Title: Circus

Author: fbi-woman

Rating: M

Type: Cold Case, LS

Spoilers: Not really set at any specific time in the show.

Disclaimer: Wish they were mine, but sadly, they're not. Nothing is, to be honest.

Summary: It seems there's a side to Lilly that Scotty's never seen… until now.

A/N: Ok, before we even begin, I have to warn you that you may find it totally OOC for Lilly lol. It was sort of a dream I had that was inspired by the song Circus by Britney Spears, and yeah lol. I'm sure you know where I'm going with this.

Scotty Valens stared at the paperwork sitting on his desk. It had been a long, frustrating day, and the last thing he wanted to do right now was fill out more forms. He desperately needed to relax. They were spinning tired in the mud with this case, and their only lead was hiding something, but he just couldn't figure out what. Every minute he spent at his desk made him more anxious to get the hell out of there and get his mind on something else, anything else. He knew everyone else was about as happy about the situation as he was, but maybe one of them would take pity on him… he would make up the favor later, after all.

"Hey Lil."

She looked up at him from her pile of papers. "Yeah?"

"I got plans tonight, you mind finishing my paperwork?" He could tell from the look on her face that he hadn't fooled her for a second.

"Sorry Scotty."

"Come on Lil, please? I'll make it up to you later, and it's not like you got anything else to do." Shit. He regretted the words the moment they tumbled out of his mouth. He didn't mean for it to come out like that.

If looks could kill, he would be one dead man. "Is that what you think?"

Well, yes, but he sure as hell couldn't say that now. "I just – "

"Because I do have somewhere to be tonight."

"Oh." She did? Where? With who?

He glanced around the room dejectedly. Jeffries was already shaking his head and with the glares he was getting from Vera and Miller, he knew better than to ask. With a sigh he sat back down and silently cursed the paperwork. Paperwork 1, Scotty Valens 0.



Lilly was fuming. What she couldn't decide was if she was angrier that Scotty had come right out and said that, or that he was right about it. She didn't have anything to do. She lied. But she'd be damned if she was going to let him pawn off his paperwork on her after that. He didn't have plans anyway; she knew he just wanted to get out of there and let off steam but hell, so did she. So what if that was just a quiet night in with her cats? He would either just go for a run or go to that little club he liked and probably pick up some girl. Which really shouldn't bother her, but it did. She knew it was childish, but if she couldn't have him, she didn't want anyone else to have him. Not that she was actually sure she couldn't have him, but she couldn't risk finding out. If she spoke up and he didn't feel the same way, it would ruin everything… but what if she had a way to put the ball in his court? A way she could put the idea out there without actually saying anything. Her colleagues might not believe it, but Lilly Rush knew how to have fun, and she was reasonably sure she had a 50/50 chance that Scotty would show up at that club tonight. She had never actually been there, but she knew the name of it. A devious little plan began to form in her mind.



At the sound of his partner's voice, Scotty looked up just in time to see Lilly all but running for the door. A part of him had hoped she didn't really have somewhere to be, but it was sure looking like the truth. How bad would it be to take a page out of Vera's book? He could just swing by her place on his way home and see if the lights were on. If she saw him, he would be in big trouble tomorrow, but it was a free country and he could drive down whatever street he wanted. At least, that's what he planned to use for an excuse if he needed one. It was admittedly of poor quality, but she wouldn't believe any excuse he came up with anyways so it was hardly worth the effort to think of a better one. Now he just had to carefully pace himself through this paperwork. He needed to give her enough time to get ready and go out before he went over, or it would be pointless.

After another hour, it was down to just him and Jeffries, and he figured he had given Lilly long enough. After a parting goodbye, he hopped in his car and fought the urge to speed the entire way there. It wasn't a long drive, but it seemed to go on forever, with every possible set of traffic lights working against him. And then at last he was passing right by, and his heart plummeted to see that not a single light had been left on. She was a night owl, there was no way she would be asleep in bed before midnight. Damn. She hadn't been lying. He supposed it was his own damn fault for keeping his mouth shut. Of course, he knew if he spoke up and she hadn't seen it coming, she would hit the ground running. Well he knew what he'd be doing tonight: there was a glass of scotch and pulsing music calling his name. Surely they could drown out the sound of her voice echoing through his mind.

A/N: Okay, I know this chap was kind of short, but my dream didn't include any of the prelude to what actually happens, and I figured it would be much less random and OOC if I put the story in some sort of context first lol. Reviews are love 3.