As you can probably tell by my other stories, I am a hopeless romantic, so this is my rendition of the party in 401.

"By the way…. I hope you get what you want."

Justin was agitated, everyone giving him advice all day, treating him like he was 4. And this comment sent him over the edge.

"Well Brian I'm not going to get what I want!"

By this time Brian was at the sink and he stared at Justin with a confused look.

"Why not?"

"Because dumass. I want you."

-uncomfortable silence

"What about Ian?" Brian asked softly.

"I am only with him because he gives me the one thing I asked of you. The one thing that would make us perfect." Justin answered.

Now Brian was standing directly in front of Justin.

"So you and he are perfect huh?" Justin shook his head.

"Only when I can close my eyes and try to imagine that it's you saying you love me every night."

"So your in love?" Brian asked, his mouth hovering mere inches apart from Justin's

"Not with him." Justin whispered back.

Brian put his lips to Justin's ear and softly whispered, "I love you too Justin."

Justin pulled back and looked directly into Brian's eyes.

"But Brian that's just it. I know you love me, I've heard you say it when you thought I was asleep. But all you can do is say it then or whisper it now. And for a while that was enough, but now I need to hear it out loud, in front of people. Because sometimes it feels like you are ashamed of loving me."

That gave Brian an idea. "So you want proof huh?" He asked Justin.

"Proof would be nice." Justin answered.

"Okay then."

So Brian opened the window next to him and leaned out.

Justin started to ask, "Brain what the hell are you doing?"

Than Brian screamed to get the party's attention.

"Hey, cut the music! Everybody listen up I've got something to say. Something I should've said a long time ago." Brian paused for a deep breath and then screamed out.