Title: Cosmo

Summary: Who knew one magazine could cause so much trouble?

Genre: S/V Drabble

"Common, common, common!!!" Michael Vaughn yelled at the television screen. He was watching his favorite team, the LA Kings. He was paying rapt attention to the screen as the center, Derek Armstrong, skated toward the goal in the last quarter. They were tied 2 to 2 with only one minute left.

"Daddy!" Hannah Vaughn called, tugging on her father's sleeve. She was a short little first grader and she had recently been reading everything she could. She loved books, just like her mother and was so pleased when she finished the kid's novels they bought for her.

"Can you wait a minute, princess? Daddy's watching the game."

"I wanna read!" Hannah whined, pouting her lip. Michael hated to see his princess mad, so he handed her the first thing he grabbed on the coffee table without looking away from the screen. "Yay!" She cheered and ran off with it.


"Daddy?" Hannah asked later that night at the dinner table.

"Yes sweetie?"

"What's an o-gasm?" She asked innocently. Both Sydney and Michael froze mid-bite and locked eyes across the room. Sydney gaped at her husband, but didn't say anything to him.

"Where did you hear that Hannah?"

"It was in the magazine." She answered, continuing to eat her meal.

"What magazine sweetie?"

"The one daddy gave me…" Hannah replied, not knowing why her mother was asking a bunch of questions.

"Will you bring it here?" Sydney asked politely. Hannah nodded and ran off to her room. Sydney glared at her husband before quietly yelling, "What the hell kind of magazines are you giving my daughter!"

"I didn't know, Syd, I was watching the game…" Michael looked frightened of his pregnant wife and her temper tantrums. She was almost six months pregnant and the doctors had warned him not to cause her too much stress.

"Well, obviously it wasn't something she is allowed to read!" Sydney fumed. "I just walked away for half an hour to take a bath and my daughter learns about sex!"

"Syd, you're overreacting. She probably didn't read it all anyway…" Michael tried to calm his wife down. This stress was not good for a pregnant woman and he was sure she was really angry with him. She wouldn't show it, though, because she didn't want to scare Hannah.

"Here you go, mommy." Hannah handed the magazine to her mother before sitting back down at her place and starting to eat again.

"COSMO!" Sydney hissed to her husband with the patented Bristow Glare. He laughed lightly, wanting her to see the humor in the situation.

"I don't even know why you have it-" Michael defended, hoping to alleviate some of the blame from his shoulders.

"You know why…" Sydney grinned, with a suggestive eyebrow raise.

"You're so bad." He teased.

"You're the one giving our daughter Cosmo." Sydney retorted, laughing.
