Title: Just Fine.
Rating: T (for safety)
Summary: Colonel was clinging to me. He had thrown himself under my covers and puts his short arms around my skinny waist and buried his wet face in my loose t-shirt, and the cartilage of his nose was poking my shoulder blade. It's slash if you squint real hard.
It's an occasion to celebrate, no? Well, I hope you enjoy it(and feel compelled to write for this fandom as well). Btw: I was thinking making this a fic about sex, but It didn't turn out that way. :p It is much softer than I first anticipated.

It was dark, so it was either really late or really early when the Colonel jumped from the top bunk and into my bed.

I could tell from the way he was breathing and swallowing and making these little whimpering noises that he was crying, again.

My tear ducts had been fused shut a little while ago.

The Colonel was clinging to me. He had thrown himself under my covers and puts his short arms around my skinny waist and buried his wet face in my loose t-shirt, and the cartilage of his nose was poking my shoulder blade.

Despite my surprised lack of movement, we were intertwined.

The Colonel's knees were underneath and in-between my thighs and his cold feet were resting against my calves, brushing my ankles.

His tears would come in waves, and I let him brace himself against me.

After a minute or two, I turned over and hugged him. I felt like that's what I should have been doing as opposed to lying there, all unresponsive.

His sobbing caught in his throat at my movement, and it started again when I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him against me.

His tears were on my back and on my heart, now.

I smelled a little ambrosia on his breath and he was stretching my shirt with his pulling and gripping, but I didn't care because I knew he needed me and I wanted to be there for him unlike any other time that I could remember.

I wanted his skin on mine and his voice in my ears and at that moment, it was okay.

It was just fine.

Even without Alaska, it was just fine.

AN2: Review, please. :o)