Vampire Kisses fanfic

Jagger Maxwell/ OC: Emily Payne

A/N: Okay so I lied: this is actually the last chapter of the story. However, it is not the last of the series. A sequel shall be coming soon. I don't know when, but it's on its way, so hang in there. On another note...LONG CHAPTER! WOOT! Five-pager on a word doc. Yay. Okay so to some people that might not seem long, but it's long for this story, since each chapter is usually three pages long on a word doc. But nope. Five pages. Sa-weet!

Well, thank you everybody who read and reviewed and for sticking with Emily until the end (wait, it's not the end! Silly me! This is just the...beginning...dun dun dunnnnnnn!). I'm so happy you enjoyed it (OMG did you? LOLs!). Stay tuned for DWK II!


~x~x~Chapter 29~x~x~

Jagger drove down a busy street, passing lots of tall buildings that were offices of white-collar businesses. We received lots of stares from the white-collars, most of them of disgust. They could see through the windows that this was no ordinary hearse. This was a hearse that belonged to a Gothic teenager and he was driving his Gothic girlfriend somewhere most likely Gothic. Well, I could only hope.

Jagger made a couple of turns and then suddenly the road was deserted. There wasn't a soul around this part of Downtown. Every building was dark and closed. Even the streetlamps were shutting off. There was no life down here.

And then I saw why.

Jagger turned into the parking lot of a cemetery. There were yards and yards of tombstones and stone crosses and angels. The place was silent, eerie, and dark--just the way I like it.

I looked over at Jagger when he shut the hearse off. "You brought me to a cemetery?" I asked softly.

I could barely see Jagger grin through the darkness in the car. "Yeah. But that's only half of the surprise," he said.

My eyes widened. There was more? My heart started to pound with excitement. I was so eager to find out what the rest of my surprise was. So far, this was turning out to be an amazing first date.

Jagger climbed out of the car and came around quickly to open my door for me. He didn't really have to do that, but it was very gentlemanly and he insisted. I was beginning to wonder how I could have ever called Jagger a jerk and not feel anything afterwards. Jagger was no jerk. He was kind to me, sweet to me…

And then suddenly, memories of what had happened in his coffin flooded back to me unexpectingly and unwanted. They had burst through the door I had locked them behind in the back of my head.

I shuddered. What was wrong with me that night? Why had I wanted that so badly? I was so eager, and the hunger and desire was so intense. I was lucky we hadn't done anything more than what we already did.

I shook my mind from that. I didn't want to waste the night thinking about how idiotic I was back then. That was over. Jagger and I promised each other that wouldn't happen again. Not until we were really ready. We weren't' ready now. We wouldn't be ready for a couple of years. I had no reason to worry about that.

"Emily?" Jagger's voice cut through my thoughts as I came back to reality. He was standing there with a confused expression across his face.

"Sorry," I mumbled and helped myself out. Jagger closed the passenger door and then walked over to the back, opening the door to the back of the hearse. There, he grabbed a single black backpack and closed the door, locking up.

"You stored a backpack in the back?" I asked, wondering why he just didn't have it up front with us.

"You would have snooped inside it if it was up with us," Jagger reasoned. I arched an eyebrow. I would have so not done such a thing. Okay, yeah, of course I would have. I couldn't help the fact that I was just a very curious person and that suspicious objects get the best of me.

He slung the backpack over his shoulder and grabbed my hand, holding it tightly with care and gentleness. His skin was soft, and I remembered how wonderful his hands felt along my body.

NO! I screamed in my head. Not acceptable. No-no. Bad. Wrong. Error. Invalid. This was all wrong. I had to stop thinking about that. I don't know why I had thought about that in the first place. I was so angry with myself for remembering that.

We approached the tall gate of the cemetery. I glanced it up, having to tilt my head back far.

"That is a tall fence," I said. Jagger chuckled.

"Not really. Well, to you probably," he smirked. I scoffed and gave him a dirty look.

"Excuse me? Did you just call me fat?" I joked, but still keeping my angry face. Jagger looked bewildered.

"Um, no. I was indicating that you were short, not fat."

I laughed. "I know. I was only playing with you. But thanks for calling me short," I said sarcastically. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around me, squeezing me tightly.

"You're welcome, my beautiful vampiress," he said with a sexy grin. I flashed him my fangs. "Oh, aren't you the feisty one."

I rolled my eyes. "Jagger, you would say that," I said.

"I would?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, you would.

"So how are we going to get over this? In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not really in the fence-hopping outfit," I said. Jagger glanced me down.

"Hmm, you're right. I hadn't noticed," he said, grinning. I slapped his arm lightly with the back of my hand.


"Don't worry, you're not going to hop the fence. I am," he assured. He shrugged off the backpack and handed it to me. "Here, hold this for just a sec."

I nodded and held the backpack close to my chest to shield it from the cold. Then, with extraordinary ease, Jagger gripped the bars and began to climb, like he was Spider-Man. When he reached the top, he swung his legs over and jumped off, landing lightly on the ground. I was amazed. Jagger had excellent fence-hopping skills.

When Jagger was on the ground, he dug into his pocket and pulled out what seemed to be a key that fit perfectly into the huge, old-fashioned lock that sealed the gate to the cemetery.

"Jagger, did you steal that?" I asked, eyeing the key with suspicion. When he had unlocked it, he opened the gate for me, and then quickly closed it, locking it back up.

"No. Don't be ridiculous, baby. I'm just temporarily borrowing it," he said with great emphasis on "temporarily borrowing". I arched an eyebrow.

"Jagger, do I look stupid?" I asked.

"No, you look very beautiful," he replied. I sighed. Wonderful. My boyfriend, the thief.

Jagger took back both the backpack and my hand as we trailed along the maze of tombstones. I was careful not to step on anybody's grave, for that would be very disrespectful. I wanted to pay respect to all those who had passed and a perfect way to do that was to stay clear of stepping on top of their patch of grass.

We walked far into the graveyard, passing many graves on the way. We arrived at this tall willow tree with thin vines hanging down, like an umbrella.

"Here we are," Jagger said. He let go of my hand and I watched him take off the backpack. He knelt down on the ground and unzipped it. I waited anxiously to see what he would pull out.

He reached in and pulled out a black blanket and laid it on the grass. He crawled onto it and began to pull out a small candelabra, which he placed on a nearby tomb. He pulled out a few other candles and organized them on the tomb with the candelabra. Next, he pulled out some plates and it immediately hit me.

"Jagger!" I gasped. Jagger froze and turned to me. "You brought me on a picnic!"

He smiled and set the plates down. "Well I guess it's not much of a surprise anymore," he chuckled. I knelt down on the blanket next to him, my face inches apart from his.

"This is the sweetest thing anybody's ever done for me," I whispered, looking into his sparkling mismatched colored eyes.

"Oh, I can't imagine that. You're much too beautiful to not have anything like this before," he said, a tone equally soft.

My eyes were on the verge of tears. I was so happy. Jagger had organized a picnic for our first date, my very first date.

"Oh, Jagger…"

And then I kissed him, my lips gently brushing against his. No hard friction. Just a soft, gentle kiss.

Jagger's fingers ran through my hair and his other hand was resting on my thigh. My hands were cupping his jaw as our lips moved together in synchronization.

This had to be one of the best nights of my life.

When we parted, Jagger finished setting everything up. He lit the candelabra and the other separate candles, giving us a soft, romantic glow in the yard.

Last, he pulled out a couple of Tupperware containers. The first one he handed to me.

"I hope it hasn't gotten cold," he mentioned as I lifted the lid. Inside was a deliciously-smelling steak cooked just right. I looked up.

"Jagger, you went through the trouble of cooking a steak?" I asked.

"It was no trouble at all. I was only worried that the steak would get cold before you ate it," he said. The Tupperware container was warm in my hands. I felt the steak with the knuckles of my first two fingers. It was fine. Not exactly hot off the grill, but it was warm enough.

I smiled at Jagger. "Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me," I said. Jagger returned the smile.

"I would do anything for you, Emily," he replied. "I love you with all of my heart."

The tears were too much to hold back.

Jagger's words felt like nothing I had felt before. I never knew words could be so heartwarming, so romantic, so loving. I didn't know what to say. The tears just kept strolling down my cheeks. I loved Jagger too. With all of my heart.

I placed the Tupperware container down and threw myself into Jagger, who caught me just in time. My arms wrapped around his neck as I cried softly into the crease of my elbow. I wasn't bawling, but I was crying nonetheless.

"What are you crying about, love?" he asked with a chuckle while wrapping his arms around my waist.

I looked up, my face most likely smeared with black eyeliner, and smiled. "I'm so happy, Jagger. I never thought I would be this happy, ever. Living a miserable life with my mother for most of my life and not having any friends…I'm just so happy I came here to live with Dad. I have friends--people who accept me for who I am. I have a boyfriend; a wonderful, charming, amazingly sexy boyfriend." I laughed, while wiping my tears.

"I'm happy you came too," he said. "I've never been able to share what I've shared with you with anybody else. I'm so happy that I get to have a girl like you."

We were silent for a brief moment, just staring into each other's eyes. Jagger was so handsome. It was hard to believe that this boy was all mine, even though I had known this for quite some time. Still, it was just so incredible. Jagger Maxwell, my dark white knight.

Our faces were getting closer and closer until I suddenly piped up, "We should probably eat the steak before it gets cold."

Jagger agreed. We let go of each other and picked up our Tupperware. I scooped my steak out with my fork onto the plate. Jagger was busy pouring me a glass of sparkling cider. How he fit that into his backpack without breaking it I have no idea. He handed me the wineglass, which I placed on the tomb next to the candles so it wouldn't spill over.

"I wish I could have brought more, but that was all I could fit in here," Jagger said, sort of saddened.

"This is perfect just the way you planned it," I assured, cutting my steak with my knife. Jagger was barely opening his Tupperware. I almost gagged on my steak when I saw him scoop out his own.

"Jagger, your steak is raw!" I exclaimed, noticing how red and bloody it was. I looked at him with a worried look. Jagger looked back as if nothing was wrong.

"It's just the way I prefer my meat," he said simply. I looked at him like he was crazy. The steak was raw for crying out loud!

"You can get sick from eating it raw," I said.

"I've always eaten my meat this way. I've never gotten sick," he said. I sighed.

"Jagger, I don't want you to eat your meat raw. That's so unhealthy."

"I'll be fine, Emily. Just eat your meat," Jagger snapped. I widened my eyes, totally taken aback. What had he just said to me?

"Excuse me?"

Jagger's eyebrows narrowed. "Let me eat my food the way I want to eat it," he retorted. I glared, but then suddenly I softened up. He was right. Who was I to judge how he should eat his food? If the boy liked to it his steak raw, then by golly let him eat it raw. I shouldn't be ruining the evening over something so stupid as to meat.

"I'm sorry Jagger," I apologized. Jagger sighed. His fork had stabbed a piece of red and bloody meat.

"It's not your fault. Any normal human would have had your same reaction, probably even worse," he said.

"But I'm any normal human," I said with slight humor. Jagger smiled a bit, but then it went back to a frown.

"I eat like this for a reason," Jagger said. I tilted my head a bit.

"Why is that?" I asked softly.

Jagger took a deep breath. He was silent for a while.

My heart literally stopped beating for maybe more than ten seconds when Jagger spoke again, and it wasn't because his voice was so alluring.

"Because, Emily, I…am a vampire," he said as two shiny white, pointed fangs appeared in his mouth.