Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. They are the property of ABC, Grey's Anatomy, Shonda Rhimes, etc. I just like to play with them.

The jarring sound of two beepers going off simultaneously disturbed Owen and Cristina's otherwise magical moment. Owen pulled away reluctantly and checked out the display, uttered a resigned Shit! and then seemed to instantaneously revert to business mode. Cristina was still trying to gather her wits about her as he ushered her towards the door.

"Come on. Ambulance, four minutes out. Car wreck with multiple injuries."

Cristina nodded and followed him out of the boiler room. Their interlude had been all too short, but there was a spring in her step as she exited that had been absent before, and she felt like she'd gone through a massive paradigm shift in a matter of minutes. The incident of the solo surgery and her fight with Meredith suddenly seemed so much less important. She had gained some perspective. It was time to get over all the bullshit and get back to work.

As they mounted the staircase Owen turned to her. "I'm on call tonight but I get off at 6 tomorrow. I'd like to take you somewhere."

"Where?" Cristina eyed him suspiciously.

"Don't worry," he smiled. "You'll like it. I promise."

"Oh great," she muttered with a half smile and a little punch of exaggerated sarcasm - just loudly enough so he could hear: "First the boiler room. Now what, the city dump?"

He stopped in his tracks and pulled her to him for a brief kiss, then leaned his forehead into hers. "Are you complaining, Dr. Yang?"

"Who, me?" she demurred. "At least give me some idea what to wear. Is this dressy, or casual, or what?"

"Very casual. And bring socks." He reached the top of the stairwell and opened the door, allowing her to precede him into the hallway.

She turned to look at him. "Socks? Are you kidding? Is this a pajama party or something?"

Owen smiled again. He should do that more often, she thought. "Now THAT would be a very good idea, but no. Just do as you're told for once, ok? Stop asking questions. Come on, we have to get going. I'll swing by your place tomorrow around 6:30. Be ready."