Forever is About to Start

Chapter 1 - The Loneliness

Serena looked to her cell in her hands. Dan is calling, Aaron is falling for me. He is perfect for me. He didn't want to read my files. No Georgie, no Peter, no I'm from another world. He is perfect for me and he is falling for me. She thinks as she ignores Dan's call turning around to kiss Aaron.

Serena had made many mistakes in her life and she was really willing to make her next chapters right. Dan had helped her in the past year and she had learnt from him that she could be good. She just couldn't be good enough for him. No matter how hard she tried who she was wrong for who he was. She could love him for the rest of her life but she knew sometimes love is not enough and now it was her mother's turn. She had waited more than 20 years to be with the love of her life and she couldn't deprive her mom from this. Not again.

She has been considerate and thoughtful and it showed her she was in the right path.

Dan was on his bed when Jenny stormed in his room.

"Dan, Dan, dad is not with Lily he said he won't ever be. This is your chance to be with Serena" said an excited Jenny

"She wants to be with her boyfriend" Dan said looking to the ceiling

"How do you know that? She begged you to ask her to stay" she said sitting in the edge of his bed by his side

"Maybe that is what she wants to want. She told him she is going with him. They will leave tomorrow morning and there is nothing I can do about it. End of story"

"You should try to call her at least" said Jenny really feeling sorry for her brother

"I did but she certainly ignored my call. Her phone rings 14 times before reaching her voice mail. It rang only 7. She was probably with him and chose to stay with him" he said getting his pillow and throwing in his face

"Did you leave her a message?"

"No, she already made up her mind, there is nothing I can do, I won't pursue someone else's girlfriend" he said surely

"She is not just someone's girlfriend. She is your one true love Dan, you love her, she loves you, that Aaron guy shouldn't be between you"

"And he is not Jenny, I ensure you, now if you don't mind I will try some sleep"

"Sure" she said taking quickly the pillow off his face to kiss his cheek and leave the room

He pushed the pillow tight against his face to avoid the tears to fall. He wouldn't cry for her and it was his fault she was leaving to Buenos Aires with a random guy. He could have stopped her and it wasn't fair to blame her now. He pushed Aaron on her arms and now he had to live with it.

"When do you leave?" asked Eric from the couch when Serena entered the suite

"What?" her voice cracked

"Mom told me you are going to travel to Buenos Aires before she left to the station"

She could see he was hurt. He was hurt by Bart's death, by Chuck's pain, by Chuck's reaction, by his family pain but he was mainly hurt because he was left behind alone when everyone else seemed to be recovered so fast. Well except for Chuck.

"I am sorry Eric. I'm so selfish. I had a lot of things happening in my life but I didn't forget you, I'm sorry, I'll call Aaron" she said hugging him guiltily

"No, go Serena, if you want to go, just go, I'll be fine" he said with tears in his eyes

"No, it is not right. I'm trying to be a good person to my mother, to Aaron, to Dan" she said almost whispering Dan's name "but nobody else deserves it as you do, I'm not going I will talk to Aaron and if he really is falling for me he will understand"

"No Serena, go, you have been through a lot in the last couple of years you deserve to go, I heard Buenos Aires is beautiful. You need to breathe new air. All of us need. Mom is going to be fine, I'm going to be fine and you are going to be fine as well. You need this" he said honestly to his big sister

"But you need me" she said

"You are lucky someone invited you I won't take a 'no' as answer, go" he said hugging her

"I had an idea" she told to him

"Is it a Serena Serena idea or a Serena Blair idea?" he asked seeing the naughty look she had on her face

"It is just the perfect idea" she said jumping out the couch and getting her cell on her purse.

Eric knew she was up to something that couldn't be good but when he listened to her conversation he knew for sure. He tried to stop her but stop Serena Van der Woodsen was quite hard.

Dan woke up in the next morning and found his house empty. He took several hours to finally fall asleep but when he finally did he took other several hours to wake up. He looked in the clock in the kitchen and it showed 11:55am. He was really lost in time.

He got himself a cup of coffee and got his laptop. Maybe Gossip Girl had something good to say, something like Aaron was left in the airport or even Serena. He couldn't believe he was thinking this kind of thing. Since when he turned this guy that wished bad for people? Since a beautiful blonde stole his heart and gave him the chance to steal hers as well. He thought he had her heart. Maybe he was wrong.

His thoughts were interrupted when Jenny stormed in the house.

"Hey" she said passing by his said, her eyes catching Gossip Girl website in his laptop

"Hey, where is-" he answered but she cut him off

"What are you reading in GG site?" she asked curious

"On nothing, just checked if they didn't say anything horrible and totally untrue about me or dad" he lied

"Let me see if it says where Eric is" she said turning the computer to her

"He is not at home?" Dan asked in hope to learn something about Serena

"No he is not. Their maid said no one is in town. Not Lily, nor Chuck, nor Eric"

"She didn't know where he was?" he asked maybe Serena left Aaron and traveled with her mother and brother

"She said Lily never came home since yesterday as well as Chuck and that though Eric and Serena were there, she left very early in the morning with suitcases to spend a year abroad and Eric left about 11:00am with one single suitcase. I still can't believe I lost him for 10 minutes! She didn't ask where he was going, he didn't say though she said wherever he was going it was his sister idea because she heard Serena excitedly yelling and jumping last night"

"Oh" was everything Dan was able to say

"I think she found a place for him and his boyfriend to go. Anyway I just wanted to check if he was okay"

"And she is probably on her way to South America" he said contemplatively

"I'm sorry Dan"

"No, it is alright. Do you know where dad is?"

"He said he would leave for a walk. He is acting weirdly since he came back from his conversation with Lily. Do you think he was going to travel with her? There is a suitcase in the counter" she said

"I don't know, he didn't talk to me, he just left when I arrived from my walk"

"Well, I'm going to work on some sketches. We talk later" she said leaving him and his computer

She went.

The last hope he had for her to still believe that their first night was the greatest night of her life was now dead. Not that he thought a night with Aaron will surpass what they had but it would mean she was really over him and was ready to have a new greatest life of her life. God knows how many others wonderful nights someone else will have with her. Aaron was a lucky guy and now Dan was nothing but jealous and envy.

He felt like he was Lonely Boy again, the difference he never felt really lonely before Serena and now his world was desert.

At least now he felt so bad that he could write. Depression and sadness definitely produce some good lines and he was thankful he at least had his words. He closed his laptop, got a pen and a notebook and walked to his room.

He didn't have Serena anymore but he would have their memories forever and he could write down the life he dreamed to have with her now that this life was nothing but a dream for him.

A/N: I know this is not what you guys may expect and that Josh already makes 'an excellent job' torturing us with DS apart. But the truth is I can't write bright and shinny stories. I like the drama, I like the angst but I have plans to make up for you in great style not so late. So if you are patient and want to follow me in this story, be my guest.

Reviews are always welcomed.