Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Merlin it all belongs to the BBC all I own is the twisted plot XD

A/N: Sorry I couldnt update last week I had a totally lazy weekened but (sulked over the lack of Merlin as well) but you should get another one tomorrow this is kinda a long filler, do not fear all will be reveiled soon! MWHAHAHA

A/N2: Tad bit sappy.

Warnings: Slash! Don't like don't read. Angst, lots, and lots of beautiful angst. Oh! And time travel.

Nothing Out Of The Ordinary

Chapter 15 – Home

Arthur frowned lightly as he watched the knights pack everything up and loaded the horses, he didn't want to go, he did not want to have to leave Merlin again. Merlin who had been very cautious lately making sure everything Arthur touched was safe. Arthur appreciated it but they couldn't figure out who was doing it, Caleb had been discretely questioned but he stuck to the story the knights brought the mead for Arthur.

"Arthur?" a soft, hesitant, voice said from behind him and he turned to see Merlin biting his lip.

"Yes Merlin?"

"Thank you"

"For what?" he asked bemused and Merlin smiled.

"Giving the villagers some hope, showing us that you do care for us." He indicated to the people milling about chatting happily and smiling more then what they had been. Hunith was now treated like nobility because of her son being close to Arthur and for housing the two from the Royal household.

"Hello Merlin" a young woman giggled as she passed with her friend who also giggled before curtsying to Arthur. Merlin cringed and Arthur saw Will laughing as he walked to the stables.

"What was that about?"

"No idea" he blushed, "Before you turned up they never really spoke to me unless they wanted something"

"I'll miss you" he said after a few minutes of silence. Merlin looked over him then nodded with a smile

"And I will you" he looked around before clearing his throat "Stay safe, you still have that assassination attempt to worry about"

"Ah yes" he smiled "I will be fine"

"Merlin!" Merlin sighed at the call and gave a small smile to Arthur before limping off to find Gaius.

Arthur sighed and went to help; if they had to leave he wanted to go before he changed his mind and showed himself up. When they were all ready he helped Morgana and Gwen onto their mounts before helping Gaius and then getting up himself and looking to the villagers, Hunith stood up front with a small sad smile.

"Where's Merlin?" Arthur asked Hunith who gave him a smile

"He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"I'm coming with you" Merlin said using his crutches to hobble his way over. Will walked behind him carrying his bag. "Gaius has allowed me to apprentice under him...if you don't mind me in your kingdom" he added with a smile.

"My mother will love you" he chuckled and climbed off. Together he and Will helped Merlin up onto his mount even though Merlin and Gaius protested. Arthur held out his hand for Merlin's bag then put it over his shoulder "Thank you Hunith"

"You look after my son sire"

"I will" he smiled and looked at Will feeling a tiny bit smug.

"Take care Merlin, and you sire I want my best friend back in one piece"

"I will try my best, but he is Merlin" an indignant protest came from above them and Arthur chuckled then climbed up behind Merlin and made sure the crutches were safe.

"Thank you for your hospitality" he said and Morgana gave them her best wishes before they started the trek back.

Arthur hid a smile when Merlin relaxed back into him and his head slid to the side onto Arthur's shoulder as he drifted off. He had felt how tense Merlin had been whenever they were jolted; it couldn't have been good on his ankle. He didn't seem to mind the long journey back even if Merlin and Gaius did continue to offer to share a mount or walk.


"My Son!" Igraine smiled as she rushed down the stairs to meet the incoming party. Arthur smiled at her and climbed off giving her a hug before pulling away and helping Merlin down with Gaius' help and the man tutted at his charge making him take a potion for the pain and use the crutches. "Who is this?" she asked with a smile

"Mother, this is Merlin he is Gaius' charge and his new apprentice, Merlin this is my mother Lady Igraine Pendragon"

"My lady" he smiled "Forgive me I have been told I am not to bow to anyone for I either fall or put weight on my ankle, I mean no disrespect."

"It is quite alright dear, come Arthur tell me about your trip whilst Merlin gets settled. You must accompany us Morgana" Morgana smiled and followed as Arthur told Caleb to put the horses in the stables and see to them.

Morgana and Arthur spoke with Migraine until Clarissant demanded her attention, or rather got her attention as she ran from her chamber maid who had the delightful task of bathing her. Morgana smiled and excused herself from Arthur who nodded and left to find Merlin who he ran into wondering the halls.

"I thought you were to rest your ankle" he said startling the boy

"Sire, I was looking for you"


"G-Gaius he...he..."

"Doesn't know you are here" he supplied with a smile and Merlin blushed making Arthur smile at how cute it was and lead him to his chambers making him sit on the bed with his legs up, Arthur removed his shoes carefully, the swelling had finally gone, the travelling had brought it back up slightly, but it still looked rather tender. Arthur spoke to a guard and got him to take a message to Gaius saying Merlin was with him until further notice. Arthur was amazed that they hadn't been caught sleeping in the same bed together for a week.


"Surely you have known me long enough to call me Arthur and know I do not mind"

"Arthur" he smiled

"What is it you want?" he chuckled sliding up the bed to lie beside him. Arthur watched as Merlin licked his lips and shifted nervously "Merlin?" he breathed his eyes narrowing on the red lips that were being nibbled his head lowered and Merlin's breathing hitched. Arthur's eyes fluttered closed as did Merlin's as their lips touched with the faintest brush but a shock still went through them.

"ARTHUR!" the door threw open and the two jumped away as a blur jumped on the bed.

"Clarissant!" he scolded "I could have been changing"

"Oh...sorry. But I missed you" she pouted. Arthur chuckled and pulled her into his lap and hugging her catching Merlin's wince as the bed moved. "What were you doing?" she ask curiously

"What did it look like I was doing?"

"Whispering" she grinned "were you telling him a secret?" her eyes lit up and Arthur chuckled

"If I was and I told you it wouldn't be a secret now would it"

"Oh..." she frowned and he chuckled

"I was calming him down, he slipped and put pressure on his foot, he hurt his ankle so we can't move too much ok? Otherwise we hurt him more" she looked at Merlin's watery eyes and offered him a smile

"I am sorry mister" she said weakly

"You didn't know" he smiled "and your brother was being a prat, made me slip then felt guilty" Arthur shot him a glare and got a cheeky grin in return as the girl giggled. Arthur let out a sigh of relief as she brought the story.

"What's your name?"


"I like it...I'm Clarissant"

"That's a pretty name" he smiled and she gave him a wide grin. "So what's Arthur like as a brother?"

"He's the bestest big brother in the world!" she grinned happily "I love my Arthur"

"I bet he protects you from evil wizards and nasty trolls" she giggled and nodded

"But I like magic"

"you do huh?" she nodded and he carefully moved and reached behind her ear then showed her his hand and opened it to show her a butterfly, she gasped and stared at him "But shh, I don't want anyone to know, our secret yes?" she grinned and nodded enthusiastically she took the butterfly and smiled as it happily sat on her finger, seemingly content. Merlin looked at Arthur and got a happy smile and a small nod. It didn't take long before the butterfly flew away and she drifted off against Arthur. He watched Merlin's eyes flutter closed and he slid down the bed to lay his head on Arthur's shoulder holding Clarissant in a protective hold. Arthur smiled at the sight and slid out to change into his bed shirt then carefully change Merlin, Clarissant was dressed for bed after her bath. He slipped back into the bed and pulled the covers up and watched Merlin as he slept. There was a knock on his door and it opened to reveal his mother who looked slightly worried but the worry disappeared and she smiled when she saw her daughter.

"Shall I take her my son?"

"I think Merlin has her for the night" he smiled "her nightmares are worsening?"

"I fear they are not nightmares but prophecies of a time to come." She sighed softly "You trust him?"

"He saved my left" he nodded "he is meant to be resting his ankle but was wondering, I think he should stay where he is for tonight, it has been a long journey"

"I can guess." She smiled and sat on the edge of his bed and looked over him "You are troubled my son?"

"You are ill?"

"Yes but it is not serious, just a lack of sleep, looking after your sister" Arthur nodded and looked at the pair. Clarissant sighed and Merlin tightened his hold on her when she snuggled closer and settled again. "What worries you?"

"Someone tried to kill me when I was in Eldora"


"I do not know" he sighed "But I am fine" he added at her worried look then looked as the door opened and his father came in and closed the door before blinking at the sleeping pair.

"Who is that?" he asked possessively

"Merlin, he is Gaius' apprentice from Eldora, he is injured and I am unable to get him back to Gaius' rooms without injuring him further, plus Clarissant is quite taken with him" he grinned at the thought of his sister and her new found friendship with Merlin. He was right; Merlin would be a great father. "He will protect her through the night just as he protected me in Eldora."

"Hmm, let no one find out"

"I will not ...Mother please see Gaius and ask for a sleeping draught, I shall watch over Issa for tonight."

"Ok my son" she smiled and kissed his temple before leaving after kissing Uther and squeezing his hand.

"I trust your trip went well?"

"Yes, there was a small problem"

"Dealt with?"

"I believe so" he smiled "What is wrong?" the man sighed softly and stroked his daughter's hair.

"It has just been a long week my son, rest well"

"Yes father" Uther tucked him up before realising what he was doing and left. Arthur looked at Merlin when he felt him relax and smiled when a blue eye peeked open and looked at him.

"I should go back to Gaius."

"Stay the night" he smiled and snuggled down holding the small girl and letting Merlin snuggle as close as he could get. He smiled feeling the soft breathing against his neck.



"...Thank you" Arthur peeked open an eye and smiled curling up around his sister and drifting off. He was home.