Itachi lifted his head when he heard the all to familiar voice. Only...it was screaming. He turned his head in the direction of the bathroom, eyes blinking. What in Gods name had happened that caused Deidara to let out such a petrified screech? Maybe he had seen a roach or a mouse or...

Itachi shook his head. What a rediculous idea. Of course he didn't see a roach or a mouse. He didn't pay large sums of money each month to pay for their apartment only to find roaches and vermin of the like scurrying around in their bathroom. The bathroom, of all places...

The Uchiha sighed. He was going to have to see what was wrong; if he didn't, Deidara would complain and whine about his not being 'a loving, responsible, caring boyfriend, un!'

He was saved the trouble of getting up from his seat when the said blond came hurdling out of the bathroom. One hand clutched a loosly wrapped towel that hung limp against his waist, and the other clutched his scalp, still soapy from his un-finished shower.

"Itachi!" The blonde screeched, "L-Look at my hair, un!" As if to add to his statement, he pointed feverishly at his sopping wet hair, eyebrows twitching and face expressed in absolute horror. Keeping his cool and calm composure, Itachi gazed over the dripping locks of bright golden-yellow. Itachi didn't see what was so...oh. Nevermind.

The normally blonde hair was now covered in splotches of black and dark-brown patches, adorning his scalp like a patchwork halo. The Uchiha tried hard not to laugh.

But, it was no wonder the blonde screamed. Itachi would have if his normally dark hair would have turned a vibrant shade of pink after a shower he had - that was the equivalent of this situation to Deidara, and the blonde was not happy. Not in the least.

"H-how", The blonde stuttered, pointing feverishly at his now ruined locks, "Did this manage to happen, un!?" Itachi was silent for a few moments, thinking it over himself.

"Well," Itachi said finally, "Did you...use anything different?" Deidara blinked.

"...Different?" He questioned.

"Did you," Explained the Uchiha "Use anything different? Like, shampoo or conditioner...?" Again, the blonde blinked.

"I-I used this new shampoo that I found laying around, un...b-but what does that have to do with anything?" He sputtered, looking hopelessly confused. Itachi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Well, depending on what kind of shampoo it actually is," He looked back up. "It can have alot to do with the situation."

There was a pause between the two, save for the drops of water dripping off Deidara and landing in pitiful puddles on the drywood floor.

"I just found it...lying around, un. It said on the bottle it'd give your hair new color, an-and new shine, and all this other cool stuff, un..." Itachi chewed on his bottom lip.

"Let me see it..." He mumbled, walking past the wet blonde and into the bathroom. Reaching into the shower, he pulled out a slightly wet container - it was black and looked slightly new. "Is this it?" He asked, holding it up to Deidara, who strolled back into the still steamy bathroom.

When the blonde nodded, Itachi looked back down and skimmed over it, opening the lid to examine the contents, reading the labels, etc., After a few minutes, Itachi let out a small snort.

"Deidara," He started. The blonde perked up. "This," He held up the bottle, "Is hair-dye shampoo from last Halloween. You use it to give your hair a darker shade, and from what the directions say, it dosen't come out for about two weeks." Smirking, he tossed the bottle to the now very distressed Deidara, who barely managed to catch it.

"I suggest," Itachi started, grasping the doorknob, "That you wash up. Because as far as I know, 'patchwork' isn't the 'in thing' right now."

And then, he shut the door.