Man... I haven't updated anything in quite a while... Well, again, sorry for making everyone wait...

Disclaimer: You know the drill...


A cute, furry little brown vole wandered through the fresh, crisp grass. His little feet pawed through the grass, making a scuffa-scuffa sound as he made his way through the grass. Sniffing around for a crunchy bug to eat, instead he bumped into a milky-white, fleshy but taut ankle. Not thinking, the little vole sank his starving teeth into the unsuspecting girl's ankle...

"OW!" Toph screamed, jumping at least three feet into the air, grasping her bleeding ankle while a freaked-out Sokka ran to grab some cloth to dress the wound. "How in the name of hell could I have not sensed that vole?"


"Crap!" Yue shouted angrily. "How the heck did we not think of animal bites?"

Suki lowered her head in frustration. "That was the most utterly retarded, idiotic, fragga-bragga-snot-nosed-pig-brained-monkey-butted-sheep-headed-"

"Uh, Suki?" Yue said awkwardly. "What are you saying...?"

Suki turned red and coughed. "Heheh, sorry." Yue smiled and turned back to the edge of the cloud, taking a sip of water (yes, spirits need to be hydrated, you know!).

"That was as idiotic as hell," Suki amended. Yue spat out the water and collapsed into a fit of coughing.


Back on the ground...


"Toph! Toph are you okay?" Sokka asked, slightly scared and freaked out at the same time. "A vole-"

"HELL YES I ALREADY KNOW THAT A VOLE BIT ME AND I HAVE ALREADY BLASTED THAT THING INTO NEXT SATURDAY!" Toph yelled furiously, clutching her ankle as if she let go, it would fall off.

"You hurt a vole?" Aang said concernedly, peeking his head into the tent. "How could you be so cruel to such an i-"

"-DIOTIC, IMBECILIC, DERANGED LITTLE ANIMAL, YOU ASK? WELL FOR ONE THING, MR. TWINKLETOES, THAT FREAKING MOLE FREAKING BIT MY FREAKING ANKLE!" Toph shrieked, gripping her ankle even tighter. A thump about thirty feet away signaled the vole's reunion with the ground.

Aang backed away slowly and out of the tent.


"I have found Sui Ka," Ty Lee said gently, pulling a metallic bird along with her.

"That's Sui Ka?" Suki asked disbelievingly.

"Yes, I am Sui Ka," the small bird chirped, a sharp, steely edge quite in contrast to its small, sticatto voice. "I have heard that you have been having strange problems with luck?"

"Yes, Sui Ka," Yue confirmed. "Whenever someone kisses that boy down there," she said, pointing to Sokka over the side of the cloud, "they die."

"Ah, yes. The 'kiss of death', it is called. Few people in the world have this unfortunate gift, and it cannot be taken away," Sui Ka said gravely.

"It... cannot... be... taken... away?" Suki said slowly.


Yeah, it was short. :( Sorry... well, at least you know what happened!

MEH. I'm just going through all my fics and redoing and revising a lot of things so that there's more detail and the story runs more smoothly. Updates are not likely, however... Once POI is finished then I'll finish these too! :3
