Author's Note: Sorry I haven't updated in a long, long, looooong time… I don't have any excuses, except that I'm lazy. And a procrastinator. ^_^ Sorry… Anyway, here's the third and final chapter! Ü

Disclaimer: I don't own Charlotte Russe, 5 Gum, Ford Escape, The Lady and the Tramp, or What Not To Wear. They were amazing before I wrote about them. Ü

REVISED 11/27/11


Chapter 3: Crowning Glory


Kaoru sighed heavily. She loved shopping… For the first couple minutes. But after a few hours, it began to get tedious. Especially when she was shopping with Misao and Megumi.

"Hey Kaoru, look at this dress! It's perfect!" exclaimed Misao as she held up a strapless, neon-yellow dress embellished with purple stars. Megumi started laughing and Kaoru just stared. "Um, Misao, I'm going to the movies. And dinner. Not a Vikings game. I don't think that that… thing… is appropriate," she said. "All I want is a nice skirt to go with my new shirt. Nothing more, nothing less." Misao pouted, but reluctantly replaced the dress on the rack. "Are you sure?" Misao asked. Kaoru shook her head and left the store, closely followed by a chortling Megumi.

Kaoru was beginning to feel discouraged. It was a quarter to nine and she still had only half of an outfit. They'd been through almost every store in the mall—and that was a lot of stores. Her last chance was Charlotte Russe. Kaoru had never been failed by Charlotte Russe. There's a first time for everything… I hope today isn't one of them, she though apprehensively. The trio entered the store and fanned out, searching for the perfect shirt to match Kaoru's adorable white-on-black polka-dot mini skirt.

She flipped through racks, desperately looking for the right top. After a couple minutes, Megumi ambled over from the shoe section and Misao wandered in from the clearance racks. They both started sifting through the various racks surrounding Kaoru.

"Kaoru, remember: Christ The Patron Saint." Megumi said imperiously. Kaoru shot Megumi a look. "What the heck are you talking about?" she asked. Megumi smirked over her shoulder at Kaoru and Misao, who had also looked away from the clothing. "Christ The Patron Saint—Color, Texture, Pattern, Shine—duh! It's what makes an outfit interesting. Don't you ever watch What Not To Wear?" Megumi replied. "It was on an episode a while ago." Misao rolled her eyes and resumed searching. Kaoru held up the bag with her skirt in it. "Well, I already have "pattern", all I need is color, texture, or shine," she said dryly.

Misao suddenly gasped loudly and slammed hangers away from a single blouse. "It's—it's perfect!" she breathed. She whipped the shirt around and held it up in front of Kaoru and Megumi, who were watching hopefully. The shirt in question was a lovely, light pink, ruffled keyhole tank. Megumi began to smile. "I think you're right, Misao," she murmured. "Kaoru? What do you think?" Misao asked as she turned to Kaoru. Kaoru hmmed to herself, carefully considering the blouse. "You don't think it's too dressy, for dinner and a movie? Other than that, I love it."

Megumi stepped forward and fingered the ruffles. "It'd be fine, you would just wear a pair of simple back ballet flats and low-key earrings. The ruffles are the focal point, so anything else would be overdoing it, I think," she told Kaoru, genuinely smiling now. "Kenshin'll probably take you somewhere classy. This is perfect. You're buying it." Megumi shoved the shirt into Kaoru's hands and pushed her towards the register.

The clerk handed Kaoru the bag holding her new shirt and the girls turned to go. Kaoru dug her cell phone out of her purse (retrieved from school by her mother earlier that day) and checked the time.

"Shit! My curfew! I have to be home NOW!"

5:57—3 Minutes Until Kenshin Arrives

Kaoru was nervously pacing in front of the family room windows, glancing out every now and then, looking for Kenshin's car. After she had gotten home from school that day, she had hurriedly started getting ready for her date, rushing through her shower routine and nearly impaling her eyes with the mascara wand. She had somehow managed to get ready with time to spare.

Kaoru was about ready to murder someone.

WHAT was I thinking… I must have been high on 5 Gum or something… Oh my God, oh my God, OH MY GOD…

Kenshin's white Ford Escape finally pulled into the driveway. Kaoru squeaked and quickly made last minute adjustments on her hair and makeup while Kenshin walked up to the door.

He rang the bell and Kaoru counted to five (a tip from Megumi to not seem too eager or too reluctant) and opened the door, pasting a cheerful smile on her face. "Hey Kenshin!" she exclaimed in a voice that was a bit too high pitched. Kenshin smiled happily and asked "Are you ready?"

"Yup! Let's go!" Kaoru responded and they walked to the car.

They were eating at Maria's, the best Italian place this side of Neptune. Kaoru knew this, and for some mysterious reason she kept replaying the scene in The Lady and the Tramp when the dogs were on their date at the Italian place and kissed over their spaghetti.

Unfortunately, this made her even more nervous.

Also very unfortunately, Kenshin noticed.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked coyly. Kaoru glanced at him quickly from under her lashes. Kenshin was, as usual, looking extremely hot. He had on a nice pair of black jeans and a blue button down shirt. His shiny red hair was up in his customary high ponytail.

"N-nothing interesting," she stammered.

"Oh, I highly doubt that." Kenshin smirked. "So, why are you so nervous? We aren't going to a horror movie. Believe me, I don't want to repeat Tsubame's birthday party. C'mon, what's up?" He looked at her seriously. Kaoru bit her lip and sighed.

"Honestly? I'm worried that I'm going to mess this up." She confessed. A bright red blush was working its way up her neck and face. Shit! Why did I say that, he's going to think I'm a desperate freshman or something! Kenshin gave her a startled look but remained silent. The seconds ticked by, and Kaoru began to think she had made a huge mistake when she suddenly felt a warm hand gently take hold of her own. Kenshin smiled warmly at her and said, "Hey , are you ready to go? The movie starts in about half an hour and it takes like fifteen minutes to get there."

She smiled weakly back. "Yeah. Let's blow this popsicle stand!"

7:45—Five Minutes into the Movie

The previews had begun rolling a few minutes ago, and Kaoru was finally feeling comfortable. Scratch that, she was feeling extremely comfortable.

On the car ride over to the theater, Kaoru had finally relaxed and started enjoying herself. She and Kenshin had talked easily and listened to the radio. He had opened her car door and held the theater doors open for her when they arrived, and held her hand on the way in.

Now his arm was around her shoulders. Which wasn't such a bad thing, considering the nippy temperature that the owners seemed to enjoy in their establishment. However, she was unable to stop thinking about all of the different scenarios that could happen between a guy and a girl in a dark movie theater. It didn't help that they were somehow the only people in the room.

I guess it makes sense… This movie came out a little bi—Oh jeez, he moved!

Kenshin had shifted his arm, sending not so unpleasant tendrils of warmth to slither down her spine and through the rest of her body.

I'm such a freakin' perv! I don't think can I last the whole movie like this!

She must have shivered, because Kenshin turned to her and asked "Are you okay? Er… I can move my arm, if it makes you uncomfortable."

"Oh, no! You're fine. I don't mind at all! I even li—I-I mean, yeah! You're fine, I'm fine, it's all good!" Kaoru replied, blushing mightily for the nth time that night. Kenshin smirked back at her. "Well that's good, because I am getting used touching you."

Kaoru's face turned an even darker shade of red, but luckily it was dark and Kenshin couldn't see it. She hoped. "Oh look, it's starting!" She stage whispered, and resolved to ignore Kenshin and his warm limbs and his bright eyes and his uncalled for comments that she should smack him for but really didn't mind all that much…

9:24—Kaoru's Front Stoop

"Um, I had a really great time tonight Kenshin. Thank you for asking me. Oh, and the lunch that you paid for earlier was delicious." Kaoru was feeling a mix of relief and regret. Relief that she would no longer be blushing every five minutes, and regret that she hadn't forgotten herself and taken advantage of the dark and empty movie theater.

To be honest, she couldn't remember watching the movie. She couldn't even recall its title! As she had predicted, Kenshin and his arm had been terribly distractive. Apparently he had a habit of moving around during movies, which while it wasn't unpleasant, she had desperately wanted him to stop so she could regain the feeling she'd had in the car of being comfortable with him.

"I had fun too." He replied, smiling at her with those violet eyes of his. "We should definitely do it again sometime soon. You'd… be okay with that, right?" he asked, suddenly unsure.

Kaoru decided, quite suddenly, really, to be just a tiny bit forward to get at least a sliver even with him. "I'm free on Tuesday. Why don't you come over so we can study for the English test on Wednesday?"

Kenshin grinned at her. "That sounds awesome. So… I guess I better go now. I have an early game tomorrow." He took a step closer to her, and Kaoru's heart started to pound. Are we really gonna—?

She could feel the heat his body was exuding and took the half step that brought them nearly together, and tilted her face. He slowly dipped his head down and paused, slipping his arms gently around her waist as Kaoru's eyes closed and lips parted slightly in anticipation.

Kenshin's lips finally descended upon Kaoru's. He paused for half of a heartbeat and then moved gently, eliciting movement from Kaoru as well.

When the couple finally pulled apart, Kenshin rested his forehead against her's. "Yeah… We really need to do this again sometime." He murmured.

Kaoru was blushing furiously as he chuckled and pulled away. "Goodbye, Kaoru. I'm sure I will see you on Monday." He said, walking down her driveway to his car.

She could only manage a quiet "Goodbye!" before she dashed inside her home and leaned against the closed door.

The sound of his car starting and driving away could be heard through the door, and Kaoru pushed away from the door and squealed.


Monday couldn't come soon enough.

And they lived happily ever after.

The End

Author's Note: Goodness gracious! I finally finished! And it only took two years and four days to update! LOL… Except I feel really bad about it. :/

I have to mention that the kiss was probably one of the hardest things I've ever written. Who knew? Oh wait, that would be almost every writer… Ha ha? :) Well, for those of you who don't know, let me tell you! Reading romantic scenes is one thing, but writing them is quite another!

Also, was almost overtaken by the absurdly strong urge to put a smiley face after the last line, but I was able to restrain myself in the name of "proper" writing. :) So there's a random smiley to make up for it! :)

Next, I just had to say a little about my clever titling skills. If you've noticed, all the chapters start with the letter 'C'! Yay! I think it adds a little interest. Heh. :}

Finally, please leave a review! I want to improve my writing as much as I can so I can be even more motivated to actually update with reasonable speed!

Thank you!