
A week had passed. Love was sent back to school, Lois was "let go" from her teaching job at the school, Evelyn had caught a bad case of the flu and had to stay home from school for the entire week, and Clark was happy. Everything was practically perfect, except Evelyn and Love wanted answers. Lois and Clark agreed not to say anything until Evelyn was better.

Love was in Evelyn's room and they were both sitting on her bed. There were pillows and blankets spread out all over the room. Evelyn hadn't been able to sleep unless Clark was in the same room as her. Lois was feeling lonely in her house, so she packed up some stuff and moved in temporarily with Clark. Love enjoyed it so much. It was like a prolonged sleepover.

"So what do you want to do?" Love asked.

Evelyn grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. "I don't know. I really want to go outside and play." Evelyn looked wistfully out the window. Miraculously, the snow had stayed the entire week. But Evelyn hadn't been allowed to play outside. All the adults told her that she was too sick. Evelyn would huff at them whenever they told her that.

Love looked outside with her. She had been able to play outside a lot. Clark would join her most of the time and sometimes even Lois would join them much to Clark's protest. He thought that she would make her arm worse, but she never did. They would laugh and play and would just have a good time. Evelyn would always be sitting by the window watching them play. Sometimes she would open the window and they would throw snowballs up to her. "Maybe if you ask your daddy again, he'll let you go outside?"

"I don't know..." Evelyn knew how stubborn Clark could be.

"What if I asked him? Ella says that whenever you ask your friends mom or dad to do something, they'll do it most of the time."

"Really?" Evelyn asked her eyes filling with hope. She sneezed a few times. "Then go ask him!"

Love nodded and she leapt of the bed and ran down the stairs. "Clark? Clark, I've got to ask you a question."

Clark was sitting at the table with Lois. It looked like they were discussing something very important, but Love didn't seem to notice. "Can it wait, Lovely?" Lois asked.

"I guess." Love started walking upstairs dejectedly.

"Love, could you tell Evelyn to come downstairs? We have something important to tell you guys." Clark said.

Love nodded and went to complete the small mission Clark had given her. She opened the door. Evelyn was cleaning her nose again with a tissue. She tossed it into the overflowing trash can. "Your daddy said that they have something important to tell us."

Evelyn slipped some socks on and she followed Love down stairs. Evelyn smiled. "What did you want to tell us?"

Lois and Clark exchanged a look before turning back to the girls. "Sit down."

Evelyn and Love sat next to each other across from Lois and Clark. They noticed that Lois and Clark were holding each others hands.

"We know that there are some things that you've been wondering about and really wanted some answers to." Lois started.

"So, we're going to explain some of them. At least the ones that we can explain right now."

Both girls looked back and forth at the two adults. They didn't know what to expect. "First, my name isn't Margaret Kidance." Lois said. "It's Lois Lane."

They waited for any kind of response. "But...didn't you go to the cemetery to see Lois Lane?" Evelyn asked. "Isn't Lois Lane supposed to be dead?" Evelyn asked.

"We thought she was dead, but Bruce Wayne saved her and we didn't know." Clark explained.

"So what's my last name?" Love asked.

"Kent." Lois said.

"Lane." Clark said.

Clark and Lois looked at each other. "I told the doctors her name is Martha Love Kent." Lois explained.

Clark couldn't keep the goofy grin off his face. "Really?"

"Yes really."

Their faces neared each other, completely oblivious to the pair of young eyes that were watching them.

"Are we done?" Evelyn asked, interrupting their little moment.

"Uh, no, not yet." Clark nervously rubbed his hands on his jeans. "Love, you know how you never meet your real dad?"

Love nodded, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Well..." Clark exchanged a nervous look with Lois.

Lois rolled her eyes. Why wouldn't Clark just say it already. "Clark is your real dad."

Love's face was that of overwhelming joy. Evelyn's face was happy, but there was also a hint of confusion.

"Clark's my daddy?" Love couldn't believe it.

Lois looked at Clark lovingly. "He sure is."

Love got up and hugged Clark tightly. She placed a kiss on his cheek. "I love you, Daddy."

Clark had happy tears in his eyes as he hugged his little girl back.

Evelyn smiled. She was happy that Love had found her dad, but it was kind of weird that Clark was Love's dad. That still made him her dad, though, right?

"So I could run really fast because you can run really fast?" Love asked as she broke away from the hug.

"Um..." Clark had forgotten to explain that to Lois.

"You can run really fast?" Lois asked Love. Clark could hear in her tone that he was about to get chewed out. Maybe having Evelyn and Love here would calm her down some.

"Yeah, I ran all the way to Minnesota!"

Lois raised her eyebrows and looked expectantly to Clark.

"I can explain."

"You better Smallville."

"But nobody can run all the way to Minnesota." Evelyn interjected.

They all stopped and turned to her. "Actually Evelyn, me and Love can run to Minnesota. We could run farther away if we wanted to."

Evelyn didn't understand what Clark was trying to tell her.

"Evelyn, I'm not like other people. I have special powers."

Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows. "Lana told me that people who had special powers were mean and only wanted to kill other people."

"Lana was wrong. I would never kill someone. And I am not mean." Clark was a little hurt that Evelyn had said that, but it wasn't her fault. Lana had embedded into her mind that people with abilities were dangerous.

"So, you'd never become bad?"


Evelyn smiled. She knew that Clark was telling the truth. Her smiled faltered when she remembered something. "What about Lex and Lana. Are they going to be in jail?"

"Yes, they're going to be living in jail for the rest of their lives."

Evelyn knew that she should be happy and she was, but it still felt weird. The woman that she used to call mommy was in jail for trying to kill all of them. It kind of made Evelyn sad.

"Is there anything else?" Lois asked.

"Yes! Let me go get something!" Evelyn ran up the stairs, leaving Clark, Lois, and Love in suspense. Evelyn came back downstairs holding a picture. She handed it to Clark and Lois. "Is that you with my daddy?"

"Where did you get this?" Clark asked her.

Evelyn cowered away. "In your box that you keep up in the loft."

Lois chuckled. "Yes, Evelyn. That is me."

Evelyn smiled. Maybe Lois could be her new mommy. Clark was already Love's daddy so it wouldn't be too hard to change that. "Can I play outside now?"

"Yeah! Pretty please!" Love pleaded along with Evelyn.

Clark checked Evelyn's forehead. It was a healthy warm. "Are you still sneezing?"

"Yes, but I really want to play outside. Please?" Evelyn knew what would make Clark give in. Her big brown eyes.

Clark took one look at them and didn't have to think twice about his choice. "All right, but you need to wear a coat, gloves, hat, and a scarf."

Evelyn was already scampering up the steps. "Yes sir!"

"I can play too?" Love asked.

"Put on a coat."

"But it's not even that cold for me!"

"Love...listen to your mom." Clark told her sternly.

"Yes sir." Love grabbed her coat from the coat hanger. "Are you and Mommy going to come out and play with us?"


"But, first I have to talk with your mom." Clark interrupted.

"Okay." Love ran outside and Evelyn was downstairs and out the door soon after. It was just Lois and Clark alone.

"Okay, Smallville. What did you want to tell me? I would rather be outside playing with two wonderful girls right now."

"Really? You don't want to talk with me?" Clark said with a pout on his face.

Lois laughed. "Hurry up, Smallville."

"I want to talk about us."

Lois looked into Clark's eyes. "What about 'us'?"

"What do we do? Should we start all over again, or just pick up where we left off?" Clark held her hand in his.

Lois didn't know what to say. She wanted a relationship with Clark, but there had been so many things that had happened between them. Clark had married Lana, Lois had supposedly 'died.' She didn't know if they could pick up where they had left off. It had been so long ago. "Has it been too long to pick up where we left off?" Lois didn't look at him while she asked her question.

Clark lifted her chin and made her look at him. "I love you Lois Lane. I have always loved you and if anything, I love you more than I did eight years ago."

Lois smiled. That was good enough for her. "Then let's pick up where we stopped."

Clark grinned back. That was the answer he was hoping for. "Then I have something very important to ask you." Clark got off the chair and knelt down on one knee. He pulled out a velvet box and held it in his hand.

Lois heart skipped a beat. She couldn't believe it. Was he really going to ask her to marry him? She couldn't control the smile coming to her face.

Clark opened the box revealing a pair of earrings. Lois' smile soon faded as she showed her disappointment. "Lois, will you accept these earrings?"

Lois had to admit that the earrings were beautiful. They were silver with a small diamond in the middle. Surrounding the diamond were several small sapphires, her favorite jewel. But she really would've preferred it if the earrings had been a ring to go on her left hand. "Sure, Smallville. They're really nice." Lois forced a smile as she took the velvet box and examined them.

Clark smiled. "Good. Oh, and before I forget…" Clark pulled something out of pocket and held it up for Lois to see. "Lois Lane, will you marry me?"

Lois looked down at the simple, but beautiful diamond ring that Clark held in his hands. She smiled as happy tears came to her eyes. She covered her mouth from the surprise.

Clark was getting nervous at her lack of words. "I was going to do it eight years ago, but I kind of thought that you had died…I've been carrying it around with me ever since. Lois, I don't want to live another moment without you-"

Lois put a finger on his lips. "You don't have to convince me to be your wife, Clark. I would've done it anyways."

Clark's face broke into a wide grin. "Really?"

Lois laughed. "Yes, really."

Clark placed the ring on the right finger. It fit perfectly and it made her even more stunning. "I love you, Lois Lane."

"And I love you too, Smallville."

Clark leaned in for a passionate kiss, but all he got was a peck from Lois as she pulled away quickly. "Now I'm going to go outside and enjoy the snow."

Love lay awake that same night, looking up at the ceiling. That voice in her head wouldn't let her go to sleep.

'Love, you have to wake your father.' he told her.

'But he's sleeping right now.' Love argued.

'He will not mind if you wake him.'

Love moaned out as she lifted her head to look at Clark. They had all moved to Clark's room. All four of them had somehow managed to fall asleep on the same bed. Love climbed over Lois and got off the bed. She walked to the other side of the bed and began shaking Clark's shoulder.

Clark woke up and looked at Love. "What are you doing up?" his voice was full of sleep.

"I couldn't go to sleep. The man won't let me."

Clark's mind finally woke up. "What man?" Clark tensed up as he looked around the room.

"The one in my head. He said that I needed to wake you up."

Clark didn't understand what Love was saying. "Love, what's the man telling you now?"

Love listened for a moment. "He said that you have to rebuild the fortress." Love thought a moment. "What is he talking about?"

Clark couldn't believe it. Was Jor-el really trying to communicate to him through Love? "Did he say what his name was?"

"His name is Jor-el."

Clark had to get Jor-el out of Love. He looked at the clock. It was one in the morning. He turned his gaze to Evelyn and Lois. They were sleeping peacefully. Clark couldn't help but smile when he saw the engagement ring on Lois' left hand. "Go get your jacket on. We're going out somewhere."

Love looked at Clark weird. She had no idea where they were going to go at this time of night. "Okay, Daddy."

Clark still couldn't get over the idea of Love calling him daddy. It made him want to jump. He got up and pulled out a notepad and pen. He wrote Lois a note, just in case they weren't back by the time she woke up. He just hoped the she wouldn't be mad at him if she did wake up.

Clark changed into some daytime clothes and grabbed one of his red jackets. He put it one and went downstairs. Love was sitting at the bar with her jacket on. She had a cup full of milk in front of her. "Where are we going, Daddy?"

"We're going to somewhere special." Clark told her as he fingered the silver disk in his hand.

Love followed Clark into a cave. She looked around at all the wall paintings. Clark had told her that a Native American Indian tribe drew these pictures a long time ago. They walked into a separate room. Inside was a table. Clark made sure that Love was near him. He picked her up and held her close and he slipped the silver disk into the table.

Love wasn't really expecting anything big to happen, but something big did happen. They went through a blue portal. Love held on tightly to Clark. She wasn't afraid, though, because Clark was right there with her. She knew that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. The portal seemed to drop them off inside of a crystal castle, but it was so dark. "Where are we?" Love asked. Her voice made an echo, even though she spoke softly.

Clark looked around. He hadn't been there in such a long time. "We're at the fortress." Clark bent down and held Love by her shoulders. "Is Jor-el saying anything?"

Love furrowed her eyebrows. "He said that I have to stand at the center of the fortress."

Clark didn't know if that was going to be a good idea. "Are you sure he said that?"

Love nodded. "He said that you shouldn't be worried. That everything is going to be all right."

Clark grabbed Love's hand and led her to the middle of the fortress. She stood up on a raised platform and waited. Suddenly, a light emitted from Love. She yelped from the shock. Clark tried running in there to grab her, but it was as if there was a force field that surrounded her. Clark had no idea if he had done the right thing.

The light stopped shining and the force field went down. Around them, the fortress returned to a blue-white color. Love fell to the ground and Clark rushed to her side. He held her in his arms. "Love, are you okay?"

Love opened her eyes. "Yeah."

"Thank you, Kal-el."

Clark looked up. It was Jor-el. The fortress had been restored.

"Hey, did you hear him!" Love exclaimed.

Clark looked down at Love and chuckled. "Yeah, I sure did." Clark picked her up. "Let's get home before your mom and Evelyn wake up."

A week later, Lois had been reintroduced to the world and gotten her job back at the Daily Planet. Clark continued doing free-lancing for the Daily Planet, but Perry had become even more persistent in offering him a job. Evelyn and Love continued going to school and had become more than friends, they were sisters now, arguments and all. Lex and Lana had been sent to jail for life with no chance of parole or bail while Beth had only been sent for twenty years with a chance of parole. Three months passed and Clark and Lois had finally been wed. They enjoyed a three day honey moon while Evelyn and Love stayed with Chloe and Jimmy. Everything was going perfectly. Clark continued making appearances as the red-blue blur, but something was missing.

One year later, Clark was sitting with Bruce eating lunch. Clark was picking at the turkey that Alfred had made. Bruce watched him closely. He finally said something. "All right, Clark. What's going on? I know that you think Alfred's food is the best right after your mom's cooking. Why are you not eating?"

"I've got a lot on my mind."


"I feel as if there is so much that I could do for people, but I can't. I'm not ready or trained."

"And what would it take for you to be ready?"

"Going to train with Jor-el, but who knows how long that could take. I could be gone for years."

Bruce understood what his friend was going through. "Clark, do you remember when I told you that Oliver and his team would need your help?"

"Yeah. I still don't understand what you were talking about. Nothing has happened to where they need my help."

"Clark, they need a lot of help. Sometimes there's a crisis in some other country, and they can't reach it. They need some more help. You help them a lot in Metropolis, but you have so much potential."

Clark sighed. He knew what had to be done. "Thanks, Bruce." Clark got up and started walking out.

"Where are you going?"

"To talk with my father."

Clark stood in the fortress. He was nervous and scared. "Father?" he called out.

"Yes, my son?" Jor-el's voice came.

"If I were to start my training, how long would it take?"

"It would all depend on you. It could several months up to several years."

"If I begin my training, would I be allowed to visit my family?"

Jor-el didn't answer for a few moments. "Only on special occasions."

Clark didn't want to be separated from his family, but this had to be done. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he knew that he could've done more. "Then I will begin my training Father, by evening tomorrow."

Clark came home and Lois was at the stove with Evelyn and Love sitting at the bar doing their homework. "Hi Daddy!" Evelyn and Love both said. They were both in the third grade now and nine years old.

Clark kissed both of them on the top of their heads. "Hello bud, Lovely."

"Do I get a kiss?" Lois asked playfully.

Clark smiled as he gave her a sweet kiss on the lips. "Hey, Lois."

"Hey Smallville."

Clark inhaled and scrunched up his nose. He looked at what Lois was stirring in the pan she had on the stove. "What is that?"

"It's dinner." Lois told him proudly.

"Oh, okay. Uh, it smells…great!" Clark lied. He took a seat next to the girls. He started scribbling something on a piece of paper. He passed it to Evelyn and Love. They read it and nodded their heads with gratitude.

Lois saw what they had done and stole the note from them. She read what it said out loud. "Want some take-out?" Lois looked at the three of them. They all looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Lois chuckled. "I already called the pizza place. They're coming with two pizzas."

"Good. Your cooking isn't very good Mommy." Evelyn said. After she had learned that Lois and Clark were going to get married, she began calling Lois mommy. It felt weird at first, but after a month, she realized that Lois had to be the best mom on the planet.

"Well neither is your cooking, Evelyn." Lois replied.

"That's cause I can't cook! I have no one to learn from."

"And I don't think that she should learn from you." Love added.

Clark laughed. He was so happy. He didn't want to leave his family, but he knew that later on in the years, he was going to grow unhappy. Not being able to help people to the fullest was going to ruin him.

Lois looked at Clark and noticed that something was wrong. "Smallville, are you all right?"

Clark looked at Lois. "Everything's perfect." Clark got up and hugged her from behind as she washed the pan that had the ruined dinner. "But we need to talk later." he whispered in her ear.

Lois smiled as she resisted the urge to rub her flat stomach. "We sure do."

The delivery man came and dropped off their pizza and they enjoyed a family meal, talking and laughing about their day. Love and Evelyn, who now shared rooms, were already upstairs in bed asleep. Clark and Lois were sitting on the couch. Clark had turned on the fire with his heat vision.

"Smallville, do you really have to turn it on right now?" Lois whined.

"But I like the fire." Clark said.

"Fine, but you owe me."

Clark smiled as he began rubbing her back. Lois sighed contentedly and rested her head on his shoulder. "Have I told you I love you today?" Clark asked.

"Let's see…twice in the morning, once over the phone, five times when you brought me a sandwich at the Daily Planet, a text message before you came home…" Lois placed her finger on her chin as if thinking hard. "But I don't think it was enough…"

Clark kissed her forehead. "Then I love you."

Lois smiled. "We need to talk, though."

Clark sighed. He didn't want this moment to end. "Yes, we do."

"You first, then."

"What? Why don't you go first?"

"Because, my news is probably going to be so much bigger than yours."

Clark decided it would have to be like taking off a band-aid. Do it as quickly as possible and it won't hurt as much. "I'm going to start my training, and I'll have to leave."

Lois lifted her head from his shoulder. "What?"

"I'm sorry, Lois, but if I don't do this, I'll feel so ashamed. I know that I could do so much more. If I don't, it could be the end of me."

"How long are you going to be gone?"

"It could be months or years."

Lois nodded, trying to keep her tears down.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Lois wiped away some of the tears that had escaped from her eyes. "It's just…you'll be gone for so long."

"Jor-el said that I could come back on special occasions. I could come for birthdays, our anniversary."

"Would you be able to make for the delivery day?"

Clark looked at her, not understanding what she meant. He saw her hand go to her stomach. He looked up at her, realization finally dawning. "We're having a baby?!"

"Well, I'll be the one doing all the work…"

Clark picked her up and hugged her as he spun her around once. "This is amazing!"

Lois laughed. "Don't be so noisy, Smallville. You'll wake up Evelyn and Love."

Clark set her down and kissed her, showing her exactly how much he loved her. "Lois, I don't want to go." he whispered.

"Clark, you have to. You said yourself that you'd be miserable if you didn't."

"I don't want to leave you to raise another child without me by your side, helping you through the hard times."

"Clark, this is something that you have to do. I'm all right with it. It's going to be hard, but I always knew this day was going to come."

"Really? I never even hinted at the idea of training with Jor-el."

"Call it woman's intuition." Lois smiled. "When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow. The earlier I go, the better."

Lois nodded. "We better make the most of our time together then." she started fiddling with his buttons on his shirt, threatening to take them off, but never doing so.

"Well then, Mrs. Kent, we had better go to our room." Clark swooped her up in his arms and carried her to their room.

"Mommy, Evelyn keeps drinking the milk out of the bottle!" Love complained.

"Evelyn, why do you do that? You know you're supposed to get a cup." Lois said as she placed a cup in front of Evelyn.

Evelyn wiped the remains of her milk moustache. "But Daddy always drinks it like that."

"But it's not right and your daddy knows that."

"Okay." Evelyn said as she poured some milk into the cup Lois had given her.

The door opened and Clark walked in. He looked at Lois. "I talked with Ben, he said that he would help out with the farm as much as he could, send some of his extra hands over to do some work."

"Okay. Are you leaving right now?"

Clark nodded. "I went and said bye to my mom, and Chloe and Jimmy. Kara knows where I'm going and so does the rest of the team. I called Bruce and let him know also. He said to call him anytime you need something."

"Okay." Lois wiped at her watery eyes.

"We're are you going, Daddy?" Evelyn asked. She couldn't help the fear that was in her voice.

Clark looked at Evelyn and Love. He was going really going to hate saying good bye to his family. "I'm going away for a while."

"For a week?" Love asked.

"No. I'm going for a very long time."

Evelyn wasn't liking where this was going. "You're leaving us?" But he had told that he wasn't ever going to leave.

"But I'm coming back, as soon as I can."

"When are you going to come back?" Love asked.

Clark looked to Lois. She grabbed his hand and offered her support. "For sure, in nine months."

"That's a real long time…" Love mumbled.

"I love you two so much. I will always be thinking about each of you."

Evelyn got up and ran into Clark's arms. Love followed after her. Clark bent down so he could really hug them tightly. Evelyn was crying. She didn't want Clark to leave. But he was, and it seemed like there was nothing that she could do. "I love you, Daddy." Evelyn said.

"I love you too." Love added.

"I love you, bud. I love you, Lovely." Clark kissed them both on the cheek.

They hugged for a little bit longer before Clark finally let them go. He stood up. "Good bye girls. Be good for your mom."

They nodded as they wiped away their tears.

Clark grabbed Lois' hand and pulled her outside. Once outside, Lois kissed Clark with kisses full of passion.

Neither knew how long they had been kissing when they finally pulled apart. Clark closed his eyes as he placed his forehead against Lois'. "I love you so much, Lois."

"I love you too, Clark."

"I'm going to miss all three of you so much." Clark said. He placed his hand on Lois' stomach. "And I'm going to miss him too."

Lois laughed through her tears. "What makes you think that it's a boy?"

"Because I want him to be a boy." Clark said.

They kissed one last time. "I'll see you later, Smallville."

"I love you."

They looked into each other's eyes, not knowing when they would see each other again. Clark turned around and sped away to the caves. He went through the portal and arrived at the fortress. "I'm here, father. I'm ready."

"I understand that this was a hard decision, Kal-el, but it was the right one. I will make sure that you're family will be safe while you train. I will try and make your training as short as possible. Let us begin…"

To Be Continued…

a/n: i have made my decision and i am going to have a sequel! it will be up within two weeks. i might post a one-shot that will have nothing to do with this story. i'm also working on another story and i've already posted some stuff for it on DI. it's called Separation Grows Dull. oh, and i still can't figure out a main villian for the sequel. if you have any ideas, please pm me! i would like to thank you all for taking the time to read my story and for all the nice reviews. for one last time (at least for this story) please read and review. thank you!