First I'd like to mention that this fic is a joined effort between Klee and myself. (check out her fics, they rock! :) We were chatting yesterday and Klee came up with the idea for us to work on a fic together, and I already had the idea for this one, so we started it ^_^ Now, the thing to remember is that we split chapters. I mean, I did the first chapter, she did the second, and so on. Get the point? Good ^_^

Another thing to remember is that this story is slash. S-L-A-S-H! Don't know what that is? It means boys liking boys in THAT way. Don't like it? Hit your back button now and get the hell outta here. Klee and I have no interest in hearing how "gross" we are, or that the guys aren't gay. We know they aren't in the books, but this is our universe and in our universe they are. Alright? ^_^ Besides, I just ignore flames anyway and I'll make sure that Klee does too ^_^ So do all of us a favor, and keep your flamey ideas to yourself. Thank you :)

This part was by me and is from Star's Pov :)

How could I be so stupid? All this time, it was right in front of me and yet I didn't see it! On the other hand, *he still* doesn't see it. *I* should have noticed, though. I mean, he's my best friend for Merlin's sake! But that's okay, because now that I know how he feels it's only a matter of time before he realizes it too.

Although, this is Draco Malfoy I'm thinking about. The boy who'd rather kiss Pansy Parkinson with the lights on then say he was in love with Harry Potter, the Golden Boy of Hogwarts. Now that's saying something, considering how.. gross, Pansy is. Ugh.

What am I going to do? There's no way Draco will ever realize that the reason he's so intent on insulting Potter is because deep down, he's got a major fancy for the boy. Huh, who would have guessed it? Not me, that's for bloody sure. I wasn't even positive until potions class today.

Snape, feeling remarkably cranky, surprise surprise, partnered everyone with people he knew they couldn't stand. I was made to work with Kaleb, that annoying Gryffindor chaser. Draco was of course forced to partner with Potter, and in no time the two were yelling at each other over one thing or another.

While watching Draco, I finally realized what he doesn't. The way he stood, close enough to touch the other boy; the way his stormy eyes lit with passion and annoyance. Draco was in love! At first I was disgusted. Harry fucking Potter was the object of Draco Malfoy's affection? There had to be a mistake! They were *enemies*! Everyone knew that! But the longer I watched, the more I was sure. And suddenly, it all made sense.

Potter was the one person that Draco bothered among all others, no matter the day. And why was that? Because unconsciously, Draco was finding a way to get Potter's attention to be on him and him only. After all, my best friend was always complaining that the Golden Boy got too much attention for himself, and that no one was noticed by him. At the time I always thought it was because he truly hated Potter, but now I know the truth.

The question is, how does Potter feel? I always said I would do anything for Draco, but does that include setting him up with the one boy who stands between Lord Voldemort and his victory over the wizarding world?

Well, duh! Of course it does!