Title: Beaches

Summary: Edward and Bella met on the beach when they were both four. Edward taught her how to ride a bike and Bella taught him how to tie a tie. Through their hectic lives they always counted on seeing each other every summer. But when they get older, how come they have such a difficult time expressing their feelings for one another? All human.

Disclaimer: I (unfortunately) do not own Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, or Breaking Dawn. They are all owned by the very talented and loved Stephenie Meyer.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! I'm posting my new story right now!


Twenty-nine years old (four years later)… BPOV

"Okay, everyone hide!" Alice whisper-yelled. "I heard a car door slam." Everybody started scrambling about the living and kitchen, trying to find an ideal hiding place. I did my best to crouch down behind the couch and waited. A key jingled in the door a few seconds later.

The moment Emmett and Edward walked through the door, everyone popped up and yelled at the top of their lungs, "SURPRISE!"

Emmett laughed while Edward looked taken aback. I grinned and made my way to them. Edward looked at me confused before he placed his hands on my hips. He tried to pull me into him, but my stomach kind of got in the way. He leaned down and pecked me on the lips. "What's all this?" He questioned.

"You're birthday party!" Alice yelled for me.

"Didn't I tell you that I didn't want to celebrate my birthday in anyway special?" He asked, looking between Alice and me.

Alice shook her head. "I don't remember anything like that, do you Bella?"

I smiled up at Edward. "Nope, I don't remember that at all."

Renesmee came out of nowhere and gave Edward a huge hug. Even though she was ten now, Edward still picked her up. She told him happy birthday for the hundredth time today. When Edward set her back down on her feet, she immediately ran back to Tommy, Jacob's step son. He was a year older than her and they absolutely adored each other. They both kind of reminded me of Edward and me when we were that age.

But whenever I would bring this up to Edward, he would get upset and deny it. He hated to think about his little girl with a boy. He still didn't like that she was friends with him. I didn't even want to think about his reaction when she would bring a boy home for the first time… God, I would feel terrible for the guy.

About three years ago, Jacob met a girl named Lizzie. They fell in love and got married. Tommy was Lizzie's son. Jake and I were just friends now. Our relationship is the same now as it was before we actually started dating a very long time ago. We both forgave each other for all the hurt that we (or I) caused. I was also glad that Jacob and Edward had gotten over their grudges against each other as well. They could actually sit next to each and have a friendly conversation without ripping each other's heads off.

"How are you feeling today, Bella?" I was brought back into reality from my reminiscing. I looked around to see who had asked the question and smiled at Jacob. He walked across the room, hugged me with one arm and pecked me on the cheek. He was holding Lizzie's hand and I had my arm around Edward's waist.

I rubbed my stomach with my free hand. "Oh, I'm doing well. Just tired."

"How far along are you now? I forgot. And it's a boy, right?" Lizzie asked.

"Almost six months and yes, it's a boy." Edward answered before I could. I looked up and smiled at him.

"Alright, alight!" Alice yelled as she came into the middle of our little circle. "Everybody stop crowding the birthday boy. He hasn't even been able to get all the way into the living room yet to actually see all the hard work I put in on decorations." She grabbed Edward's arm and started lugging him all the way into the house and up the stairs in our living room. Last year we moved out of the apartment and into a house. We decided that we wanted something bigger since we were going to try to have another baby.

Edward acted like he really cared about all of the balloons and streamers and flowers and stuff. I laughed when he saw his cake that said he only had one more year until he could really be considered old. A while later, we all sang happy birthday to him. And Emmett, being, well… Emmett, had to smash his face into his cake. But Jasper had to help push Edward's face down. Edward was furious and chased both of them outside. We all watched from a window as he grabbed our garden hose and started spraying both of his best friends.

"God, he's such a little kid." Rosalie said from behind me, referring to her husband.

Alice laughed. "You're the one that married him."

"Yeah, well… I was high, okay?" Rosalie explained and we all laughed. She and Emmett moved up here last year. Rosalie was pregnant right now too. She was only two months pregnant now though. I remember when she found out. She was so ecstatic because her doctor told her that it would probably be hard for her to have kids.

When I saw the two guys walking up the steps I got Emmett and Jasper a towel. They dried off and stayed outside for a while until they weren't so wet anymore. Edward came in, pushed me up against the wall and leaned down. I struggled to get away from his frosting-covered face.

"Edward!" I giggled. "Stop it." He didn't listen as he kissed me, getting frosting all over my face in the process. Everybody started "ahhing." I blushed when our kiss was over. We held hands as we walked down the hallway and into the bathroom to get cleaned up. We pulled him back into the living room where he opened his presents.

Everyone came into the living room, laughing and smiling. I was suddenly overwhelmed by how perfect my life was now. I looked around the room at all of my family and grinned. When Edward was done opening all of his gifts and thanking everyone, he had one arm around my shoulders and one arm rested on my stomach. He had been great through my pregnancy so far. He was determined to be there for every single part of this since he wasn't able to be last time with Renesmee. He was the one that brought up the idea of us trying to have another kid after we got married.

Everyone left a few more hours later. After Ren was in bed, Edward and I went into our bedroom and changed. I sighed as I took my maternity shirt off and looked in the mirror. I turned to the side to see the profile on my growing six month stomach. I cradled it. "I'm getting fat…" I said stubbornly. I knew that I wasn't really fat, I was just pregnant. But it really sucked when you couldn't wear your jeans, shirts, or favorite sweats. I scowled at the mirror.

Edward appeared behind me and rolled his eyes before he placed both of his arms around me and rested his hands on my stomach. I placed mine on top of his. He rested his cheek against my head. "You're not fat, love. And even if you were, I would still love you just the same." He kissed me quickly before reaching on the bed to get my night shirt. He helped me into it before we both got into bed. Edward turned the lamp off as I rolled onto my side, trying to get my pillows just right.

When I was finally comfortable, the room was silent. After a few minutes he whispered, "Do you remember that summer at the beach when we were like ten and I was sick and in bed? And you insisted on attempting to take care of me?"

I laughed quietly. "Of course… Do you remember the time you taught me how to ride a bike?"

"Yes, I was getting quite frustrated with you. It took us the entire day for you to find your balance."

"And the time we got flour and chocolate syrup all over my kitchen?"

"How would I forget that?" He chuckled. "The time you taught me how to tie a neck tie?"

"Oh, yeah!" I said, trying to picture it in my head. "That was for… a party, right?"

"Lauren's party." He replied. "That was the night I got my first kiss… Although it wasn't the best kiss of my life."

"Oh," I said in a sarcastic tone. "And who gave you the best kiss of your life then?"

He reached over, trying to find me in the darkness. He placed his hand on my cheek. "Do you really have to ask?" And then he scooted closer and kissed me. It was very soft and sweet. It left me breathless with my heart racing. Even little EJ had started kicking me a little. It was one of those kisses from him that I could still feel in my toes ten minutes later…

"I love you, Belly Marie Cullen." He whispered, resting his forehead to my own, grinning.

"I love you too, Eddie Anthony Cullen."

"Forever." We both vowed at the same time before kissing once more.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions? Reviews are to me the way sweetness is to Seth Clearwater!