"We're looking for some books on terms used in the power plants" Meryl explained as the librarian began writing notes. "Especially those used in the control center."

At those words the woman suddenly stopped writing and sharply looked up over the rim of her glasses. Her eyes narrowed and she perused the two ladies rather harshly, particularly Meryl. For a moment the questioner thought she saw a flicker of confusion pass over the librarian's eyes, but then the expression passed and she smiled politely.

"I'm afraid those have all been checked out recently" she informed with an apologetic smile. "Some young man was doing research for one of the local universities, and needed them for his assignment."

"Can you tell us when he is supposed to return them?" Meryl asked with disappointment.

"He has a month to return them" the librarian explained. "After that, he is fined for the replacement of those books."

"I see" the young woman replied as she looked at all the books around them which could not help. "Well, could you at least give us the names of the books he checked out?" she asked as she turned her attention back to the employee.

"Of course" the woman agreed as scribbled a few titles on the slip of paper and held out the sheet. "Here you are."

"Thank yo-" Meryl began as she reached out to take the note and touched the tip of the librarian's fingers.

Meryl's head jerked up and she looked into the astonished eyes of the employee as they both felt a vibration run through their bodies. The insurance girl watched as a mark of some kind suddenly appeared down the neck of the librarian as though it were alive. The black tendril slithered down her skin from the ear to the collar, and painted a curved pattern of a distorted blade across her flesh.

Her heart beat wildly as the strange symbol seemed to spasm to life and she could sense it turn toward her with a penetrating stare. She shook her head but could not tear her eyes away as the shadow of the creature crept down the woman's arm and closer to her until it nearly touched her skin.

Meryl's hand shook violently and she jerked back as the librarian gasped out in shock. The event had lasted but a mere moment, too short for even a breath, but for them both the time had seemed longer.

"I-I'm sorry" Meryl apologized as she reached down and grabbed the paper which had fallen to the ground. "Thank you for the help."

The insurance girl turned quickly and left the reference desk.

"Meryl!" Millie called out as she tried to catch up to her partner.

The librarian watched them go in silence as she cradled her hand against her chest. When they had gone out the front doors, she reached under the desk and pressed a small button on the underside of the wood.

"I believe we have a problem" she whispered.

Once outside Millie nearly bumped into her superior as Meryl suddenly stopped on the upper steps.

"Meryl?" she asked as she reached out to lay her hand on her friend's shoulder.

Millie was shocked to find Meryl's body shaking like a leaf. Meryl slowly turned around and showed the tears which were streaming down her face as she tried to fake a smile.

"Sorry about that" she apologized as she reached up and wiped the moisture from her cheeks. "I...I don't know what came over me."

"Oh, Meryl" Millie breathed as she gave her friend a small smile. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm okay, really" Meryl insisted as she shook her head. "Besides, I don't think I like this place" she added as she looked up past Millie to the imposing building.

"Yeah" her partner agreed as she frowned in thought. "The people there weren't very friendly."

"The librarian was..." the short girl tried to argue, but then she remembered the cold touch and the vision she had seen.

"That's just it, Meryl" Millie explained as she shook her head. "I don't think she was telling us the truth."

"About the books?" Meryl asked and her companion nodded. "Why do you say that?"

"It's just a feeling, really" the big girl replied. "But I know there was something not good about her."

"I'd have to agree with you there, Millie" her superior agreed as she folded her arms over her chest. "But what does that have to do with the books we wanted?" she mused aloud. "Why would she lie about them being checked out?"

"Maybe she lost them?" Millie weakly suggested.

"I doubt it" was Meryl's response as she turned from the building to the busy street below the stairs. "And I bet a million double dollars those books won't show up until they believe our investigation is over."

"And we won't let that happen, will we Meryl!?" her partner encouraged as they began walking down the steps.

"No, Millie, we won't" she agreed with a soft smile for her trusted friend. "So let's get on with our investigation."

"But where will we go now, Meryl?" Millie asked as her companion hailed a taxi.

"To the site of all these troubles" Meryl informed as a cab drove up to the curb. "The exploded power plant."

"But how will we get in?" the big girl questioned as they stepped into the car. "Won't there be a lot of guys with guns around there?"

"Perhaps" her friend confirmed as she told the driver where to go. "But it's our best lead to get some answers, so we have to take it."

The rest of the drive was in silence as they both thought over what had happened previously at the damaged plant. The confusion and chaos, the yelling and separation; they had taken place only yesterday and the memories were still intact, weathering against the short time. The pair had not seen the full destruction of the explosion but for descriptions in the papers, and they were not quite sure they were prepared to glimpse what they had survived through.

Meryl's thoughts wandered back to the scene in the archives, and the horrifying symbol she had glimpsed on the woman's neck. The inexplicable cold, the feeling of being stalked like some insignificant creature, another in a list of atrocities. She shivered at the feeling and Millie glanced over to her friend in concern.

"I'm okay" Meryl replied to her silent question.

"We don't have to go today, Meryl" Millie insisted as she mistook the shaking as related to their current destination.

"We need to close this investigation or the chief will have our heads" the short girl argued. "If we wait the clues will just grow colder."

"Okay" her big companion hesitantly agreed. "But promise me you'll be careful."

"I will" Meryl replied. "We both will" she stressed.

Their destination was at hand and they were greeted with their first full sight of the disaster.

They were both shocked to find the area of the explosion had been contained within the grounds of the plant itself, leaving nearby neighborhoods virtually untouched. The debris zone itself held limited shrapnel and chunks of concrete, most of which had already been moved to make a path to the entrance.

The half of the structure which held the command facilities was still relatively intact, which explained the limited casualties reports, but the plant itself had been utterly destroyed. Only a shell of the round structure remained with a large hole drilled neatly through what remained of the nearly indestructible shielding which was put in place to prevent widespread damage to the area. The force of the blast had evidently been contained within a single area and the strength had created the blast.

The entire perimeter was now surrounded by a steel wire fence and armed officers bearing the logo of the plant companion were patrolling the area. They each held a large pistol in hand and helmets covered their head to shield their faces from the sun and their identity from any outsiders.

"It's as if it imploded" Meryl observed in awe as their driver drove up to a makeshift guard post.

"Authorization, please" the guard curtly ordered.

"We're with the Bernardelli Insurance Agency" Meryl called from the back. Millie and she hastily stepped out and handed her payment card to the driver, who quickly scanned the card for credits. "We're here to inspect the damaged area for any causes to the explosion."

The cab driver gave back her card and made a hurried excuse before driving away. The officer appeared to wish the two ladies had still been on board as he glared at their presence.

"I'm afraid you don't have proper authorization to clear this area" he bluntly replied as he turned to step back into his temporary office.

"Wai-" Meryl insisted as she reached out to take hold of his shoulder.

"Wait a moment, sir" a voice interrupted Meryl.

The two insurance girls turned their gaze at the other side of the gate and found their former tour guide, Doctor Lazarus, waiting on the other side. He had a large smile on his lips and waved in a friendly manner.

"You two look like you could use some help" he teasingly asked.

"We would rather not have your help, Doctor Lazarus" Meryl bluntly replied as she looked at him in suspicion.

"Why that face?" he defended. I'm here to help, after all."

Meryl turned to her partner in a hushed whisper, but she kept her gaze to their would-be savior.

"What do you think?" she asked in a low enough tone so no one else would overhear.

"I don't like him" Millie whispered back in a worried tone.

"Neither do I, but we don't have a choice" Meryl argued as she let out a troubled sigh. "But keep an eye on him, okay?"

"Right!" the big girl agreed with an enthusiastic nod.

They turned back to their impatiently waiting doctor, both with fake smiles on their faces.

"We'd be grateful for the help, Doctor Lazarus" Meryl spoke for them both as the good doctor grinned at her response.

"Great!" he exclaimed as he clapped his hands together in excitement. "Then let's get you ladies on the right side of the fence. Captain?" he ordered as he looked to the guard.

The officer nodded his head and pushed back the chain fence which separated the insurance girls from completing their mission. They hesitantly stepped forward past the line, and Meryl swore a strange tingle went through her body. She looked up to Millie and could glimmer the same confused expression, and knew they had both felt the same vibration.

"Welcome back to the power plant, ladies" Doctor Lazarus greeted as he stepped up to them. He held out his hand to shake and Meryl looked at it wearily. He gave her an inquisitive expression. "Is something wrong?" he asked in concern. "I'd like us to start our relationship anew, if you'd let me" he explained. "And you can call me Thomas, not stuffy ol' Doctor Lazarus."

"That...that will be fine" Meryl hurriedly replied as she gave him a smile as she reached out and took his hand.

And the scene started over again.

Meryl's body quivered as the same image on the librarian slithered into view on Doctor Lazarus' own neck. This time she knew what was coming, however, and she tried to pull her hand away. To her horror the doctor tightened his grip and kept them connected as the play reenacted itself.

Meryl wanted to yell out, to scream, to do anything to alert Millie as the blade serpent began to creep toward her hand. She could almost see the man's long sleeve twist and turn as the creature slid down his arm toward their shake.

Finally Meryl gathered enough focus to take her other hand and wrench her arm away from the connection.

Her breathing was coming in gasps as she stared in with horror at the doctor, who's own face held a look of utter shock. He held his hand as in a sling and his body quivered in both apparent fear and displeasure.

"Meryl!" Millie shouted in concern as she grabbed hold of her friend's shaking shoulders. "Meryl, are you all right?" she asked as she supported most of the short girl's weight against her body for fear she would collapse.

"Per...perhaps today isn't a good day for you" the doctor finally managed to stumble out. "There...there's some repairs going on and a tour would only get in the way."

"A-another day, then" Meryl weakly replied as she turned to leave with Millie still holding her.

The two insurance girls went through the still open gate and out into the busy neighborhood surrounding the plant. Soon they had disappeared into the crowd, leaving the doctor to stand alone as the fence was shut before him.

He stared out through the chain link at where they had gone, and his lips pursed into a deep frown.

"A problem, indeed" he muttered to no one.