Bianca Pov

It has been almost a year since I last saw Lucas. It is the hardest thing to admit, but I keep changing, making improvements just incase I ever run into him. Which I never loose hope of that happening. Now, let's just say if I was a badass vampire I could SO get any victim I would want. But I would never do that for 2 reasons. First of all, I don't want to turn into a full vampire. Second, I wouldn't do that to Lucas.

Last year, I found out that he was in the Black cross. A group of vampire hunters. My parents think I had changed so I could look hot forever. It's just for Lucas. I am almost 18 now; I used to be an awkward looking redhead with no style whatsoever. Now, I have much of the curvy figure. Round hips, full breasts, and a slim waste.

I have been running, always as fast as I can go, like it could make my pain go away. In result of that, I have gain nice legs. Long and sexily toned. My face is always clear. I take very good care over my skin. Almost obsessively. I know, I'm a freak. My hair has turned a lot darker. I cut it in nice layers, and cut bangs that went across my forehead. Luckily I could pull that off.

I've had lots more people coming up to talk to me now. Patrice, my roommate always tries to make it look like we're now best friends. It's starting to piss me off. But my real best friends are Raquel and Vic. They're humans, but they're my humans. No matter what goes on, they are always going to be there for me. Although, it always got uncomfortable when Vic would stare below my neckā€¦