Here is the next chapter, I apologize updating this story this late..thanks in advance to all of the soon to be reviewers

Incident that changed Everything - Shocks & Arriving with Drama

Downstairs on the Ground Floor


Renae, Aisha, Tiffany and Billy waited at the table for Sarah to return to where the four of them was standing because she went back over to the stand to get more straws, napkins and plastic utensils

A few minutes later Sarah came back to where they were standing.." Okay, I got enough."

The other four nodded their heads and then the five of them headed down hallway towards the elevator

" Do you or Billy play any card games Aisha." Tiffany asked as she looked at both of them

" Yeah we play some games." Billy replied for both him and Aisha

Tiffany smiled as she stepped around them and went inside the gift shop tossing a " I'll be right back over her shoulder."

" Okay."

A few minutes later Tiffany emerged from the gift shop with a plastic bag." I got two decks of cards and three crosswords puzzle books." Tiffany revealed as the other four gave her smiles and once set off again towards the elevators at the end of the hallway

Up on the 5th floor

Gunther stepped off of the elevator and made his way up to the receptionist desk.." Good Morning, I'm here to visit my gymnast Kimberly Hart."

The nurse smiled up at the man as she pushed the clipboard over to him.." If you could sign here and then have a seat in the waiting room, the doctor will be right out to see you."

Gunther wrote his name on the paper then he nodded his head and turned towards the room and walked inside the room and sat down in the chair

The door to the elevator opened up and Renae stepped off first then she was followed by, Sarah, Tiffany and Aisha with Billy bringing up the rear, the five of them nodded their heads at the nurse working at the desk as they made their way down the hallway bypassing the waiting room and it's guest

Renae opened the door to Kim's room and side stepped allowing the other four people to enter the room

All of them situated themselves around the room as quietly as they could and once they were satisfied all five of them sat down and started to eat their breakfast

Billy glanced over his shoulder at his childhood friend.." I just hope that when we find out what Kim's prognosis is once she wakes up again, we all will have a better understanding of how to help her, and hopefully we won't have to meet like this way ever again."

" I don't think none of us want to repeat this meeting process anytime soon." Aisha added

" That is for sure." Sarah injected as both Tiffany and Renae made an agreement with a gentle mmm-hmm

In the Waiting Room

Gunther flipped through the pages of the magazine he was barely paying any attention to.." This Doctor is so slow."

Near the receptionist desk

Dr. Hemming approached the desk and placed a different chart on the counter and started to add some notes to the file

" Um, excuse me Dr. Hemming."

" Yes Jenny, what is it."

" There is a man waiting to speak to you about Ms. Hart's condition, he is in the waiting room."

Dr. Hemming finished jotting down the notes inside the file then he closed the file and sat it inside the bin.." Thank you Jenny, I will go talk to him."

Jenny nodded her head as she watched the doctor turn on his heel and walked over to the room and disappeared inside

" Good Morning my name is Dr. Hemming and I'm the one in charge of Ms. Kimberly Hart's health."

Gunther dropped the magazine on the table and stood up.." I'm Gunther Schmidt and Ms. Hart is a member of my world reknown gymnastic academy and her fall can cause her a major setback."

" A setback."

" Yes, her fall couldn't have been that bad, some other girls just like to make drama when there simply wasn't any to begin with."

" Mr. Schmidt, Ms. Hart's injuries is quite severe." Dr. Hemming proclaimed

" When will she able to start training again." Gunther wondered

Dr. Hemming shook his head at the owner of the Gymnastic's Gym.." Mr. Schmidt why don't we go down to Ms. Hart's room where you can look at her and I can fully explain to you her file as well as give my recommendation."

Gunther nodded his head then gestured for the Doctor to lead him to the room

Inside Kim's Room

Aisha and Sarah was on one team and they were playing against Renae and Tiffany in a game of Spade, both teams have placed their bets and Billy was taking the score for them

Aisha had just picked out her card and started to lay it down on the table when there was a knock on the door

" Come in." Billy stated

The door cracked open and Dr. Hemming came into the room.." Oh I didn't know that you guys were back."

" We came back about ten minutes ago." Renae applied as she layed down her card

" Oh Alright, well I was just talking to the coach."

Renae, Tiffany, Sarah and Aisha froze and Billy got up form his seat and cleared his throat." Gunther Schmidt."

" Yes sir." Dr. Hemming stated as he leaded back out of the room to gesture to the coach to come inside but Gunther was no where to be found.." He was just here."

" What did the almighty generous coach want." Tiffany wondered as the card game was completely forgotten

" He asked me when Ms. Hart would be able to get back to training."

" That man has some nerve."

" He didn't seem to grasp the severity length of injuries Ms. Hart had suffered when I was talking to him in the waiting room, so I then suggested that he come down here."

" Dr. Hemming he is not concerned with Kim's welfare or health anymore than he is worried about getting more notoriety of Kim and the three of us who brought more fame to his gym." Sarah informed

" When Kim fell off the beam last night, he didn't bother to cot the blood that was flowing from Kim's head, he didn't tell no one to dial 911, and on top of that he was more concerned about his gymast getting back to work on their individual exercises ." Tiffany exclaimed

" He is not welcomed here Dr. Hemming." Renae stated

" And he is not to require about Kim's health anymore." Aisha injected

All the while everything was being spoken Billy's posture was rigid as his outward expression was calm, but on the inside the wolf was itching and crawling to the forefront as he quietly made his way over to the door

Aisha watched her friend and fellow ninjetti brother move closer to the door

Billy silently grabbed the handle and pushed it down and quickly snatched it open and he grabbed hold of the guest that was lingering outside the room bringing him inside the room.." Hello Gunther."

Gunther locked eyes with Billy but then he glanced over Billy's shoulder seeing four sets of eyes glaring at him and a set of bewildered ones.." Dr. Hemming would you please refrain him from doing something he's gonna regret."

" I regret the day you stepped foot in Angel Grove, but I won't ever regret my actions against you because you haven't been a respectable man at all due to the negligence you treated my friend with."

" I think you need to correct yourself."

Billy shook his head from side to side.." I heard their side let me hear yours."

" I was very concerned for my gymnast's health."

" Really."

" Yes Really."

" So if I got the cops involved with this accusation and they pull up your videos, they will show you calling for an ambulance, helping the others stop the blood from flowing through the laceration on the side of Kim's head and the video should also show you following behind Kim as she was loaded into the ambulance."

Gunther looked down

" Kimberly is no longer under your care and I will see to it that she won't step foot inside that academy of yours ever again."

" Kimberly would make her own decisions." Gunther assured them and himself

" Yes she will and you will not be one of them, and when I talk to Tommy about what I have learned you might receive a visit from him and quite a few others."

" I will not be scared by you or anybody else."

" You don't have to be scared of me Gunther, I'm her best friend and a brother to her, we all supported her and her dream to come to your gym and train under your tutelage."

" And she became famous."

" To what line of degree." Billy stated as he gestured towards Kimberly's motionless body.." She is lying in another hospital bed and your gym may have brought her fame, but it also brought her physical, mental and emotional pain as well."

" Kimberly will bounce back."

" But not from you." Aisha added

" You have overstayed your welcome and now you can leave and never return."

Gunther quickly hurried out of the room and didn't bother looking back as he hurried on down the hall and towards the elevator

" Dr. Hemming I will make a list who can and can visit Kim unless we grant them." Renae applied as she turned on her heel and went over to the pad and pen Billy was using to keep score

" Okay."

Renae grabbed the notebook and started writing down names. Aisha and Tiffany nodding their heads in agreement with the names that was wrote down

Sarah was glancing out the window and Billy was next to Kim

Renae finished writing down the names then she tore the paper off of the pad and handed it to Dr. Hemming

" I will leave this at the nurse's station." Dr. Hemming assured as he took the paper.." I'm gonna go down to the lab and check on Ms. Hart's lab work."

" Alright."

Dr. Hemming turned and headed out of the room

" Billy, Renae wrote down Tommy, Jason, Katherine, Tanya, Adam and Rocky's name." Aisha informed him

Billy nodded his head.." They won't come in here until we talk to them all first." Billy informed

Renae, Tiffany, Aisha and Sarah murmured in agreement with his statement

" Girls."

" Hmm."

" The letter is a sensitive topic, I was there when it arrived at the Youth Center."

" And you didn't find it weird that it came there instead of to Tommy's house." Tiffany queried

" Honestly no, for we all spent alot of time at the Youth Center and Kim knew Tommy wouldn't say something about it without someone asking him." Billy revealed and Aisha nodded in agreement.." But her relationship with Tommy is something she cherished and to know what I know about how everything went down as well as when the others are clued in, the ones responsible for hurting both Kim and Tommy will have to face the consequences and it won't be pretty."

" No it won't be, and to be honest to Billy..I think I know just who might be responsible." Aisha mentioned again

" Those winches from last night." Sarah implied

" Yeah, and I just want concrete evidence before I strike." Aisha added " Billy do you think he and Katherine are dating now."

" He might be, I haven't exactly told them about my whereabouts."

" Yeah, I forgot that little tidbit."

" He's gonna be confused at first and then he is gonna feel guilty for not even questioning the letter, I kept my suspicions to myself but I wasn't the one in a relationship with Kimberly."

" He didn't show up or question the letter, so I don't feel sorry for him." Tiffany exclaimed

" You feel the way you feel and you have the right to express your opinion." Billy stated

" We will hash all of this out when they arrive." Aisha injected as she locked eyes with each of the girls

" This is exactly not the right place to talk about everything like that." Renae adds in

" Girls why don't we take our things to the beach house and get freshened up." Tiffany suggested

" Sounds good." Sarah pointed out

" Aisha do you want to come with us."

" No I'm good."

" Okay we'll be back in a hour or two." Tiffany applied

" See you guys when you get back." Billy stated as the thre gymnasts left out of the room then he and Aisha settled down near the table leaving them alone with Kim

Aisha brought the cards together and shuffled them.." Do you want to play I Declare War Billy."

" Sure."

Aisha shuffled the cards a couple of times then she dealt them out

An hour and half later

Renae, Tiffany and Sarah rejoined Billy and Aisha and the five of them spent the next two hours talking, playing cards, and working on some crossword puzzles as well as picking up on the game of Spades that was forgotten earlier in the morning they all did what they could while they waited for news on Kim and the arrivals of Angel Grove Group


Trini, Jason, Rocky and Tommy switched their cars into the next lane as they prepared to make their exit off of the highway all of the occupants where soon to be shocked once they get to the hospital...

There it is..plz don't desert me or this story I will finish it so plz drop a review because they make me happy
