A/N: Well I thought what the heck I may as well give you the last chapter, cause I'm so nice, so her is the long awaited last chapter of Heels and Hoops.


2 weeks later, (night of the Musical)

The doorbell rang of the Montez household and Gabi's mom was away so she went to open it, and there stood, Rocketman, Stacey's personal stalker.

"Hey Rocketman, what you doing here?" She asked worried that he was about to start stalking her.

"It's about Troy," He said.

"Well I it has anything to do with that backstabbing bastard, then I don't want to hear it. You may leave now," Gabi said starting to close the door, but Rocketman put is foot in the doorway.

"Wait, don't you have the musical tonight?"

"Yes, but I'm not going, Stacey was the understudy so she can go kiss Troy," Gabi said in a cold tone.

"But, I was trying to tell you that it wasn't Troy's fault," Rocketman said walking into the house.

"Oh, so he had his tongue down her throat, because she was choking on her own vomit?"

"No, he was set up."

"And how am I suppose to believe that, Troy might of sent you her."

"He didn't and I have a camera," He said taking the tape to the TV.

Gabi watched the entire thing, and in the end she felt like a complete bitch.

"I can't believe I didn't believe him, I just thought, because I'm a nerd that he would cheat on me, god I've got to do something, but it's to late to tell him he must be at the theatre by now," Gabi said to herself.

"You can always tell him during the show," Rocketman suggested.


"Body language could work, I'll give you a lift," He suggested Gabi nodded and they walked out to his car.

At the musical:

"Ms Montez, nice of you to join us, I was about to get Ms Kelmin to do your part," Ms Darbus said as Gabi got to the theatre.

"No I'm here, but where's Troy?"

"He's in his dressing room mopping about Ms Kelmin, you and idiot, know what's wrong?"

"Yes, but I need to change, I'll see you after the show Ms Darbus."

"Good Luck Ms Montez," And Ms Darbus went to go sit in the front row.

"Gabi your up," Kelsi said as Gabi got out of the dressing room.

"Ok I'm coming!" She went onto the stage and started to win her love back.

The Musical was going well, and Troy was really confused, because during rehearsals she would, stay as far away as possible, and the kiss scene was always a peck on the lips, but now she was as close to him as she could get without standing on top of him. And she had that look in her eyes that she had when they were together, but he just thought it was for the good of the show so he thought nothing of it.

He thought that nothing was going on until, the wedding scene, Gabi was always looking into his eyes with love and nothing else.

"I do," Gabi said.

"You may now kiss the bride," And with that Gabi, quickly mouthed 'I forgive you' and kissed him with a lot of passion and that's all Troy needed, he kissed her back with equal passion. The curtains closed, but the couple carried on. When the curtains opened again the two were on the floor in a full make out session. 'Til they realized where they were and stopped. The curtain closed to wolf whistles and cat calls, but Troy and Gabi didn't care they where together.

"I love you," Gabi whispered to Troy.

"I love you too," And they then shared a soft love filled kiss.

"But Daddy what about the dance?" Stephanie, Gabi and Troy's 3 year old daughter asked.

"The judges said they saw so much passion, lust and attraction and good choreography thanks your mom that we won," Troy said and kissed his wifes cheek.

"Mommy?" Steph asked.

"Yes Princess?"

"when did you and daddy get married?"

"Well you daddy proposed during his graduation speech,"


"And now we have Troy to give a speech to the graduating class of 2006" Principal Matsui announced.

Everyone clapped as troy walked to the stand.

"Hello everyone, first I want to say thanks to all of you that have been her for the past 5 years, and thanks to all the students that have come during them. I will miss you all, but I might see a few of you at U of A and you might see me on the TV playing for the Lakers, but before we go I want to say, that never do what people expect of you," He looked at Gabriella, "Surprise them and to the extraordinary, and remember that you can be what ever you what to be just believe, look at me I went from Hoops to Heels and back. And from surprises I got the most amazing girlfriend, and before I go I have a question for said girlfriend?" Everyone looked at Gabriella then Back at Troy.

"Gabi, you've surprise me every day for 4 years and they have been the best surprise ever and you got me to do the extraordinary, now I need to know one question," He took a breath and got a box out his pocket, "Gabriella Anne Montez, Will you marry me?"

Everyone's eyes widened, except Gabi's hers watered, They looked at her for an answer. she nodded her head and hugged him, "Yes, I would love to." Everyone clapped and cheered, "Oh and Troy, your gonna be a dad." Everyone's eyes widened for a second time, except Troy's his closed, cause he just fainted.

End Flashback

"Mommy, Daddy, can you tell me about the wedding?" Steph asked with a puppy dog pout.

"Not tonight sweetheart, maybe tomorrow," Troy said tucking her in.

"Night Mommy, night Daddy, love you," Their daughter said.

"Love you Steph," They said.

"Hey we had more fights then that," Gabi said once they left their daughters room.

"Yes, but the way the ended is not appropriate for kids her age."

"Feel like another fight?" she asked with sexy smirk.

"Nah, let's skip to the make up part," Troy said slyly as they go to their bedroom.

"Fine by me, I hate you,"

"I'm sorry."

"Forgiven now kiss me," He pushed he against the wall and started kissing her feverishly.

A/N: And that's the end of Hells and Hoops. I hope you enjoyed it. I might come with another story, but you never know. I might need some ideas though.

Please Review.



P.S Love you all and thank for reading!