The party was silent.

It was as if time stood still.

Until someone spoke up.

"It's to late now Kinney you lost. I have won the prize." Ethan said smugly. This got Lindsay mad and she stormed up to the fiddle fuck and throw her drink in his face.

"Justin is not a prize to be won! Now I want you to leave!." She shouted. Ethan threw up his hands.

"Okay okay I will leave. But only if Justin wants me to. Where the hell is he anyway?"

"I'm right here Ethan." Justin spoke from the bathroom window. "And I'm sorry, but I want you to leave to."

"You know he's only saying this stuff to get into your pants right? What I can give you is worth so much more than anything he has to offer." Ethan said , his voice full of venom.

Justin laughed. "Oh please! Brian does not have to shout declarations of love to get laid. And we both know that what you and I had was nothing but the wake up call Brian and I needed. Now I ask you again, please leave!"

So Ethan turned and left. But not before jabbing a finger in Brian's direction and shouting. "Just know next time you hurt him, I will be there and you will NOT get him back!"

After he left there was another moment of silence, this time spoiled by Deb.

"Hey, you two! Get you asses down here and give me a hug!" Everyone laughed and resumed with the party.

Brian and Justin left the bathroom together. At the top of the stairs Brian grabbed Justin's wrist and looked him in the eyes.

"You know I never meant to hurt you right?"

Justin nodded his head. "I know Brian I know."

Justin was then pulled into a soul searing, breath taking kiss. Lips moved in perfect synchronization, expressing without words the all the love, commitment, and passion each person had to offer.

When the finally pulled away light headed and dizzy Justin spoke.

"It's good to be home."

Brian smiled, he loved that Justin considered him home. He felt the same way.

"It's good to have you back."

So they descended the stairs and rejoined the party.

A.) Continue

B.) Stop

You decide!