Last Chapter! Omg! Sorry I wasn't able to put it up before or during Christmas, but it wasn't finished and I didn't have internet access anyway. But anyways I hope you enjoy the way things end up!

I hope to write more Blackwater fics in the future! So check them out or some other Blackwater fics that I already have posted!!

Thank You for reviewing: ZombiesRcute, sailor alpha tomboy, Kait-tastic, madameXblack, caro, Rangiku Hitsugaya, violetgilmore, FallenFoxchild, XBlackRose77X

Disclaimer: I do not own any songs I use or any characters or original ideas from the Twilight Saga. And boo- I did not get a Jacob Black for Christmas =[.

Jeez, at least give me Taylor Launter. Haha.

Which Reminds Me- I am VERY proud and excited to announce that Taylor Launter WILL be playing Jacob in New Moon. I am extremely thrilled- I can't wait to see his eight pack on screen =].

Bad News- They are considering Vanessa Hudgens for Leah. I don't like Vanessa Hudgens and she's being considered for the part of my favorite character. She's Hispanic, not Native American! If she gets the part, I will scream.

Note: I was re-reading Breaking Dawn and realized that Renesmee had brown eyes (like Bella) and not green. So I'm sorry for that mistake. I tend to forget certain character features- besides Jacob's =].


Of Love, Snow, and Mistletoe





XXXXX- Scene Change


Leah felt her teeth grind against each other, "What did you say?"

"Leah, Renesmee- stop," Jacob ordered.

"I said you would ruin Christmas. You ruin everything else. Like your relationships, for example… no wonder why Sam and Jacob imprinted," Renesmee spat. Everyone else's eyes casted over towards the other side of the table, where a fuming Leah stood up…

And that's when all hell broke loose.


Leah was vibrating from head to toe. Her hazel eyes were closed as she tried to control herself from ripping the half-breed into smithereens. She was on the verge of turning into a wolf and as far as she was concerned, the marks on Emily's face would be nothing compared to what 'Nessie' was about to endure. The tall brunette stood still for a minute, trying to control her anger.

Christine stood up then, standing in front of Leah's way. Her best friend secretly gave her a small smile before she said, "Leah. Be rational. Let's just go outside and take a quick breather-"

Leah followed her best friend's advice of 'being rational' and after a minute, she stopped shaking. The gorgeous shape shifter opened her eyes and locked them onto Christine. Leah then placed a tan hand on her best friend's shoulder, gesturing the raven haired beauty back to her chair.

Christine took her seat and Leah removed her hand.

"It's alright, Christine. Don't worry," Leah assured, walking towards the entrance so that she could exit the kitchen. Everyone immediately dropped their guards because Leah was leaving, which made Jacob's imprint safe. Leah halted and glanced over her shoulder at Renesmee, "I mean, it's not like I'm going to hurt her too much."

There was a moment of silence and Leah was next to Renesmee in less than a second. Before anyone could do anything or make sense of the situation, Leah's fist soared and hit Renesmee right between the eyes. Renesmee wasn't as defenseless as she looked, but Leah was much stronger than her. Leah sat on top of Renesmee, who was currently pulling at Leah's long locks in an attempt to be freed, and was able to deliver another two punches before Jacob pulled Leah off his imprint.

"No! Let me go!" Leah screamed, thrashing in Jacob's strong arms. Instead of doing what she wished, Jacob handed her over to Jared and Collin.

Jared and Collin quickly got a strong hold on each of Leah's arms, so she was unable to move a step forward or backward no matter how much she tried wrestling out of their grasps. Her attempts of freedom ended up futile, and Leah knew the 'fight' was over. Leah's body became still and a tight line formed on her lips as she glared down at the parasite. Jacob helped Renesmee off the floor and walked with her into the living room. A colorful word flew out of Jacob's mouth as he examined the damage done to his imprint's face.

"Great going, Leah. The bloodsucker is going to throw a fit when he sees that his daughter's nose is broken," Jacob muttered, gently caressing Renesmee's face as he turned his head to glare at the fuming brunette," "Bella's going to have to talk some sense into him so he doesn't come here and slaughter you… not that I would mind that right now."

Leah glared daggers at the fragile, crying girl in his arms and then at him.

"Fuck you too, Jacob," Leah replied sourly, successfully releasing herself from Collin's and Jared's grasps, "This would never have happened if you didn't invite that wretch over in the first place."

Jacob let out a sigh of aggravation as he helped Renesmee into her coat, "I don't have time to fight with you right now. We'll talk later, after I take Nessie home and face the wrath of the rest of the Cullens."

Leah waltzed right up to the duo with a repulsed expression on her face, "Save your breath, Black. I don't want to talk later," Leah's eyes flickered toward Renesmee, who snuggled her face against Jacob's chest. Leah, however, could see the secret smile on the parasite's face because of the argument.

"Fuck with me again and you'll have more than just a broken nose," Leah promised, placing her hand on the stair rail as she walked upstairs, "Happy holidays."


"Dad is going to freak," Renesmee repeated again as Jacob cut the engine off. The half-vampire and shape shifter sat in the car, about one hundred feet away from the Cullen's house. It would have been a perfect spot for privacy if Renesmee didn't have a mind-reading freak as a dad. Jacob was surprised when Edward didn't storm out of the house as soon as he pulled in.

"He must be out hunting with mom. I wasn't supposed to come home until tomorrow night," Renesmee said after a moment of silence. Her brown eyes sparkled with joy when a new idea entered her head, "Or maybe he's ripping out Leah's throat as we speak."

Jacob shook his head, turning to look outside his car's window instead of looking at his imprint. Although the tree canopies were huge, they were momentarily bare because of the cold weather. It was easy to see the starry night sky. The stars were the only sources of light in the dark night. Jacob tilted his head slightly, admiring the beauty of it.

Jacob then felt a hand on his knee as Renesmee sighed, "What? What did I say?"

"You need to give the whole Leah thing a rest," Jacob complained, turning his head so now that he staring back at Renesmee. Her expression looked hurt and pissed-off when she absorbed his words.

"Um. Hello? She just broke my nose!" Renesmee exclaimed, pointing to her throbbing nose with her free hand. Her other hand was currently holding Jacob's cobalt blue sweatshirt, which was soaked and stained with her blood.

"I know that, Nessie. Leah didn't have any right to sock you the way she did and believe me, I'm pissed that she did that," Jacob assured, placing his large, tan hand on top of hers, "But you also didn't have any right to say those hurtful things to her. We give her enough crap as it is as a pack, with her complaining and mourning all the time. She doesn't need to take it from you as well."

Renesmee bit down on her lip, tearing her eyes away from Jacob so she could stare angrily out the window, "She needs to get over it. She will never have Sam and I'm happy about that. I would hate for Sam to be stuck with a whiny brat for the rest of his life."

"That's enough, Renesmee," Jacob said and Renesmee pressed her lips together in a tight line, "You might hate Leah, but I don't."

"That's obvious enough," Renesmee shot back, not able to control the sudden burst of irritation that coursed through her veins, "It almost seems like you like her… sticking up for her the way you do."

"I don't like her, Renesmee," Jacob took his hand off his imprint's hand and crossed his arms over his chest. He glanced back at the starry night and couldn't control the sudden words that flew out of his mouth, "I'm in love with her."

Cold fingers immediately wrapped around his chin and yanked his head to the right. Jacob's chocolate brown eyes focused on the, despite her broken nose, pretty girl in front of him.

Renesmee's reaction didn't hurt Jacob, but it was obvious that Jacob's confession hurt Renesmee by the look on her face.

"In love with Leah? Jacob, tell me this is some kind of cruel joke," Renesmee said, her eyes wide with disbelief as she shook her side to side. She was trying to find the logic in Jacob's words but nothing came up, "It doesn't make sense. I'm your imprint, not her. You're supposed to be in love with me."

The car filled with silence. Renesmee was hoping that her words struck Jacob to discover a new recognition- that she was right. That he was in love with her, and not with that dog.

Jacob's words cut the silence of the car and Renesmee's hope like a knife through a piece of toast.

"Nessie, you know that I care deeply about you and love you very much," Jacob started, his dark brown eyes staring into hers, "But I'm not in love with you and let's face it, you're not in love with me. You're interested in Nahuel."

Renesmee started the waterworks and puppy dog eyes, hoping that they would work on Jacob like they usually did, "No. I do want you, Jacob."

Jacob smiled warmly at Renesmee. Although he could see past her mask and knew that the tears were mainly there to get her way and to persuade him, Jacob understood that some of her tears were real.

"You do have me, Nessie," Jacob assured kindly, wiping a few tears away with his fingers, "Just in an older brother type-of-way."

Renesmee sighed, a defeated look crossing her face as she let go of Jacob's face. She knew she had lost her argument, "Anyone but her, Jakey. Please."

"No. I'm in love with Leah, Renesmee," Jacob repeated, his words more powerful and certain this time around, "Leah's not as horrible as you think. Hell, you two could possibly have a conversation with each other if you two were civil to each other. If Edward and I can do it, you two can."

Renesmee lifted an eyebrow, a confusion expression replacing her defeated look, "There's tension between you and daddy?"

"Not so much anymore. It's more of a past thing," Jacob cleared his throat, "Anyway, can you try to play nice the next time you two see each other? For me? She means a lot to me, Ness, as much as you mean to me."

"I'll try as long as you remain my best friend and big brother. She has to deal with me as long as I have to deal with her," Renesmee compromised, knowing that keeping the promise would be harder than making it.

"It's a deal. Thanks, Ness," Jacob cut his engine back on and started driving down the long driveway, "Now let's get you to the hospital. I can't believe we've put it off for this long."

"The pain in my nose is nothing compared to the pain in my heart for you choosing her," Renesmee muttered under her breath, but Jacob heard her perfectly.


"Alright. Sorry. I'll stop," Renesmee stated, knowing that she lost her battle.

Leah would have Jacob- no matter how much Renesmee fought or cried. She would have to deal with the situation, whether she liked it or not.

And she hated it- for now.


I know I ask this question an awful lot Lord, but why me? Why freaking me?

I guess she's alright

If perfection is what you like

And I'm not jealous, no I'm not

I just want everything she's got

You look at her so amazed

I remember way back when you use to look at me that way

Tell me what makes her so much better than me

What makes her just everything I can never be

What makes her your every dream and fantasy

Because I can remember when it was me.

Leah's finger gently touched the top of the IPod and swirled her fingertip counter-clockwise. The volume of the music decreased as the volume of her thoughts increased. The cold, winter air tickled her face as she swayed lightly back and forth on the tire swing. Her bare feet brushed the tips of the green grass as her hazel eyes locked on the starry night above her. Leah replaced her punk-rock outfit with a simple dark purple tank top and a pair of black jeans. Her hair hung freely and cascaded down her shoulders.

It was always her. Negativity and bad situations followed Leah likes bee's to a hive. Was it possible for a break? Could she be happy for once in her life? She lost Sam, she lost her dad, and now she was losing the most influential person in her life. Although Leah had a number of disagreements and fights with Jacob, he had always been there for her (even when she didn't want him to be).

That was, until the demonic baby was born. Then Jacob's attention and thoughts only focused on that thing. Jacob wasn't around for Leah to relate to or to rely on anymore. The loneliness, that Jacob had once helped fought away, had started seeping back in…

That was part of the reason why Leah had left La Push. She wouldn't have to cope with the pain when she looked at Sam and Emily, she wouldn't have to notice how alone she really was, and she wouldn't have to deal with knowing that Jacob wasn't around by choice.

And now that she was momentarily back in La Push, these feelings and realizations surrounded her.

The demon baby was now 'grown', and Jacob was about to be gone from Leah's life permanently.

Leah wasn't ready for that.

Renesmee, despite her broken nose, was probably persuading Jacob that she was in love with him right this second. Leah imagined Jacob realizing that he was deeply in love with his imprint too, and the two would then live happily ever after for eternity. And what would happen to her? What would happen to Leah Clearwater? Would she get her happily ever after?

Nope, because fate hated her so damn much. She wouldn't even get a happily ever moment.

So how could people blame her for punching the little leech in the face? Renesmee was able to do, to get, and to have everything she couldn't. The Loch Ness monster was able to be loved instantly by everyone she met while hiding her demonic nature deep inside. The parasite was able to get anything she wanted- from shopping for a few more extra hours to getting the privilege of making the traditional Christmas Eve speech. Most importantly, the bloodsucker was able to have Jacob as her own.

The fact tore Leah's heart in two and made her stomach turn. This wasn't fair and it pissed her the hell off that she cared so damn much. Jacob didn't care about Leah like he said he did. He cared for Renesmee, so why in the hell did she care about him?

Leah shielded her eyes when a flash of yellow light beamed in her face. Her eyes focused to see Jacob's truck pulling in Embry's driveway. Leah felt her heart flutter as she circled her hands around the dangling rope.

Talk about the devil…. Shit. What should I do? Be brave and stay, or run inside and pretend that I didn't notice him like a chicken?

Leah deliberated.


Leah swallowed the knot in her throat as she glanced away from the truck. She would be herself, cool and confident Leah.

The truck's engine cut off and Leah heard the opening of the door.

Fuck this. I'm outta here!


Ugh! Too late. Damn it! Why me?

Leah didn't bother to turn her head towards the direction of Jacob's voice, she only continued to stare straight ahead. Goose bumps rose on her tan arms and her shoulders arched when she heard Jacob's footsteps come closer. She focused on keeping her collected composure as his large, tan hands gripped the rope above her hands. His perfect face was only inches above hers and his solid body kept her from moving the tire swing forward. She didn't glance at him as she rocked the swing backwards, so that she could distance herself from him. He helped push the swing back until it couldn't back up anymore. He seemed to be closer to her now than he was a moment ago.

"Are you done playing games now?" She heard Jacob ask as his hot breath tickled her forehead. Jacob sighed when she continued to stare at his chest, "Leah, we need to talk."

"I told you to save your breath," Leah retorted, her eyes narrowing as her hold on the rope became stronger.

She felt him place his finger beneath her chin and she grimaced as he lifted her chin so she would look at his face, "And I told you we need to talk."

"Fine. What is it, oh Mr. High and Mighty Alpha?" Leah asked, her tone full of sarcasm and bitterness as her hazel eyes scanned his. Jacob's chocolate brown eyes narrowed now.

"What feelings were involved that made you punch Renesmee, besides hatred?" He asked. Leah was taken aback by the question. She expected a 'Why did you do that?' or 'What in the hell is wrong with you?' but not that. What did Jacob care about the feelings she had bottled up inside when she flew her fist into Renesmee's pretty face?

Leah decided to be honest, regardless.

"Hatred pretty much covers it," Leah paused as the scene flashed back into her mind and then she added, "I guess you can add disgust and irritation too….why?"

Instead of answering her question, Jacob asked, "That's it?"

"What do you mean 'that's it?'" Leah shot back, trying to read his facial features. She saw a hint of pink cover Jacob's cheeks but it went away quickly, "What are you trying to get at or hint at, Jacob?"

Jacob took one hand off the rope so he could rub the back of his neck. He looked away from Leah and asked, "You didn't feel… threatened?"

Silence came when Leah didn't answer right away. Jacob's eyes flickered back towards her face and he saw that her facial expression was a confused one. She raised an eyebrow.

"Threatened?" Leah pondered, blinking before she realized what Jacob was getting at. Leah nodded her head as the confused expression left her face, "Oh. I get it. You want me to say that I felt jealous."

Jacob replaced his hand back on the rope as he stared down at the brunette, "You don't have to say it…" Jacob stated in a way that sounded like 'I already knew you were', "I just want you to confirm it."

Leah glanced at Jacob in disbelief. What a jerk! He wanted her to admit that she was jealous although he knew that she already was? Why? So that he could hold that against her? Well forget him.

Leah shook her head as she got off the tire swing, as she got away from him. She nearly stomped her way to the front door before turning around to face Jacob.

She wasn't about to let him embarrass her that way.

"Why in the HELL would I be jealous? Huh, Jacob?" Leah laughed meanly before continuing, "because the bloodsucker has you? That's nothing to be jealous of."

Feeling justified and satisfied with herself, Leah turned back around to walk into Embry's house. She was finished with everything. She was finished with La Push and all the romantic drama it caused. She would go home as soon as she could.

Her hand was on the door knob when Jacob's words froze her in place.

"That's not what you said, or at least expressed, that night in the car," Jacob called. His face remained calm when Leah turned and walked right back up to him. She was now in his space. She glared as she pointed at him.

"Unless you want to end up like your imprint, I suggest you don't bring that night up ever again," Leah growled. Jacob slightly leaned down so that his face was closer to hers. A threatening look broke across Leah's face and Jacob gave her a challenging look.

"Why? Does it scare you that I might know how you feel about me, Leah? Does it scare you to the point that you have to try to erase every memory you have of us together?" Jacob accused. He knew his words hit home when Leah didn't respond. He continued, "Do all the erasing you want, Leah, but your feelings will remain the same."

Leah dropped her pointing finger and placed her hands on her hips. Jacob was pressing all the wrong buttons and she was surprised she wasn't shaking with all the anger he was brewing up inside her. Leah fumed at Jacob and her words came out like venom, "Who the hell are you to talk to me about feelings? Your feelings are not only scattered around La Push, but Forks too! One minute you're crazy about Bella, the next minute you show interest in someone else, and then you get all goo-goo-eyed for Bella's daughter! You know how sick that is, Jacob?!"

Leah felt a sense of pleasure when she saw an angry expression cross Jacob's face. Her words stung him and she was happy. From her perspective, he deserved it.

"You know that imprinting can't be controlled! And I know this might be hard for you to believe because your precious Sam fell in love with your cousin, but I'm not all goo-goo-eyed for Renesmee! I just care deeply about her. You might not know how to care about somebody, but I do!"

Leah had to swallow the knot that formed in her throat. She couldn't believe the words flying out of Jacob's mouth. What in the hell did she see in him before?

"Fuck you, Jacob! I care about a lot of people! I care about my mom, Seth, Christine, and maybe if you weren't such a fucking jackass, I would care about you too!" Leah yelled. She was surprised that nobody had stepped outside because of all the yelling Jacob and her were doing. Maybe it was because they knew better than to step outside.

Instead of shouting back at her like she had expected, Jacob pulled his face away from her. He crossed his strong, muscular arms over his chest as he spoke in his normal tone of voice again.

"Well since you don't care about me, I guess you don't care about what I was going to tell you," He muttered softly, trying to hide the hurt Leah caused when she looked at him.

"Why should I care about you, Jacob? You don't care about me or my feelings. Because if you did, you wouldn't have left me fucking behind! I know imprinting quote can't be controlled unquote, but you can still make fucking time for people! You didn't only make Renesmee you're top priority, but you're only priority! At least Sam, Collin, Paul, and Quil cared about the fucking pack and their friends!" Leah screamed, opening every feeling she had bottled up over the years and spilling it out in front of Jacob. She was letting her heart, no matter how broken or torn it was, do all the talking now.

"Excuse me for not being with you 24/7, Leah. Just because I wasn't there all the time doesn't mean that I didn't care about you. I did and I still care about you. And if you quote didn't care about me unquote, your feelings wouldn't be hurt and you wouldn't be lashing out at me. So it's clear that you do care about me, but you keep your feelings inside. Why Leah? Why do you keep your feelings inside?"

Leah was stumped. How in the hell was she suppose to answer that? She didn't show him her feelings because she knew he would reject her. Leah hated rejection. She had faced it once in her life, and she didn't want to face it again. She had almost told Jacob everything that she had locked deep inside, and now he was asking her for all of it. One of the only things that she had left to tell him was that she was in love with him…

And telling him that she loved him would bring rejection, which she didn't want. So when he asked her 'why do you keep your feelings inside?' it was because she was afraid. She was afraid of rejection and afraid of giving her heart fully to him.

She didn't know how to answer him without telling him that truth though.

"Because-" Leah choked out before becoming speechless again. Jacob analyzed her face.

"Because?" He prompted.

Well, here goes nothing….

"Because I don't know how to express them! Alright, Jacob?" Leah admitted, a dark blush covering her cheeks. She looked towards Jacob's truck as she continued, "Why would I put myself out there like that anyway? It only leaves more opportunity for hurt. My feelings wouldn't be returned, so why would I do that to myself?"

"Because you're wrong," Jacob whispered quietly, but Leah heard him clearly. She turned and almost blushed again from the passionate look he was giving her, "Maybe your feelings would be returned."

"Oh really?" Leah questioned, her eyes narrowing as she crossed her arms protectively over her chest. She hadn't caught on.

"Yeah. Here," Jacob took in a deep breath. He sighed as he let it out, "Let me show you how to express your feelings …"

"What? Are you going to drive me to the hospital so you can confess your love for Renesmee as an example?" Leah questioned cynically, the look on her face a sour one.

"No actually. Everything I need is right here in front of me," Jacob confessed, his throat becoming dry as his nerves shot to haywire.

Leah felt her heart flutter. Jacob was the only person who could get her heart to do that constantly. She wondered if Renesmee's heart did the same thing when she was around Jacob.

Oh, that's right. The leech didn't have a heart.

"What are you talking about, Jacob?" Leah inquired, not letting her hopes get to high before he smashed them back to the ground. Her breath hitched when Jacob closed the space between them.

Jacob uncrossed his arms and placed his fingertips on the top of her forehead. He traced the side of Leah's beautiful, tan face and the warm look in his eyes melted Leah's heart. Her knees became wobbly, like those damn girls in the movies, when his fingers brushed her lips.

He smiled kindly when his hand cupped her face gently. Leah closed her eyes from his warm touch, "Leah, I love you," Jacob admitted before brushing his lips softly against hers. He gave her a sweet kiss before pulling his face away from hers. He smirked down at her when she opened her dazed, hazel eyes, "See. Easy as that. "

It took Leah a whole minute before she snapped back into reality. Jacob had just told her that he loved her. He didn't smash her hopes, he had only lifted them higher. Leah felt her heart swell, but she knew that his confession was too good to be true.

Fate was supposed to hate her. This wasn't or couldn't be real.

"What did you say?" Leah asked in disbelief, her eyes still somewhat in a daze when she looked up at him beneath her dark eyelashes.

"I'm in love with you," Jacob admitted again, his heart pounding in his chest. His smirk faltered when Leah shook her head.

"…Is this just an example? Are you pretending?"

Jacob sighed. Go figure, this was Leah after all. It took a couple of times before something absorbed into her thick head.

"No Leah. I'm serious," Jacob replied honestly. Leah could hear the sincerity in his tone and she was taken aback. She shivered.

Leah only continued to stare at Jacob in disbelief. Jacob felt his heart beat accelerate when the silence between them continued.

"Your turn, Leah. Express your feelings. Tell me how you feel," Jacob encouraged. He had to know, he couldn't take the silence anymore.

His heart broke when he saw Leah turn around and head for the house. So she didn't love him like he thought.

Well, he felt like an idiot, but that didn't change the way he felt about the hazel-eyed beauty. Leah turned when she reached the door and the look on her face surprised him.

She was smiling at him. She bit down on her lip before running towards him. She jumped when she was near him and Jacob caught her in her arms. His pressed her body tightly to hers when her lips crushed against his. She deepened the kiss as she locked her legs around his waist.

He was hers. She wasn't dreaming and he was hers.

Maybe fate didn't hate her as much as she had thought.

"I love you too, Jacob," Leah confessed. The smile on her lips, and god it took his breath away, made Jacob smile too.

"Nice to know," He said before picking her up a bit more. Leah blushed a bit as she glanced down at his arms, "Sorry. I couldn't help myself. All the sappy movies do something romantic like that and truth be told, I was curious."

Jacob laughed, kissing the tip of her nose, "Secret's out, Leah. You're a romantic sap."

Leah hit him playfully in the arm, "Shut up. Anyway," Leah glanced down sheepishly before peering back up at Jacob, "Did I do a good job at expressing my feelings?"

"You did alright."

Leah gaped at him as he carried her towards the house, "Whatever, Jacob. I'm a natural pro."

"Sure, sure," Jacob teased as he opened the door. He pressed his mouth against her ear and she could hear the smile in his voice as he whispered, "Now let me show you some examples in bed…"

Leah laughed as she pushed the door close, "I don't think so. I'll be the one providing those examples."

Jacob's fingers gently brushed her bottom, "Whatever, ticklish butt."

Leah ruffled the dark hair on top of his head before kissing him again, "You can be such a jerk, but I love you."

"I love you too," Jacob said, smiling as he carried her to the bedroom.


It was a beautiful Christmas morning. It wasn't a white Christmas, but it was beautiful regardless. The air was cold and the green grass was frosted over. Birds chirped softly from the leafless trees and Leah's favorite tire swing spun slowly in a circle because of the wind. A laugh came from the side of Embry's house and Leah appeared in view with a red bandana tied around her eyes. Jacob held onto her shoulders, guiding her to the front of the garage.

Leah was dressed in a pair of faded denim jeans and a red, long-sleeved, flannel shirt. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail and brown moccasins warmed her feet. Jacob wore the green sweatshirt Leah had picked out for him, a pair of dark blue jeans, and black sneakers.

"Can I look now?" Leah asked, bringing her hand up to the blindfold and attempting to pull it down so she could see. Jacob's hand gently grabbed hers and pulled it away. Leah was blind again.

"No peeking," Jacob commanded before letting go of her hand. Leah let her hand drop back to her side and she felt Jacob move away from her. The sound of the garage opening filled Leah's ears and she smiled.

"How could you leave a puppy out in the cold?" Leah asked, a small grin on her face as she looked at the wrong direction Jacob was in. Jacob couldn't help but laugh.

"I told you. No puppies."

Not like we don't have enough dogs around here as it is. Jacob joked in his head as he moved around in the garage.

"Jacob, I really hope you didn't do anything drastic. You'll make my present look like crap," Leah murmured, crossing her arms over her chest as he moved back over to where she was.

Jacob made a line of kisses across her jawbone, "I happen to love the car accessories you got me for the Rabbit."

Leah smiled and Jacob moved his fingers to the bandana's knot. He untied the complicated knot in a matter of seconds and pulled the bandana away from Leah's eyes, "It isn't too drastic."

Leah opened her eyes to see Jacob's black motorcycle in front of her. She blinked and flinched slightly when a beam of light came from the right side of the bike. Leah turned her head to see another motorcycle, a sapphire blue one, beaming next to it. A huge silver bow was plastered on its headlight. Leah couldn't help but squeal when her eyes scanned it. It was crafted wonderfully; the body was sleek but powerful. She could tell the bike was fast.

Leah loved things that were fast.

Leah turned to look at Jacob, who was grinning at her, "You like it?"

"Shut up! That's for me?" Jacob nodded and Leah ran over to the blue bike, "Nothing too drastic? Jacob! This is drastic, but ah-maz-ing. I love it!"

"I thought it suited you well," Jacob said, walking up to Leah and throwing a long arm across her shoulders. She placed her arm around his waist before looking up at him, "How much did it cost?"

"Not much actually," Jacob admitted truthfully, "I had a lot of parts. Now close your eyes."

"Huh?" Leah closed her eyes, "Is this another gift?"

"Sorta. Look up."

Leah opened her eyes and tilted her head to see Jacob's arm dangling above his head. Jacob held a piece of mistletoe between his thumb and index finger.

Leah smirked before kissing him on the lips, "Thank you."

"Sure, sure," Jacob said before flicking the piece of mistletoe on the lawn. Leah watched the mistletoe land before speaking again.

"So who told you I wanted a bike?" Leah asked curiously, lifting an eyebrow as she scanned his perfect face.

"Let's just say a little birdie told me," Jacob said, his eyes narrowing playfully as he pulled Leah away from the garage.

"Does this little birdie happen to look like he's on steroids?" Leah questioned innocently as the image of Emmett filled her mind. Jacob laughed as he nodded.

"He told me at the hospital."

"Ah," Jacob watched as the sweet expression left Leah's face and was replaced with a mischievous one, "Well since you got me the bike, I feel like I owe you another present."

Jacob smirked, catching on, "I wouldn't mind giving you another present as well."

"You already gave me the best present of all," Leah confessed, taking a step in front of Jacob and wrapping her other arm around him so that she was hugging him. Jacob looked down at her.

"I think someone can do much better than a motorcycle as a gift," Jacob said. Leah shook her head as she ran her fingers through his dark, soft hair.

"Not the motorcycle, silly. You," Leah said, kissing his cheek as she held him tighter to her. She still wasn't over the fact that this was real, that he was hers.

"You are a sap, Leah," Jacob teased, laughing as he kissed her cheek in return, "But I'm not afraid to sound cheesy and admit that you're the greatest gift I got too."

"Get too sappy and I'll punch you back into reality," Leah teased, breaking the hug and placing her hand in his.

"We'll see about that," Jacob smirked, squeezing her hand as he shut the garage door, "But I do have one last sappy thing to say before we go enjoy Christmas breakfast."

"What's that?"

"That I love you, Leah Clearwater."

Leah gave Jacob another beautiful smile before saying, "And I love you too, Jacob Black."

Jacob playfully shoved Leah to the side, letting go of her hand, "Race ya to the breakfast table."

Leah's eyes narrowed playfully.

"You're on!" Leah challenged before dashing for the door.


I hope you guys loved the story! I'm kind of sad it's over but happy that I got it done before College starts again! Uhh! Well please; tell me what you thought in a review! I'd appreciate it!

Have a wonderful '09 guys and thank you for checking out my story again! Now go check out my others and don't forget to be on the look out! Ha!

Q: So whatever happened to Renesmee?

A: She ended up getting engaged to and marrying Nahuel. The two had beautiful half-breed vampire babies and Renesmee actually learned how to get along with Leah! Surprising right?

Q: Do Jacob and Leah end up getting a happily ever after?

A: Like every relationship, It's not perfect but of course they stay together! They work it out because they love each other! So yes. The two ended up adopting because Leah can't have kids (for those who didn't read Breaking Dawn).

Q: Does Emmett still work as Santa every year?

A: Ha! Yes! So look out for him next Christmas! Haha!