Lost With You

Title: Lost With You

Summary: After an idea gone wrong Bridgette and Harold find themselves lost in the woods together. After a few heroic acts by Harold, Bridgette realizes that she's looking at the nerd in a different light.

Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own TDI.

Pairings: Main: Harold/Bridgette, side: Duncan/LeShawna, Eva/Noah, Trent/Gwen, and Izzy/Ezekiel

Warnings: Some language, humour, fluff, random pairings!

Winter-Rae: This would be my first multi-chapter fic, it's probably going to be 3 or 4 chapters long. It's for the ever talented Kobold Necromancer, I hope you like it! Please enjoy everyone!

Lost With You

Chapter 1: The Plan

Bridgette rolled over in her bunk and stretched.

'I wonder what time it is?' she thought to herself, 'It must be early since Chris and his stupid plane haven't gone over head yet.'

She reached under her bunk where she had set her watch and held it up to her face. Her eyes widened in surprise. It was ten o'clock in the morning, but Chris usually got them up at six or seven in the morning. Bridgette wondered what was going on as she got changed out of her sleeping clothes and into her regular ones. She brushed her hair and teeth, and then made her way to the mess hall. The rest of the girls were already there, looking like they all had a decent night sleep.

"Morning!" Bridgette chirped.

"Good morning Bridgette!" Izzy replied, she was looking the brightest of them all, why didn't that surprise her?

"Where's Chris this morning?" Bridgette asked as she sat next to Izzy. LeShawna, Gwen, Eva, Izzy and Heather exchanged looks and then shrugged.

"Haven't seen him," LeShawna replied, "Maybe he slept in, thank God, I was able to sleep in today."

"Probably has a hair appointment," Gwen said as she rolled her eyes.

"Maybe he was abducted by aliens!" Izzy said excitedly, "that almost happened to me once, but after bringing me up they decided they didn't need me, I wonder why. Aliens are so cool."

Bridgette smiled at the red head. She found herself looking forward to Izzy's random comments as they were always a source of amusement.

"Maybe he got lost in the woods and a bear ate him," Eva mused with a sadistic smile on her face. This earned her frightened looks from the others.

"What?" she asked, "Don't tell me you haven't wished it on him at least once."

"And maybe you should all just shut the hell up," Heather said, "Who cares where he is? He's gone and that means no challenges today. Enjoy it."

"No one was complaining you prissy bitch," Eva snapped at her, dumping her bowl of oatmeal on Heather's head. The queen bed shrieked and ran out of the mess hall just as the guys were entering it.

"Oh nice one!"Duncan said with a snicker.

"Who did that?" Trent asked. The girls pointed to Eva who was looking very pleased with herself.

"Doesn't surprise me," Noah mused, "But that was a truly nice touch Eva."

"I'm just that good," she replied. Bridgette smiled. She didn't really mind Eva all that much. Once you got to know what annoyed her and want didn't, you could get by in a conversation with her without getting any bruises. Sports, or anything athletic was Eva's main interest so Bridgette had offered to teach her how to surf and in return Eva was showing her how to wrestle. Needless to say Bridgette wasn't very good at it. Eva was actually their saviour when it came to getting rid of Heather. She always knew what to do or say that would tick the queen bee off.

"What are we doing today guys?" Harold asked, "It's a nice day out."

"And no Chris either eh," Ezekiel added, "We could get out and finally do something fun."

"How about a picnic?" Bridgette offered, "There's a great place down past the rapids."

"That's a good idea," Gwen said, then as she caught on, "Wait a minute, rapids? As in flip a boat over if you get caught in them?"

Bridgette laughed.

"Not all rapids are bad," she explained, "And if we're prepared there should be no problem. I've gone white water rafting plenty of times too, I can teach you guys."

"Same here," Eva added, "It's a great work out for the upper body."

"Count me out," Noah said, "Rafting isn't my forte."

Duncan rolled his eyes.

"Anything physical isn't your forte," Trent retorted. Noah smirked.

"Now you're catching on."

"I'm in," Duncan said, ending the discussion, "We could even 'borrow' some of the food from Chef's kitchen."

"I can help with that!" Harold said as he did various ninja poses, "With my amazing stealth skills it'll be no problem."

Bridgette laughed.

"So is everyone in then?" she asked, "This'll be fun, I bet we could even get away with staying overnight too."

The others first exchanged looks and then nodded.

"Blondie, Izzy, Ezekiel and I will get the gear for the rafts and the rafts together," Eva said, she then looked at Noah who visibly paled, "And guess what Nancy boy, you get to help us."

"Do you even know what a Nancy boy is?" Noah asked. Eva growled.

"You calling me dumb?"


"Well then smartass, a Nancy boy can be defined as either a homosexual male or an effeminate male, take your pick."

"I hate you," Noah growled, "Fine, I'll help."

"Harold and I have the food covered," Duncan added.

"What do you need us to do?" LeShawna asked, gesturing to herself, Gwen and Trent.

"You guys get to either distract Heather and Chef to make sure we aren't caught," Duncan replied, "Or getting tents and sleeping bags for the camping part."

"I can handle being the distraction," LeShawna said with a smirk. Bridgette was fairly certain that LeShawna had all sorts of nasty things planned when it came to Heather.

'Better her than me,' she thought.

"I guess that leaves camping supplies to us," Trent said to Gwen. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh joy."

Down at the beach Noah was sitting on the dock they were set to take off from. The lake veered towards the left of the island and connected in with the river, which in turn led to the rapids. He wasn't looking forward to this little adventure the others had cooked up. But if he had to pick between staying behind with Heather, a sadistic TV host and frightening chef or hanging out with the others, he'd pick the others, hands down.

Noah looked up as Bridgette and Eva brought one raft and then another to the beach front. He arched an eyebrow and got to his feet.

"Are these things even safe?" he asked as he kicked at one of the rafts, "If they're like anything else on this island then we'll all be white water rafting to our own funerals."

"And if you don't stop complaining I'm gonna send you to yours," Eva threatened, "What do you think Bridgette, they safe enough?"

"I think so," she replied, "Couldn't hurt to check them again though right?"

The two girls then proceeded to give the two rafts the once over, checking for holes and putting them in the water to make sure they were water worthy. After going through as many safety precautions as they could think of they gave the rafts the okay.

"They're fine," Bridgette said to Noah with a smile, "This is gonna be great, you might even have some fun."

"Oh I very much doubt that."

"We got the helmets, oars and lifejackets!" Izzy yelled. The red head was carrying a bunch of helmets and oars in her arms and walking beside her was a walking pile of lifejackets. This was, of course, Ezekiel. They dropped their items on the beach. The others couldn't help but notice that Ezekiel was looking a little flushed.

"Too heavy for you?" Eva asked with a smirk.

"No eh," Ezekiel replied, "Izzy tried too..."

"Thanks for helping me Zeke!" Izzy said, patting his head as she cut him off, "Are we ready to go yet or what? I wanna take one of these things over a waterfall!"

"If she's steering I'm staying here," Noah insisted.

"Okay, blankets, pillows, matches, compasses, maps, we missing anything?" Gwen asked as she checked over her list again. Trent thought for a moment and then shook his head.

"Don't think so," he replied looking at the pile of camping gear they had collected, "we got the tents, first-aid kit, and the flashlights. Yeah I think we're good."

"Hopefully it stays warm like it's supposed to," Gwen mused, "If it gets cold these blankets won't be enough to keep people warm."

Trent grinned playfully and threw an arm around her shoulder.

"Don't worry Gwen," he said, "I'll keep you warm."

Gwen smiled and lent against him, but she soon realized just what she was doing and pulled away, blushing in embarrassment.

"Let's just go," she said. Trent nodded. He felt slightly dejected but was pretty sure that Gwen would come around eventually. She was just shy.

"Oh this is too perfect!" LeShawna mused to herself quietly. She was outside of the communal washrooms, listening to Heather sing in the shower. The girl definitely had to think about getting some singing lessons. She sounded like Mariah Carey with laryngitis, trying to sing tenor.

"Step by step, oohh baby."

LeShawna could hardly stop herself from laughing as she grabbed an old plank of wood.

"Gonna get to ya girllllll!"

She voluptuous sister jammed the plank under the handle of the door, still snickering as she listened to Heather butcher a classic.

"Step one! We can have lots of fun!"

LeShawna covered her mouth with both of her hands and ran away from the bathroom. Laughing hysterically as she did.

"You're not just bringing a bunch of meat are you?" Harold demanded of Duncan. The two of them had managed to sneak into Chef's kitchen unnoticed and were currently loading up on food for the group. Duncan was grabbing packages of hotdogs and buns, while Harold was trying to find a better variety.

"It's a camping trip dude," Duncan replied, "All you need is hotdogs and marshmallows."

"Bridgette doesn't eat meat though," Harold argued, and then he snapped his mouth shut, blushed and glanced at the floor. Duncan laughed when he saw this.

"Oh dude, don't tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"You like Bridgette?"

"No!" Harold replied defensively. He looked in the fridge and grabbed some apples and oranges to put in their food pile. He then found a box of herbal tea and threw it on the pile too. Duncan picked up the small box and rolled his eyes.

"No one drinks this stuff Harold," he said.

"Bridgette does."

Once again, after catching himself, Harold clammed up. Duncan was forced into laughter again.

"Oh man, you're hopeless."

"Shut up," Harold retorted, "Gosh, you're such an idiot!"

The two continued to go about getting food together in silence. Duncan, while he was usually the quiet one, only breaking his silence to annoy someone, spoke.

"This trip could be just what you need," he said.

"How do you figure that?" Harold asked him.

"Think about it," the punk mused, "We're gonna be in a place with either very little or no cameras, you could get away with all sorts of things. Maybe you and Bridgette could make it around a few bases if you play your cards right."

"You're a pig," Harold replied, "I respect Bridgette, she's an awesome girl."

"Hot too."

"Well, of course...Hey!"

Duncan snickered.

"Face it man, you got it bad for the surfer girl, not that I blame you, she's got a little something-something. I'd tap that."

Harold reached out and smacked Duncan in the back of the head.

"Hey!" the punk shouted as he rubbed at the spot, "What was that for?"

"I won't let you talk about her that way!" Harold replied. The two of them got to their feet and glared at one another.

"I can talk about girls any way I want," Duncan snapped.

"Oh really?"

The two boys winced and turned. Standing in the door way looking at them, with her arms crossed over her full chest, was LeShawna.

"Hey babe," Duncan greeted with a smirk; he tossed her an apple, "lush for lush."

She rolled her eyes and threw it at him, narrowly missing his head as he ducked.

"Are you both ready yet?" she asked, "Chef's a little tied up in the confessional stall and Heather's singing her lungs out in the bathroom. I give us at least five minutes to get on our way."

The three of them gathered up the food and hurried out of the kitchen and down to the beach.

"Put on the damn lifejacket and get in the raft!" the three heard Eva yell. They looked up and saw that she was currently holding Noah in a headlock trying to force the lifejacket on him. The smaller teen looked rather blue as Eva was pretty close to cutting off his air completely.

"No!" he choked out, "Not going!"

"You don't have a choice," Eva told him as she managed to strap him into the lifejacket. She then lifted him up and literally tossed him into the raft. Noah gripped the sides of it tightly.

"Those two are sexually frustrated," Duncan mused, "They want each other."

LeShawna shook her head.

"Right, because you're an expert on relationships now Baby Boy?" she said sarcastically. Duncan smirked.

"I was right about us wasn't I?"

LeShawna grabbed his collar.

"Shut up about that," she said, "No one knows, and if you ran and told your boys I'll rip you a new one!"

Duncan was unthreatened by her, which only annoyed her more. This left Harold to taking the food over to the raft and setting it down by them.

"Bridgette," he said, "We got the food."

"Thanks Harold," she said smiling at him, her smile faded however when she saw what they had brought, "Wow, that's a lot of hot dogs."

"Duncan's idea," Harold replied, "Don't worry though," he opened one of the other containers with food in it, "I got you plenty of fruits and nuts and veggies, I even found a box of herbal tea I thought you might like."

"Harold you're the best," the blonde surfer replied as he handed her the tea, "I hate coffee."

"Me too."

"If you two are done flirting," Eva hollered to them, "Can we go already?!"

"Coming!" Bridgette replied. She and Harold gathered up the food and set it into the first boat which would contain Eva, Noah, Trent, Gwen and the supplies. Eva, since she had experience with rafting was giving the others a quick lesson in it.

"Helmets and lifejackets are worn at all times!" she snapped, "If I catch anyone without them I will beat you senseless. If anyone falls out of the boat, don't panic, I will fish you out of the water in no time."

"You mean we have to trust you?" Duncan asked snickering. Eva glared at him.

"Yes," she said, "I was a lifeguard for the past three summers at the lake back home; I'm the strongest swimmer here, next to Bridgette. So don't get on our bad sides.

"You don't seem the lifeguard type Eva," Bridgette mused. Eva shrugged and went back to explaining things.

"Keep a firm grip on the paddle, and listen to Bridgette or me when we yell out instructions because we know what we're doing. Anything to add Bridgette?"

"The rapids are pretty smooth, but anything can happen," she blonde said, "Basically have fun and stay loose out there. Let's go!"

The other campers cheered and then they all climbed into the rafts. Eva and Bridgette sat at the back of the two rafts and steered while the others rowed.

"I'm not built for this!" Noah whined. Gwen, who was sitting behind him, splashed some water at him with her oar.

"Real mature Gwen!" he growled. Trent glanced back at Eva, certain she was going to snap at them, but on the contrary, she looked like she was having fun. She looked happy even, it was kinda weird.

"Once we get closer to the rapids we'll be able to coast," Bridgette called out, "The sights will be amazing. How's everyone doing?"

"This is great!" Izzy shouted, "Waterfall here we come!"

"No waterfall!" Ezekiel told her. Bridgette smiled. This trip was going to be fun. The sun was warm, the water looked great and everyone was having a good time.

"Hey Bridgette," Harold started; he was sitting slightly in front of her and to her right.

"Yeah Harold?"

"This was a good idea; I've never done this before."

"The rapids are the fun part Harold," she replied, "Don't worry though, they won't be too strong."

Harold grinned.

"I trust your judgement Bridgette."

"There's the bend," Eva called out, pointing ahead of them, "We take that turn to get to the river."

They steered the boats towards the bend and were soon coasting along the river with the current.

"Let's get some food!" Duncan said, "I'm hungry."

"You're a bottomless pit," LeShawna told him. Eva steered her boat towards Bridgette's and once they were close enough they tied them together and started to pass some of the food out.

Meanwhile, back on the island, Chef had managed to break out of the confessional stall.

"It was like Nam all over again!" he wailed, when he saw there was no one was around to listen to his war anguish calls he fell silent.

"Where the heck are those maggots?" he mused.

"I'm back from my hair appointment!" Chris called as he approached the muscle man. Chef arched an eyebrow at him. Chris's hair looked the exact same as it always did.

"You like it?" Chris asked.

"Um, yeah, looks great."

"So where is everyone?" Chris asked him. Chef shrugged.

"I have no idea."

"You mean to tell me you lost eleven teens!"

"I guess."

Chris smacked his forehead.

"I am so fired."

Winter-Rae: First chapter down. Next chapter stuff actually starts to happen. Anyone know what song Heather was singing and who it's by? Thanks for reading guys! Cheers!