A/N: This is a Blog about my Death Note OC Star, it is about her life from the time she left Wammy's house to now. If you don't like OC's then don't read. There will be pairings, quiet a few actually.


Disclaimer: I do not own death note, oh how I wish I did, but I don't. I also don't own, Winter, Kana, or Yukimi, but they will be coming up later.



Hello wonderfull people of the interweb, my name is Star…sort of. I mean it is as of 3 hours ago. But you don't know me, at all, so here's some info. My name prior to Star was Akuma Uta, but that is not my real name either. I am 13 years old. I was born on December 14 in Austria. I just ran away from Wammy's House. Wammy's Hpouse in an orphanage that is for gueinuses like me. =] I had the lowest score at Wammy's House, mainly because I never did the esays, but I didn't know how to write in English then. But now I know so you can all rejoice. My boyfriend taught me. Yes you heard me right, Boyfriend, he is amazing although he is quite a bit older then me, I guess that makes me a whore, but I don't care, his name is Beyond Birthday. Or BB/B he is amazing, he ran away with me. We moved to L.A. and we have a plan, yes VERY evil plans. *laughs evilly* but hey when your life was as messed up as mine nothing seems evil. I am evil. I've killed peple, I don't know why. I don't even remember half of it.

Well B is back from the costume shop. We are gonna where discises =]


Well there is was entry 1. I love the name, cause condesinding means you think your better then everyone else.

Well review to the blog and I will feature you in my next one. Meaning if you comment about Oh great fanfic, then that wouldn't count, but if it was, Hey star nice to here, you have a boyfriend what's her like, then that would count.