Well, here is the Revised version of this story. I like it better. And I hope you do too.

First off...this is still the same girl from the rough draft! You'll understand when you read this again. ;)

Second, most of this story will be taking place at her cabin. This isn't about Mirkwood, or Middle Earth, or whatever. It's about the realationship between Legolas and this mysterious maiden. So, if you have a problem with that, I'm sorry. Don't read it.

Yes, she is from another world, but it's not ours. You'll find out where in the story when Legolas finds out.

Also, if you've read my other stories, you probably know a bit where I took this from, so DON'T SAY ANYTHING! If you do want to say something PM me.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Lord of the Rings. I do own anything you do not recognize, however.

I hope I cleared some things up. OH! Also, I am not a Tolkein, or Middle Earth, or Lord of the Rings expert, and I do not claim to be. This story is just for fun. If you're bothered by it, don't read it. And, if I do get anything wrong, don't hesitate to tell me, I don't want to look like an idoit. Just be nice, no flames please, you'll be ignored and deleted. Thank you, grammercy, gracias, gratias tibi ago.

The sun was bright that day, with very few clouds in the blue sky. A light breeze ruffled through the leaves of the many trees in the dense forest. The calming song of the birds was the cause of sleep for the elf sitting against a wide tree. His blonde hair was pulled away from his face, showing strong, handsome features. His bow and quiver rested closely beside him. It had been a few years since the Ring was destroyed and Legolas was just now adjusting back to life as it had been before. Today however, had been a bit stressful for the prince. His parents-mother especially, had been nagging him about taking a bride. True, he had been thinking about it the past few months, but being pressured into it was not something he liked. Which brought him here, to the forest. He craved peace and quiet for just a moment.

Faintly, a cry of a baby could be heard. The white horse nuzzled Legolas' arm. The elf drew in a breath and opened his crystal blue eyes. He looked up at the mare and gently patted her nose. Elowen was his mother's horse (His was getting new shoes put on). Legolas' ears perked as he heard the baby's cry. He stood from the ground, looking around for the source of noise. He picked up his bow and quiver and slung it across his back.

"Stay here," he quietly instructed the mare. Legolas crossed through the forest, the crying getting louder. This time he could hear a voice, but could not make out the words just yet. He was coming up to a clearing where light grey smoke was rising from small cabin. That was strange, he did not remember there ever being a cabin there before. But then again, he had ridden farther into the forest than usual. He must be closer to the village.

Legolas came closer to the cabin, but stayed hidden behind the trees as a figure was moving around inside. The door opened revealing a maiden carrying a small baby. Her hair, a light red in color fell in thick curls to her waist. Her skin was kissed by the sun, much darker than any maidens' skin Legolas had seen, and her dress was simple, tan in color.

"There now," she said to the baby. "all better see? 'Twas just a tiny scratch. Your big sister knows just how to make it feel all better." She spoke with a strange accent, one Legolas did not recognize. She kissed the baby's fingers and smiled. She gave a whistle and a dog barked. "Bruno! Come boy!" A golden haired dog came running into the clearing, its talk wagging like mad. He barked again at the maiden and playfully ran in a small circle. "Get inside. Go on." The dog obeyed and the maiden tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Legolas' eyes widened. She was an elf. But she did not look like the usual elf maiden. Legolas had thought, at first look, that she had been human. Perhaps he would pay her a visit. He shifted behind the tree causing an echoing snap from a branch he stepped on. He bit his lip to hold back his tongue, but the damage was done. The maiden looked around, alert.

"Is someone there?" she called. "Please, show yourself." She clutched the baby closer to her chest.

Legolas stepped out from behind the tree and into the clearing. "Forgive me," he said. She whipped around, her eyes wide. "I did not mean to frighten you. I had merely heard a baby crying and was curious."

She relaxed a bit, shifting the baby to her hip. "Oh, er, yes," she mumbled. "Jaden just scratched himself on the table. He is a curious little thing." The dog barked from inside the cabin. "Bruno, shush."

Legolas' blue eyes darted to the dog standing in the doorway, his tail still wagging. The dog looked to Legolas, gave a little shake if his head, and disappeared into the cabin. The baby began squirming in the girl's arms.

"Jaden..." she mumbled, trying to cease his actions.

"Is he yours?" Legolas blurted. He mentally scolded himself for asking such a question. Surely he had just offended her with an question he already knew the answer to.

She shook her head. "Nay, he is my younger brother." Jaden tried wiggling out of her arms. She moved him to her other hip and he turned to Legolas, reaching for him. "Jaden, stop." The baby did not listen. He reached again for Legolas, staring at the prince with wide, deep blue eyes. "Jaden, please-" he started to fuss. "I am sorry, he is not usually like this."

"May I?" Legolas' asked, holding out his arms. He always had a secret soft spot for children. The maiden looked apprehensive, but agreed. She handed Jaden to Legolas who cradled him carefully. Jaden calmed immediately.

The maiden watched in awe as Jaden gazed up at Legolas.

"That is strange," she said. "He normally does not like strangers. Oh, I am sorry, I do not know your name. I am Idril."

Legolas did not respond for a brief moment, letting her name settle into his mind. He would not be forgetting it.

"I am Legolas."

Idril's eyebrows furrowed at his name, and gave him a somewhat questioning look. Suddenly she gasped and fell into a gracefully curtsy. "Oh, forgive me, Your Highness, for I did not recognize you."

"You are forgiven," Legolas answered as Jaden made a grab for his hair, causing the prince to chuckle. He took one of Jaden's tiny hands in his, letting the baby grab hold of his finger. "If you may tell me something."

Idril straightened, and looked at him a bit weary. "Of course." Legolas noted that she seemed hesitant. This maiden held secrets, and by the look in her eyes, they were not something to be taken lightly.

"You are not from around here," Legolas said softly, his eyes trying to catch hers, but she had not looked up from her brother.

"No," she agreed.

"Can you tell me where you are from, then?"

Idril took a deep breath. "Far away."

Legolas raised an eyebrow. "Far away? And where exactly is this 'far away'?"

Idril lowered her gaze to the ground. "I do apologize, Your Highness, but I am not at the liberty to tell you. I-"

"Legolas," he corrected. Idril met his eyes, and Legolas found he could not look away. Her eyes were a deep green with specks of brown around the iris. He had never seen eyes like hers. They were like a forest, and Legolas was mesmerized. A faint blush rose to her cheeks, and Legolas was almost sure he heard her heart rate speed. A cry from Jaden snapped them back to reality. Idril gently took her brother from the prince's arms.

"I think someone is ready for bed," she muttered.

Legolas looked to the sun. He had not realized how late it was getting. "I must be going," he said, turning back to Idril. "May I call on you sometime, my lady?" He had more questions he wished to have answered.

"Of course," she answered, with a small smile. The blush on her cheeks deepened. "You are welcome here anytime. Legolas."

The prince smiled and took her hand. He placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "Until we meet again, Lady Idril." Legolas turned and stepped into the forest. He decided to return soon. The curiosity would eat him alive if he did not.

Legolas' mind was not on his mother's as she asked him about his disappearance for the entire day. He could not get her off his mind as he headed straight for his chambers. Idril was a mystery, and he needed to find out who exactly she was and where she came from. The feeling he had was one he had never experienced before and confused him. He swore to himself that he would find the answers and would not stop until he did.

Idril had stared at his retreating back until he disappeared into the trees. She took a deep breath, trying to regain normal control of her breathing. Her stomach was still in knots. How had the mere first sight of him captivate her so? She entered into the cabin and gently placed Jaden into his crib.She kissed his forehead and crossed the wide, one room cabin to the wooden stove where a tea kettle was waiting to boil water. She took a deep breath and lit a small fire under the kettle. She shook her head and fiddled with the shield shaped pendant around her neck. She traced the outline of the dragon with her fingertips as she let her thoughts wander. She was disappointed in the way she had reacted to the prince. She was not a woman to blush and stutter in the presence of the opposite sex. No one had made her feel that way since-No. No. She would not let those thoughts enter her mind. She refused.

Bruno barked, catching her attention. He was laying in front of the hearth, looking up at her with perked ears. She smiled. "Hungry, boy?" Bruno barked again, and she brought him a bowl of food.

Whew. Well, I do like this version a heck of a lot better. It's the same, yet, revised. I hope you enjoyed it too. Tell me what you think! ^.^ I love reading your Reviews. And I will reply to them, but personaly. The topic of her eyes was brought up, saying that it's a bit Mary-Sueish to describe her eyes as I did...but there was a reason for that. Her eyes are important.

Also, I will throwing in hints of who she is and where she is from throughout the chapters. So if anyone can guess, or even just pick up on the hints, let me know your theories! And I'll send you a virtual hug or something, or 1,000 points, like 'Whose Line' hehe.