A Blackwater Christmas Fic! Yes! Hopefully I'll get this done by Christmas and get back to finishing my Harry Potter story.

Changes and Background Information:

Jacob and Leah are the same age and are 20.

I'm not sure how old Collin is in Breaking Dawn, but he's now 20 too. He imprinted on his girlfriend, Christine, who is also 20.

Nessie is 17 in human years and has officially stopped aging. She might be a little OOC in the fic (probably bitchy… well scratch that, Nessie is a bitch who screws up amazing relationships. So she'll be in character).

Rated: For mature teens or older. Sex comes up a lot…. So if you can't handle it, then I wouldn't read this. Sorry.

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from the Twilight Saga or the songs I might use in the fic. I'm a broke teenager anyway so you wouldn't be getting much.

Of Love, Snow, and Mistletoe

By: Chibi Neko-Chan2





XXXXX- Scene Change.

"My state of mind has finally got the best of me. I need you next to me" Until You're Mine- Demi Lovato.


December 23rd. 7:00 pm. Leah Clearwater rested on her queen-sized bed as she talked to her only friend, Christine, on the phone. The 20-year-old was dressed in a cream-colored sweater that collaborated with her brown slacks and cream-colored ballet slippers. Leah's recently dyed hair, which was now a dark brown instead of her natural midnight black, was styled into soft waves. Over the past 2 and a half years, Leah let her short hair grow and it now fell down to the middle of her back.

If Leah had her way, she would have been sporting her huge gray hoodie, a pair of blue jeans, and her trusted tennis shoes with her hair in a ponytail. But no, her mom insisted that her daughter should be dressed up when she made her first appearance back at La Push. Leah knew she shouldn't have listened to her mom, she was 20 and lived on her own for crying out loud, but it was too late to do anything now. Leah's hazel eyes glanced at the black suitcase across the room and a tight frown painted onto the brunette's face. Leah sighed into the phone.

"This is going to be an absolute nightmare," Leah complained, almost running a hand down her painted face. Oh yeah, her mom insisted on that too.

Since when the hell did she start listening to her mother?

"Don't be such a pessy pants Lee," Christine advised, cutting the word 'pessimistic' so that it could sound cuter, "At least, It won't be a nightmare on the way there… quite the opposite, really. Jacob is so heavenly."

Oh God, here she goes…

"And funny-"

"Christine-"Leah attempted to interrupt but failed.

"And did I mention sexy as hell?"

"Are you trying to make me throw up?" Leah questioned, her voice emotionless as she got up from her bed and walked into her bathroom. She twisted off the cap to her mouthwash and swished some as Collin's girlfriend continued to ramble on.

"Leah, sweetheart, think about it. The guy would fuck you like an animal."

Leah's hazel eyes grew wide as her mouthwash instantly made friends with the sink. Leah coughed and wiped her mouth with her face towel before speaking, "Excuse me?!!?"

"Well he is a werewolf. "

"Okay I have officially thrown up in my mouth," Leah commented before getting at her next point, "and Black isn't a werewolf, he's a shape-shifter."

"…Werewolf. And, wait a minute! You are too!" Leah rolled her eyes, "That would make very interesting intercourse."

"I swear if Collin were to hear you right now…" Leah shifted the phone to her other ear, "And as much as I would hate to ruin your dreams about Black and I having sex, it's never going to happen. He has that leech and I am not remotely interested."

"Aww! You call him by his last name. How cute is that?" Leah pictured Chrstine's nose squinting together as she said that.

"Ah, a reason to call him by his first name now."

"Anyway, you shouldn't lie to yourself Lee. It's not healthy. I see the looks you give him when he's not looking," Leah gritted her teeth as a romantic sigh came from the other end of the line, "and how much you wish he was yours."

Christine expected an immediate, defensive statement back, not silence.

"Oh Leah- I'm sorry."

"I- that was a long time ago. I want to keep the past in the past," Leah played with her golden heart necklace as her voice softened into a whisper, "I want to keep the heartbreak in the past."

"You're a strong gal, Leah. I admire and love you, but damn, a two hour car ride alone with him? That's going to be tough."

It was Leah's turn to sigh, "I know. It's always hard when I'm around him. The feelings just rush back every time I see him and I hate that I can't control it. It still hurts to be around Sam although I was lucky enough that I eventually got over him. Second time around, however, I wasn't so lucky."

"Maybe one day-"

"It's been three years Christine," Leah heard the door bell ring. Her heart automatically skipped a beat, "He's here."

"Good luck honey. I'll see you when you get here," Christine said before hanging up the phone. Leah clicked the phone off and walked back into her bedroom to place the phone back on the retriever.

Leah ambled back into the bathroom as the doorbell rang again. Leah placed a tan hand on her hip as she screamed, "Give me a damn minute, Jacob!"

Leah sprayed on her perfume as the ringing turned into hardcore knocking on the door. Leah growled as she slammed the perfume back down on her bathroom counter, which she fortunately didn't break, and walked downstairs.

Leah's front door was shaking by the time she got down to it. Leah nearly threw the door open, her hazel eyes dancing furiously, "Will you cool it Black? Not everyone in the neighborhood needs to know about your supernatural strength!"

Jacob laughed as he stepped inside Leah's house.

"Took you long enough," He teased, shutting the door behind him. He then glanced at Leah to get a full look, to see how much she changed. Leah could see the surprise register on his face.

"You look different."

"Glad you noticed," Leah remarked bitterly. Jacob frowned.

"I mean nice different."

"Can't say the same," Leah said coolly. It irritated her when he laughed.

"Same old Leah on the inside though. By the way, Ms. Christmas spirit, where's your tree?" Jacob asked, looking around with a lifted dark eyebrow.

"Didn't buy one. I didn't see a point to decorating."

"Whatever gets your wolf to howl, Scrooge," Jacob joked, "Better get out of here before the place evaporates my Christmas spirit too. Is your luggage upstairs?"

"Yes. Stay here as I get it," Leah demanded before turning around to walk up the stairs. She felt a warm hand grab her arm and she looked over her shoulder.

"What Jacob?" Leah nearly snarled.

"I got it. You stay here," Jacob commanded, letting go of her arm as he stood by her side.


Leah stared at Jacob's face for a second before they were both racing up the stairs. The two wrestled each other as they raced up the stairs. Leah was ahead one stair because she was naturally faster and tugged at Jacob's arm to slow him down. Jacob tried to grab Leah's leg but failed.

Leah won the race by one second.

"I win- Ow!" Leah hollered as Jacob smacked her playfully but hard on the ass, "What the hell was that for?"

"For cheating."

"You're just a sore loser," Leah argued, walking into her room to grab her suitcase. Jacob ambled beside her and extended his arm. Using his outstretched hand, the tan man pushed Leah hard enough so that she fell onto her bed before she was able to grab her suitcase. Leah fumed as Jacob smiled, grabbing her black suitcase. He nodded his head over to her door.

"Ladies first."

Leah glared as she got off the bed. After walking a few steps, a smirk swept her face. This was unseen by Jacob because he was walking behind her.

As soon as Leah walked out of her bedroom, she slammed her bedroom door behind her. She heard Jacob sigh from the other side of the door as she waltzed down the stairs.

Leah greeted Jacob with a fake smile plastered on her face as she held the front door for him, "Leech-lovers first."

Jacob just shook his head as he walked into the freezing air. Although he was naturally warmer than others, it was still as cold as hell for it being 15 degrees outside. Snowflakes danced around him and some snow flurries stuck to his black, long hair as he placed Leah's suitcases in his new 4 x 4 black truck's trunk. Leah locked her door as Jacob climbed into the driver's seat of his truck. She turned around to see him staring at her. She froze in place as her heart skipped a beat again.

"Are you coming or what?" Jacob asked after a moment of silence. This seemed to shake Leah out of her hypnosis and she walked towards the car. As soon as she placed her gloved hand on the door handle, the doors locked.

Leah looked up to see Jacob grinning, "Haha."

As soon as the door unlocked again, Leah climbed in and shut the door.

"I love how you rush me to c'mon and then do stunts like that," Leah said sarcastically, grabbing her seatbelt. The seatbelt refused to budge as she continued tugging at it.

"Hold on," Jacob said, turning the car on and moving forward a bit, "Now try."

Leah tugged at the seatbelt but had no such luck.

"Just forget it."

"Don't be stupid," Jacob didn't mean to be insulting, but he cared for Leah's safety. He placed the car in park and unbuckled his seatbelt. Leah leaned back as far as the car seat let her as Jacob leaned across her to help her with the seatbelt.

He smells like the forest. Dangerous but alluring… Leah thought as she watched his developed arm muscles flex in front of her. She felt a shiver run down her back and she was glad when Jacob leaned back. Her seatbelt wrapped around her as he placed the silver part of the seat belt into the lock beside her.

"Now to get this show on the road," Jacob chimed, placing the car back in drive and the window wipers on. The snow on the windshield wiped off after a few tries. It wasn't thick enough yet that Jacob would have to go outside and manually wipe the snow off with his snow/ice scraper.

Christmas music greeted Leah as the black truck pulled onto the main road. The two shape shifters didn't say anything as "Frosty the Snowman" repeated its cheerful chorus.


Swipe. Swipe. Swipe.

It was an hour later and the duo still hadn't talked since Frosty came on. Leah was bundled up in a ball as she leaned against the truck's cold window. The snow was falling much harder now and the window wipers were turned up to full speed. Jacob's brown eyes were narrowed as the heat of the car warmed his and Leah's body.

Leah tilted her head toward Jacob and opened one sleepy eye as the car rocked slightly side to side.

"The snow is falling faster than before and there's a lot of black ice. It's getting hard to see and drive," Jacob said, more to himself than her because he knew that she was on the border of sleep.

A verse of Santa Baby played in the background as Jacob continued to focus on the road. His tan hands were nearly white on the wheel as he drove cautiously down the road. 8:44 ticked to 8:45 as he hit a super slippery patch of black ice. Leah's eyes flew open as the car screeched and turned. Jacob slammed on his breaks as the car rocked backwards into a ditch. The car luckily didn't flip over and the ditch wasn't deep enough to devour Jacob's whole truck. The front part of Jacob's car still touched the abandoned road.

Jacob immediately looked over towards Leah to see if she was hurt. The sickening feeling in his stomach faded when he didn't notice any cuts, bruises, or broken bones.

"Are you okay?" Jacob still asked, his voice gentle.

"Yeah. You?" Leah asked, her hazel eyes wide as they scanned his body for injury. She didn't spot any.

"I'm fine, just the truck isn't. Let me see if I can somehow maneuver it back onto the road."

Jacob's attempts were futile. He tried everything he could think of: simply putting the car in drive and going forward, angling the car to a certain side to get up easier, and he even got out to see if he could pick up the car because of his strength but none of his attempts worked. When Jacob was securely back in the car, he placed his head on the wheel and shut his eyes.

"It can't be done. My cellphone's service doesn't work out here, so you're going to have to call the pack and tell them that we're going to be late and that we need help."

Leah nodded, not bothering to argue with the man for once. Pulling out her cell phone, which was on its last line of battery, she called Christine.

Sound of yelling and laughter greeted Leah as Christine answered on the second ring, "Lee! How far are you?"

"About an hour away. Look Christine, there's a really bad snow storm, and Jacob and I landed in a ditch. We're fine and the car's okay, but we can't get the car back on the road because of the snow and ice. We need you to call for help."

"Okay Leah, wh-where are yo-you?"

"Madison Street."

"Tell her we passed a Hardes about five miles ago," Jacob interrupted, his eyes intense as he watched Leah.

"A Hardes is about five miles behind us and we're driving east," Leah told Christine.

Leah didn't hear a response from Christine.

"Hello? Christine? Hello Christine? Are you there?" Leah placed her cell phone in front of her to see a black screen, "It died. Peachy."

"It's not so bad. We still have the heat and music," Jacob said optimistically.

"That's true but if I hear 'Deck The Halls' one more time, I swear I'm going to turn into a wolf."

Jacob chuckled as he changed the channel, "Okay, no more Christmas music for now."

"Thanks," Leah whispered. A small smile played on her lips as she heard a lyric to one of her favorite slow songs, "Oh, hey. Can you keep this on?"

"This?" Jacob asked, pointing to the radio in surprise. He couldn't picture Leah listening to such soft music.

"Mmmmhm," Leah closed her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. Jacob shrugged, listening to the lyrics of the soft song.

Did you forget

That I was even alive

Did you forget

Everything we ever had

Did you forget

Did you forget

About me?

Jacob glanced over at Leah. Her eyes were shut, as if she was concentrating, and her hands were formed into fists as she continued to rest with her arms crossed. Her mouth formed the words of the song, but it was almost impossible to hear Leah's voice.

She was relating to the song, but to whom? Sam?

Did you regret

Ever standing by my side

Did you forget

What we were feeling inside

Now I'm left

To forget

About us

But Leah was over Sam. At least, Jacob thought she was. She told him, and numerous others as well, that Sam barely meant anything to her at all anymore. The hint of pain and sadness on her face, Jacob could tell, wasn't old. It was new and it was painful for her to deal with and for him to see.

But somewhere we went wrong

We were once so strong

Our love is like a song

You can't forget it

But then who?

So now I guess

This is where we have to stand

Did you regret

Ever holding my hand

Never again

Please don't forget

Don't forget

Embry? Paul? Quil? The song continued to play as Jacob turned his head forward and racked his mind. Who was the bastard who put Leah through this pain again?

And at last, all the pictures have been burned

All the past is just a lesson that we've learned

I won't forget, please don't forget

About us

Was it him?

Jacob glanced back at Leah…

Somewhere we went wrong

Our love is like a song

But you won't sing along

You've forgotten

about us

And his question was answered. It was him. Jacob felt his heart sink and right afterward, the car's battery died. The music and heat cut off, and the window wipers froze in place. Soon, the snow would cover the whole windshield.

Thank God his car was black and it was easier to see with snow on it.

So Clearwater liked him? He hadn't been oblivious about it, there were hints. He avoided the hints because he had Renesmee. Jacob wasn't in love with Renesmee and, he could admit, he liked Leah too, but he didn't want to mess with Leah's feelings. She wouldn't believe him if he told her that he liked her besides Renesmee, it wouldn't be plausible to her because of the Sam and Emily situation (not counting all the other shape-shifter's imprints). So instead of hurting or confusing Leah, he left her feelings alone and avoided his own.

Ten minutes passed and the car became unbelievably cold. Leah's lips were almost blue as she rubbed her hands repeatedly up and down her arms. Jacob knew what the two had to do in order to survive the freezing night, or at least, until help arrived. He didn't want to make things more awkward between him and Leah…

But damnit, he wasn't going to die in his car. Leah either.

"Hey. Leah," Jacob called as a shiver ran down his back. Leah, who was shaking at this point, turned her head and looked at Jacob with wide hazel eyes.


"We're going to have to get in the backseat and cradle each other," Jacob saw the look Leah gave him, "Oh, it only gets worse."

Leah lifted an eyebrow, "What can be worse than that?"

Cuddle with Jacob? Oh dear God.

"Well, in order to supply each other with one's another body heat; we're going to have to be in the closest contact possible…" Jacob started. Leah saw Jacob's lip twitch for a second, and she knew that indicated that he was nervous.

"Stop beating around the bush Jacob. What are you suggesting?"

"I'm not suggesting anything. I'm telling you as a fact that we're going to have to get," Jacob paused, running a hand through his hair before turning to the brunette again, "We're going to have to get naked."


E nd of Chapter 1! Muahahaha! Oh my goodness, I'm guessing the next chapter is going to get a little raunchy! So do you like the story so far?? Please let me know in a review! The longer the review, the better!

Thanks and Happy Holidays!

~Chibi Neko-Chan2

Q and A:

Q: So why do they have to get naked? Can't they just turn into wolfs to have warmth?

A: Well, yes and that could work. But really, where's the fun in that? Haha. It's a Blackwater fic and I don't know about ya'll, but I want some romance and passion!

Q: Will Jacob and Leah have sex?

A: It's possible and to be honest, probably yes. So I'm sorry if you don't want to read that. You can just skip that section if you want to continue the fic but not read that part. I'll fill you in if I decide to write that part.

Q: So 'Don't Forget' By Demi Lovato. Good Choice.

A: A LOT of music inspires me to write Blackwater shots. I swear, I have like a million ideas with this couple because of music! I just love the pairing so much! I was torn between this song and an old famous Mandy Moore song off her CD 'Cry.' (at least, I think that's what it's called). But I really love Demi and I thought the song related well with Leah. And I'm a huge Team Demi/Selena fanatic sooo.

Q: So Chibi, do you have your own Jacob?

A: Haha nope! Maybe for the holidays? =D. I do have a Team Jacob shirt (Who I think is better in general, not better with Bella) though.