Chapter 4.

Bell-uh's parents huddled around their daughter hospital bed. They could not see their girl's face due to the fact that she was covered from head to toe in bandages. Her father was crying like a little girl and her mother was pacing back and forth. Suddenly the doctor came in.

"Well I have good news and bad news. The bad news is we couldn't find a suitable nose for her…but the good news is the reconstructive surgery on her face went well."

Her mother looked up and cocked her head to one side.

"…Reconstructive surgery? Why did she need that? It was only her nose…"

The doctor shook his head slowly.

"I told them to reconstruct her face because she was as ugly as sin and if I saw it again I would probably die from ugly-overload. But anyways, I made her a new face-brace to handle the fact that your daughter is now a freak of nature…errr…I mean a victim of a terrible accident."

The doctor took a small knife and cut off the bandages, revealing her face and her parents gasped.

"..S..She's BEAUTIFUL!"

Actually, she wasn't; as a matter of fact she was ten times uglier then before. She looked more like something out of The Suffering: Ties That Bind then a human. Her head and eyebrows had been shaved; the face brace was now like a metal strap-helmet. One metal strap going vertically between her eyes and around her head, going through the hole where her nose had been and stopping about an inch above her mouth. Another strap went horizontally above her eyes and swooping down in a U shape, connecting to her nose-hole. 5 large claw-like things that poked out from the strap near the back of her head went around to her mouth and pulled her lips back into a snarl. Now her brown crooked teeth were easily seen, for her lips were now pulled back and unable to hide them any longer.

She looked absolutely hideous, and I dear say that if the devil himself saw her face he would probably commit suicide, if you looked up hideous in the dictionary, you would see her face. If you searched – well, you get my point. Now back onto the story

"My god, Doctor Jade! You made her beautiful again!"

Both Bell-uh's parents yowled, hugging their little mutant…err...daughter. Bell-uh gnashed her choppers in happiness; finally she could live like a normal person again. Doctor Jade pushed his large spectacles back onto to top of his nose and smiled innocently. He ripped the I.V from her arms and shoved a lollipop in her mouth to stop her from screaming him and slapping him.

"You may take her home now."

Doctor Jade said as he noticed Bell-uh was sniveling, but there were no tears.

"One more thing…During the surgery, in order to make room for the horizontal strap, we had to remove her tear glands and…relocate them."

Bell-uh's parents looked at Jade oddly and they both said,

"Located where exactly?"

Suddenly Bell-uh's face went bright red and she stifled a scream and Jade sighed.

"You don't want to know, seriously."

MEANWHILE…back at the Cullenz house..

Edwardio went flying through the roof of the house and skidded along the street. He had a bloody nose and was clutching his face. Standing on the roof was Jakoby Blick, an evil insane smile on his face. His skin-tight leotards shone in the sun and his kitty ears were pressed against his head.

"Where is my love-pig!? You gassy fool!"

Jakoby hissed as he leapt from the roof and stood next to Edwardio.

"I dunno who you is talking about! I know no lurve-pig!"

Edwardio gasped as Jakoby punched him in the kisser again. Edwardio skidded across the ground and let out a small PFFT.

"You stole my online love! You –

For the sake of your sanity, I will bleep out what he says. Just know it's a lot of naughty words…

--and you that you shall pay!"

Edwardio shook his head.

"Who are you talking about? Bell-uh? She is my lurve-pig! We engaged in hardcore P.M.B.S!"

"SHUT UP EDWARDIO! I'm going to hit you where it hurts!"

Edwardio's beady eyes widened as he screamed.

"Oh please no! Not the man-badonkadonk!"

Jakoby raised his foot to curb-stomp Edwardio Dead Space style but he paused. His foot hit the ground and he looked deep in thought.

"I was gonna hit your head, but what you said will do just fine…"

Edwardio yowled like a cat in water. His cries shattered nearby windows. But where were the rest of the Cullenz to help? They were tied up in the closet...

When all hope seemed lost who came driving down the street? Bell-uh and her parents. Edwardio, who was in the fetal position on the ground called out to Bell-uh, who jumped through the windshield to her lover's rescue. Jakoby was about to do something else mean to Edwardio when Bell-uh jumped in between them.

"Get away from my love-pig!!"

Bell-uh hissed, gnashing her choppers at Jakoby. Her ugliness hit him like a ballistic missile and he screamed like a little girl who had just been scared by the neighborhood creeper.


Jakoby screamed, his eyes locked on her choppers and beady eyes. His cat tail went between his legs and he turned around and ran down the street. Flailing his arms as he went.