I Stand Alone
Chapter III: Opportunity

Sorry it took me so long to update this, but I misplaced *lost* my flash drive for a brief period of time *three months* , and...yeah...so...here it is!

After that fateful day, Syd learned to get out of Sky Collin-Tates' way. He grew to be quite the school celebrity- the mysterious guy that sits by himself in the middle of the cafeteria, has a perfect GPA, the star of every club he was in, especially sports. Lightball, specifically. He's won sectionals, regionals, and champs. All in all, he was the best in the nation.

It seemed he had everything. Everything except a friend. And to Syd, victory was meaningless is nobody was there to share it with. And though she avoided him, deep down, she felt sorry for him. She knew he was still upset by what happened to his father, about 7 years ago.

The thing was, she wanted to help him, but she knew that Sky didn't want to be helped. She didn't know how to get through to him, so nothing could be done.

But one day, a piece of information came to her, and it changed everything: Schuyler Tate was recruited to be a Ranger trainee at the SPD Academy. Syd saw this as a window of opportunity- she had also been selected to be on D-Squad; it was the perfect time to get through to Sky, but not just yet. She can wait until next week to do so...

"Hey there," a boy in green greeted. "Want some toast? It's buttery," he asked, wiggling his fingers in front of his mouth at the word 'buttery.'

"'Buttery?'" Syd asked, imitating the boy's actions, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah. Buttery," the boy answered. There it was again.

"Alright, alright. I'll take one." the boy smiled even brighter[Syd didn't think that was possible, but it happened.] She patted the spot next to her, and the boy sat.

"So, what's your name?" she asked him in between bites. "You know, this is really good."

"It's Bridge," he answered, biting into a piece of toast himself. "And thanks. But my grandma made better. She used to make me really big stacks of them, and I'd eat them all. She'd always laugh when I asked for more. 'Where do you put all that toast, Bridge?,' she's say. I'd just smile even more and ask her when she'll make more," Bridge replied, saying everything in one breath.

Syd, miraculously understanding every word, asked, "What happened to her?"

"She died about a year ago."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Bridge. I really am. I know how it feels," she condoled, patting him om the shoulder.

"Thanks, um..?"

"Syd. Sydney Drew," she said, shaking Bridge's hand. "You know, you're really fun to hang out with. I mean, you look like this spontaneous, thoughtful, and weird guy, in the best possible way."

"Thanks, Syd. And you don't seem like a diva, like, all spoiled and rotten, as I've heard around here," Bridge replied.

Syd scoffed. "I hate stereotypes," she said, finishing the last of her third piece of buttery toast. "Hey, have you seen someone named Sky Tate around?" she asked.

"What, tall, brownish blond hair, mysterious looking, broods all the time?" Bridge asked. Syd nodded. "Oh, he's my roommate."

"Really? That's great!" Syd beamed. "Now, I can-" she stopped, as another person had entered the room.

Sky Collins-Tate, already in his blue D-Squad jumpsuit, his arms crossed out in front of him. "Sydney?" he asked, sounding very confused indeed.

The girl in question looked away.

It was going to be a long first day.

Again, my apologies for not updating sooner.

Review to let me know if this made up for it.